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Why not walk down and f**k them all?


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I cant understand why there has to be an all or nowt approach to legalisation. If i could get a license/dispensation for growing for personal use than i would be happy. Make me register with the police and let them visit my growroom, limit how many plants i can grow concurrently, limit total yield i can crop in one growing cycle. I dont really care as long as i can grow for myself.

I dont particularly agree that drug use should be legalised. I think children and some adults need protection from criminals and themselves. I think (as evidenced by the death of "Hash" in the uk) that dealers are not the way to go as they are only interested in profit. I dont particularly want to buy shit weed and "hash" legaly or non criminally. So legalisation seems an incomplete solution. A controlled growing solution would fit me better.

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Guest earthgodess

I do not think that this is an 'either or' situation. My feeling is that we should move foward and conquer one bit of ground at a time. Full legalisation is an international issue that is way down the line.

Support the coffee shops in the UK I say and strive to achieve 'The Amsterdam Option' and of course growing for personal supply and indeed growing under licence. :oldtoker:

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I'd be happy with a half way house, but the end goal has to be total legalisation of all drugs.

How can the Governments of the world say it's okay to kill yourself with this group of drugs (tobacco, booze, prescription drugs) but not these ones (cannabis, coke, heroin)? The notion of it just does my head in.

All drugs are bad for you, there's no argument in that. Some more than others; but booze and fags kill more people on there own in a year, than all the other drugs combined have since records began.


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Ive always thought this grow liecense idea a good one, what it would do is allow the people who really want to smoke to grow their own, but at the same time the government could still save face by stopping short of full legalisation, something they vow to never do.



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Guest earthgodess

but on the other hand why would you need a licence to grow your own?

If they decide to allow you to grow x amounts of plants for personal use then they will do so.

I think the question of a licence will only arise in the case of commercial growing :oldtoker:

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I'd be happy with a half way house, but the end goal has to be total legalisation of all drugs.

Sorry dood but thats bullshit and unhelpful. The Government will NEVER legalise class a drugs and comments like this just muddy the water. I wouldnt legalise smack or charlie cos they both have the potential to fuck you up big time. I've lost too many friends to that monkey and spent too much time kicking the smack habit to ever subscribe to that argument.

How can the Governments of the world say it's okay to kill yourself with this group of drugs (tobacco, booze, prescription drugs) but not these ones (cannabis, coke, heroin)? The notion of it just does my head in.

Well because the genie is out of the bottle for those you mention and you cant make alcohol or tobacco illegal now. I would have less issues with E but really who gives a shit i dont do E regularly so it doesnt affect me. Let the ravers lobby for their drug of choice and stop trying to foist this pish on the LCA style campaigns.

but on the other hand why would you need a licence to grow your own?

Because the illusion of control can be maintained for middle England. "Only adults can can grow. How can you be sure? Because they are all licensed and inspected by your local neighbourhood plod. Well thats ok then."

Like i say i wouldnt care as long as i could grow legally.

Why should there be commercial growing? Again this muddies the water. I dont care if there cant be swiss poly tunnel farms or big dutch style hanger grows as long as i can grow my own.


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hi w,

I wouldnt legalise smack or charlie cos they both have the potential to fuck you up big time. I've lost too many friends to that monkey and spent too much time kicking the smack habit to ever subscribe to that argument.

personal choice m8, you choose to use smack/charlie others dont,

but if i wanted to do it i would have to mix in a dirty fucked up culture,

and not everyone abuse's there choice of drug, take the criminals out of the picture,

i've had pals lost through drugs/drink/suiside, but it was there choice, they knew the dangers,i'm adult enough to let adult's make there own minds up, i just wish the

government would do the same....

but on the other hand why would you need a licence to grow your own?

to put something back into your community, and so that gready dealers dont take over

the public debate,

a good starting point would not being arrested for smoking in a cafe/pub or meeting place (with management agreement.)or "bring a j bar"



Edited by sittingrelaxing
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I think that's hit the nail on the head - it's all about choice, and at the moment it doesn't exist. You consume what they let you or you take the risk with an unregulated source.

To say that the govt. are NEVER going to legalise is slightly narrow minded...there was a time when people would have said that the govt. will NEVER let black people vote and they would NEVER consider downgrading cannabis...yet both, thankfully, have happened. It may be 50 years, it may be 100, but with true education comes true choice - you know the facts, you know what you are doing. I believe this is inevitable.

If I didn't, I'd have taken a long walk off a short pier some time ago B)

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personal choice m8, you choose to use smack/charlie others dont,

Your right of course SR but the argument is self defeating. We control gun ownership in the UK by consent of the public. I think the public would/could subscribe to relaxing controls on growing a bit 'o weed but add this shit about class a's and they'd run a mile. It doesnt help my argument so why add it. Or are you just waiting for your chance to get a bag of kit ?

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Surely this is an argument for education and legalisation?!!!

The dangers of these substances is well known at the moment but it doesnt change attitudes unit. But you seem to miss my point. Why do you care? Do you want a bag of smack? Why raise this as part pf the argument?

To say that the govt. are NEVER going to legalise is slightly narrow minded

I think not dude. Legalisation of Canabis has been mooted for many years and there is a solid model to measure against. Do you seriously think that any elected official would advocate total legalisation of controled substances?

I dont have any time for anarchist or any other new age thinking on this topic. We have to operate in the situation we have and try to change the current position.

Its better to be inside the tent pissing out then outside pissing in.

It may be 50 years, it may be 100, but with true education comes true choice - you know the facts, you know what you are doing. I believe this is inevitable.

Well good luck to you mate. Give my great great grand children a call when you get your bag of legal smack. To clarify for the King of Pedantia when i say NEVER i mean in a realistic and short time frame. We may live on mars one day but it wont happen while i'm able to go.

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Your right of course SR but the argument is self defeating. We control gun ownership in the UK by consent of the public. I think the public would/could subscribe to relaxing controls on growing a bit 'o weed but add this shit about class a's and they'd run a mile. It doesnt help my argument so why add it. Or are you just waiting for your chance to get a bag of kit ?

We control gun ownership in the UK by consent of the public.

dont understand the gun analogy,

guns are made to hurt others, where as legalised drugs would hurt the individual

I think the public would/could subscribe to relaxing controls on growing a bit 'o weed

the public might but the police wont until the law changes.

It doesnt help my argument so why add it.

because i believe in your freedom to choose...and it's an health issue

Or are you just waiting for your chance to get a bag of kit ?

i know my limits and have had plenty of chances to try all drugs but my limit was charlie... but not every weekend, once a year in the summer.

but if someone wants to do it everyday why shouldn't they?

dont you trust yourself if they were legal? :puke:

i agree both should be dealt with seperatly, in the public's eye's .

but here people should be able to debate the issues rather than the hysteria ;)

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I think they should make all addictive drugs illegal.

I am very much for a persons right to choose, addictive drugs take choice away.

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