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Seed Cold Storage

Leprechan Sweet Leaf

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Hi all.

I have some seeds gathered and ready for use. I have been storing them in a empty plastic takeaway container.

I have just recieved some special seeds that I want to preserve for a while. Can I just lash the plastic container into the fridge and they will be ok?


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I,ve got some beans wrapeed in a bit of kitchen towel and then put in a small sealable baggy and then in the fridge :doh: They,ve been in there a couple of years and i,ve never had germ problems :smoke:

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Thanks all.

I will try to get some dessicant in there with em before chilling those seeds. :wassnnme:

I remember the Royal horticultutal shop used to sell a seed savers kit. It was like a container with a load of internal containers (like old cam film boxes.. mmm I will see what I can blag or make up.


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Any air tight container will do, short term a small bag of rice heated on low in the oven will do as a dessicant.

The things I use may be seed stores, they were given me by my daughter years and years ago, look at the pics.

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Out of curiosity OT1, would use advise for or against using a silica gel when curing herb?

I use a big sack of it in the bottom of a big jar for speeding up a smoke sometimes but not as a rule.


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