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Is This That Gritty Shite thats going around???

Big - L

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i noticed yellow powder in a bag a few weeks back. Bought a bag tonight and i m not really enjoying it after reading this thread. Thank god i ll have a harvest in soon.

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  • 3 weeks later...

sadly i've just had my first encounter with grit weed but it will be my last.going to try my luck again after some time out

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Just bought a Q of mostly trim and and a few tiny buds in it would complain but its been like that since christmas

to many people getting busted never used to get anywere near this lack of quality

but ended up paying a tenner more than normal because its apparently alot stronger and has loads of trichs which is

a bit rich considering ive been buying trim for full price for months to apparently now have to pay more for this shit

but was wondering if theres any way to tell if its been sprayed with something? smells like no smoke ive previously had

and doesnt sit right considering how much of it isnt even bud just found a fucking tree trunk in it as well :unsure:

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The trim from stinky weed smells just as much as the bud. You really need to find a new source or you might find that you are paying extra for shaken trim next time, ime once you accept shit its all you will get.

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As the title suggest , the mrs mum brought me an eighth up from nottingham & too me it looks like its got too much thc to match the smell if that makes sense . It looks better than it smells & this powder falls off all over :blub:

Ill start with what mediocre weed looks like then the weed in question :unsure:

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As the title suggest , the mrs mum brought me an eighth up from nottingham & too me it looks like its got too much thc to match the smell if that makes sense . It looks better than it smells & this powder falls off all over :blub:

Ill start with what mediocre weed looks like then the weed in question :unsure:

it sounds like its been sprayed or worse fibre glass added for weight while its been growing its a trick dick edds use to earn extra money , alot of people are doin it in manchester be carefull what you buy ,, only buy off people you no and trust or just smoke your own , lol from kevin manchester

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im realy sick of this thread .. its for a purpose i know. :yinyang: but if anyone who buys shitty gritty /sandblasted bud ,dont buy it.. then they will stop selling it. but then theres allways sumone who will buy it,probly the kids, who dont know the score ,and its killing them slowly :wallbash: this thread is here to make us grow our own more . so anyone on here that buys this stuff.grow it yourself. if done properly ,and stealthy ,all will be cool. :yinyang::smokin:

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Hi smokie, its not sand or grit weed, its something new, very powdery and the buds are not rock hard, im sorry but! there are alot of double standards on this site and i see it becoming more so lately as there are numerous commercial grows all over and yet we are told that you should grow your own! I do and i do not sell it but! sometimes i run out and have to rely on the scrotes that deal! If they were selling decent weed there would be no complaints would there? However, they sell shite and look you straight in the face when doing so? This stuff that i stupidly bought is different to the grit shit, its coated in something but! i can't tell what so i asked if anyone else knew?

I hate a grass as much as the next man, but! i am finding myself tempted to become one more and more. :ranting: there is no quality out there yet the £ is astronomical? It annoyed me so much that i wish these scumbags a pain full death as they are not providing a service at all they are providing a disservice, and would love to see these low life scum bags busted! Fuck them fuck them all! :wanker: 's

:yep: soon it will be cheeper to buy ching

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I say lets start a grass the scum bag campaign

I say don't.

How about you don't buy their weed. It's your custom thats perpetuating the situation. They offer you contam? Tell them to shove it hard.

You don't know if it's contaminated before you buy? Ask to smoke a bit. I have done this for twenty years and have only been refused a smoke a handfull of times. If the people you buy weed from get shitty at a simple request like that then you probab;y shouldn't be buying from them.

The customer is in control not the vendor.

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if the customer was in control this shit would not be sold!

It's time for the customers to gain full control otherwise they will be lulled into a false sense of security and disappointment is sure to follow. Even before full control has been attained a customer can return the weed to the dealer for a refund. problem solved, no need to grass.

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I say lets start a grass the scum bag campaign

The customer is in control not the vendor.

But! that is not true Underwater, if the customer was in control this shit would not be sold! As i said, if you sell untampered weed then you should have nothing to fear. In a different context if you knew of a pedofile would you just let the same cunt continue abusing children? In the same respect if you are a dealer who does not give a flying fuck about his customers i would feel as bad about grassing him/her as i would the pedo.

The dealer should not be stocking this shit!

Ok it's not absolute but it's true to a degree, market forces dictate that if people stop buying a substandard product then the vendor will be forced to change it or stop altogether.

There are current and active threads on the boards now Ben, people moaning and bitching about crap deals of contam weed that they payed for.

Next time they go back, and they do go back despite the moaning, more of the same!

Paedophilia and some kid spraying weed are not comparable, don't try to use emotion as leverage here it won't work on me.

I promise you, if people start refusing it, they will stop selling it. It will reverberate up the chain.

You grass them up then if you are convinced thats the answer. When quality improves who will be left to take the risks that get you your weekend smoke?

I wouldn't be able to live with myself.

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You'll never educate the masses of thickheaded chavs and "soljas"...as long as they buy it the dealers will produce it!

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  • 2 weeks later...

what about all the kids who've grown up buying contamabis to not know the difference? i spent my child hood watching my friends smoke soap bar and hardly ever smoked because it didnt do anything

if people will be greedy enough to add extra weight why throw commen sense out the window and not just ask for more money? instead of flooding the streets with crap that someone can always find a way to sell

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You'll never educate the masses of thickheaded chavs and "soljas"...as long as they buy it the dealers will produce it!

Thats what happened in the early 90's when the surply of decent black hash's stopped. The uk top level gang bosses looked round for a easy way to make money and soap bar was imported in MASSIVE amounts,though some was ok the VAST amount was utter shite.

If it weren't for people learning how to grow their own and seed breeders able to churn out decent seeds then we'd be back to the days of old,decent hash but surplyed by terroist org's[not forgetting smack],so although i miss hash no-end i for one am glad to be in control of what and when i smoke quailty.

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