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Is This That Gritty Shite thats going around???

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:thumsup: hi guys wanted tp put my 2 c worth in,we dont get any bud here only poo bar, :) hence why growing own,but i guessing what they spray on it will be a closesly guarded secret as the recipe for soapbar is,it sounds like this is being sprayed at the source and not down the line(99% dealers in uk would no know how i think) i have feel;ing its gangs in europe spraying kilos and kilos of it in one go,that video is well bad,that wet ash :) i am knid of glad we dont get any bud now! but we get plenty of soapbar so thats just as bad really,but if i had to pick one woluld be poo bar,buyt be honest i think id do without than put money in these scumbags pockets! :)
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:thumsup: well by looks of it we have pepole from london,scotland,ireland and isle of man here so that means its literaly all over uk and islands,i was thinking maybe just on odd town but as we all see were flooded! for those who spray weed! :)
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:stoned: id love to no where this shit comes from,i think not in uk,westen eurpoe i guessing,id like to find out so could spread the word and tryt to expose these guys for what they really are! scumbags! plus i notice the police are using gritweed as a expample of why not to smoke weed,so the government are holding this stuff up and saying"look at what canninbis is doing to our youth" when as we all no that aint real weed! but where i am there using it as a "normal weed" and how bad for health! so it hurts us all even if we buy or not! :wacko: the pic is of the only bit of real weed we ever got over here,it was not sprayed but as u can see if twigs and seeds i got a 8th and 2 grams was sticks and seeds and the cheeky gits want £20 a 8th!!!

this pic is a oz of soapbar that i washed with water and worked well but return is shite as the weed is,but as u can see its a nice yellow when done(by way that little bit is not the return on big pieace,) when did it water green yellow and couold smell a bee waxy matiral coming off it,but i would recomend this if u get poo bar,the stamp said"jollie" and round here pepole go by logo on bar! :B):



Edited by manxman25
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Seems like what has happened is the prices have been effectively raised 100% in the last year or so. Large gang controlled grows (a lot of Dutch) contaminated at source, en mass, so people are now almost conditioned to having to pay 20 for 1.3g on the street, as almost everything else available is damp, sprayed, nasty. Even bud that WAS good when grown.

I'm now convinced it is/was NOT about bulking or direct weight related profits.

It's pretty standard now....things changed... people now pretty much accept a decent scores is going to weigh no more than about 1.5grams. Maybe 2, if you are lucky.

Unless it's a private deal/you know the grower then the days of 20 for a 3.5 gram deal of actual decent cannabis are long gone.

There's now a LOT more money in cannabis than there was a couple of years ago. Twice as much in fact.

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:rofl: hi guys wanted tp put my 2 c worth in,we dont get any bud here only poo bar, :D hence why growing own,but i guessing what they spray on it will be a closesly guarded secret as the recipe for soapbar is,it sounds like this is being sprayed at the source and not down the line(99% dealers in uk would no know how i think) i have feel;ing its gangs in europe spraying kilos and kilos of it in one go,that video is well bad,that wet ash :D i am knid of glad we dont get any bud now! but we get plenty of soapbar so thats just as bad really,but if i had to pick one woluld be poo bar,buyt be honest i think id do without than put money in these scumbags pockets! lol

My mates cousin said he heard stories of the Vietnamese gangs rolling the buds in a tray of ground up fibre glass to add weight.

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Yea fibreglass apparently, but that is beginning to sound like an urban myth! It just gets repeated too often. The most common contam at present seems to be the plastic/polymer shite that is hard to notice with naked eye but leaves you with black/dirty/oily ash. Nasty, glad I found a decent (albeit epensive) source again.

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:spliff: well if the news is to belivede they 90% is grown by vietnamise gangs in uk and soon the uk will become a exporting country for pot!,fucking vietnamise twats! the things is they take a familys life saving to get them to uk in back of truck then make them work in these urban grow setups,now i am far from rasist but to be honest i think there worse type of criminal,they are here illeagly anyway and if they get busted they just get flown home where they pay these gangs to get bk then all starts over again! they need :stoned: but u notice u never see vietnamise dealers,they just grow it and leave dirty work to local uk pepole, :woot:
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if they get busted they just get flown home

bollocks mate, they serve prison time in this country before they are deported and are mostly promised proper jobs only to arrive and be told they will be tending plants for twenty quid a week, not speaking any english and under threat of violence they mostly comply.

As for that soap you keep buying and complaining about, stop buying it and be prepared to pay proper prices for proper weed, if you all stop buying it the people you get it from will be forced to stop supplying it to you.

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  • 3 weeks later...

"if you all stop buying it the people you get it from will be forced to stop supplying it to you."

aint that the truth! just don't buy this shit, if you do and don't realise till later then make a point of telling the dealer, i do! #

tbh i'd rather go without smoke then submit to inferior shite at inflated prices, it's not on

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:spliff: well if the news is to belivede they 90% is grown by vietnamise gangs in uk and soon the uk will become a exporting country for pot!,fucking vietnamise twats! the things is they take a familys life saving to get them to uk in back of truck then make them work in these urban grow setups,now i am far from rasist but to be honest i think there worse type of criminal,they are here illeagly anyway and if they get busted they just get flown home where they pay these gangs to get bk then all starts over again! they need :smoke: but u notice u never see vietnamise dealers,they just grow it and leave dirty work to local uk pepole, :soap:

I know it's crap mate but you can't just blame the Vietnamese, can I ask why you think they need :smoke:? If 90% of weed is grown here thats because theres a big demand for it, unless Britain has some other factor which favours growing here?

Many drug dealers of varying nationalities including British will have handled that soap bar and cut it with fuck knows what, do you have the same feeling for them? and as for the vietnamese not doing the dirty work, their not exactly putting jobs adds in the paper, people who want to make money choose to buy off the vietnamese, are they not as bad because they are legally allowed to live here?

Not having a go mate, just so much wrong with that

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I bought a henry on the weekend off of someone who had been getting in a fair bit of White Widow prior to this current batch.

Upon inspection it looked just like any other decent nugget, but for some reason it was setting my alarm bells off, I chewed a bit and it didn't crunch, I couldn't shake off any 'crystals'...... but I knew something wasn't right.

Even the ash could be flicked off without the need for a toffee hammer - but low and behold, this stuff was indeed sprayed - all the crystals had gone, it seemed slightly damp but it was bone dry........ I know that is oxymoronic but it is what it is.

Maybe the bastards who are contaminating this weed have cottoned on to their previous mistakes and altered things slightly, for me it is the telltale smell that is the indicator now.

Be vigilant.

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I bought a henry on the weekend off of someone who had been getting in a fair bit of White Widow prior to this current batch.

Upon inspection it looked just like any other decent nugget, but for some reason it was setting my alarm bells off, I chewed a bit and it didn't crunch, I couldn't shake off any 'crystals'...... but I knew something wasn't right.

Even the ash could be flicked off without the need for a toffee hammer - but low and behold, this stuff was indeed sprayed - all the crystals had gone, it seemed slightly damp but it was bone dry........ I know that is oxymoronic but it is what it is.

Maybe the bastards who are contaminating this weed have cottoned on to their previous mistakes and altered things slightly, for me it is the telltale smell that is the indicator now.

Be vigilant.

My mates all buy green still and I know what you mean about the smell ,nearly every bit of coated weed has that sort of off-key average import smell. Also noticed it usually feels damp but doesn't dry out, my guess is some sort of oil is getting sprayed on.

Fuck that shit, only oil I want to smoke is Hash oil

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My mates all buy green still and I know what you mean about the smell ,nearly every bit of coated weed has that sort of off-key average import smell. Also noticed it usually feels damp but doesn't dry out, my guess is some sort of oil is getting sprayed on.

Fuck that shit, only oil I want to smoke is Hash oil

I know thats right!! Just last month there was some sprayed going around, bought 3g and will NOT do it again!!


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