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Is This That Gritty Shite thats going around???

Big - L

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Fuck. Thought we'd seen the last of this "stealth grit". I remember this shite. It is possible that this is the work of some very dodgy people - oh look this new form of cannabis IS dangerous. Well well well the TV was right all along. Wasn't there a nationwide effort to bust growers just before the grit appeared? tis dodge I tell thee :rofl:

No, its the result of the increase in greedy c**ts, that and plenty of customers who dont seem to give a flying f**k what they smoke.

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...........................it sometimes fizzles and even sparks when you smoke it...............

A mate of mine's buds do this, it's the crackling of mites :rofl:

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  • 3 weeks later...
Last one , oppions please :yinyang:

yep that is the shit all right... people around my way are calling it dutchy(norms)....I bought some the other day had one spliff and binned it...didnt burn right and had big black lumps in the ash.... horrible... when the grit weed first a appered a few years ago..it all seems to have the same smell and texture... we have to stop buying this shit and stop the demand..... there is alot of this crap about up and down the country so they mus be importing tons of this crap...

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I ended up with some yesterday. Feckin ounce of it :D Asked a fella if he could get me some from his dealer, rang me back telling me he'd fronted it at 190 for me, so I had to pay him. Stupid thing is, he used to grow, so you think he'd know what he was lookin at, stupid pillock. He sparked up a J of it when I was at his house banging on about how good it was, the ash was fine, no oilyness to it, no grit in my mouth, no salty or sugary tastes. But my throat now feels like I've smoked a full pack of those "under the counter Regals".

Few macro shots, tried to keep them as big as poss so you can zoom right in. Gonna get me a USB scope when monies allow :ouch:

Anyway, behold x30 ShitWeed





It don't look too bad really close in, but zoomed out, it's like it's been dropped on a dusty floor when it's still been sticky.

I'm not smoking it as is.. I'll do a BHO on it, cos I'm not throwing 190 quid down the drain just like that. If the BHO tastes ok, then happy days, if not, then I shall find somewhere to burst into tears :ouch:


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Some years ago I had some of that shit. . . . what a load of horrible fucking wank! It's not nice thinking you got glass dust or some other cunt-aminant in a joint it can quite easily cause one to have a si-kot-ik episode. Fucking shit bags!

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that shit used to giv me bad chest pains n it sort of felt like ma lungs wuz fluttering bad shit man iv not smoked it for a while now but when it cums about it all smells the same sort of like baby sik if ya no wat i mean

u can 2 totally different strains that look totally different but the smell is exacally the same so wen eva i smell that baby sik smell on a bud i dont even bother wiv it.....

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Cant believe this shit is still doing the rounds

A batch of the rock hard ash and oily shit was doing the rounds recently in South East, it's been a while since we'd seen any contaminated maybe over a year, but this was 100% definite shitweed, my mate who bought it phoned up the dealer, "oh yeah sorry I bought two Oz and had to make my money back I've had a bunch of complaints you aren't the only ones"...

Need to find how the hell this gets into circulation.

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classic "grit" i carnt belive these scumbags get okish weed then spray fiberglass and glass beeds on it just to get weight and few extra pound,i have feeling smoking grit is ten times worse than soapbar! but it must sell or they would not do it! alot dont no the diffrence anyway,bin it! or expose them,thanks for posting show the weed comunity whats going on :ouch:

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classic "grit" i carnt belive these scumbags get okish weed then spray fiberglass and glass beeds on it just to get weight and few extra pound,i have feeling smoking grit is ten times worse than soapbar! but it must sell or they would not do it! alot dont no the diffrence anyway,bin it! or expose them,thanks for posting show the weed comunity whats going on :ouch:

I think its more then that they shake the plant to use the kif in soap bar then they blast spray the bud with silicone

on a mass scale theses fuck bags must be making loads of money from soap and shitweed

they know people in uk buy any shit i have heard so many times from my mates when I try tell them "well is ay smoke innit" they just so desperate to get a draw from somewhere (we all been there) the quickest person to bring it has the sale (i have personally always been a fussy fuck with weed)

and some of my pals get it on a smoke now pay later type thing so they get it when they aint got the money and its a viscous loop hole of bullshit

destroying peoples health for some money, well I guess there roll models is not any better like some corporations and establishments out there

this plant can help fight illness and it is any ones god given right to grow anything for ones self as long as its not engaging in commerce

or even better come out to Spain and live it up

please dont buy this shit, dicth theses people you dont need them here :soap::soap:

Edited by iSmoke4200
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Dont think this stuff will ever disappear. We use the glass dust in work to blast rust of metal stuff ( in an enclosed chamber). The glass is really fine, much more than sand, you gotta check out b4 u buy to avoid it, its the only way cos it doesnt smell of anything. Rub ur finger in the bud, then in ur mouth. Or if u can take a small crystal encrusted leaf and bite it with ur front teeth, the glass is gritty between the teeth, and nothing that grows on a ganja plant is gritty. It is a low down scummy way of increasing weight and increasing bag appeal...it only takes one large dealer to "infect" a batch with the glass..then all the little dealers gotta deal with the customers. As always SHIT flows downhill. It was only a matter of time b4 someone found a way of cutting bud to increase profit. Now its here...its here to stay.

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classic "grit" i carnt belive these scumbags get okish weed then spray fiberglass and glass beeds on it just to get weight and few extra pound,i have feeling smoking grit is ten times worse than soapbar! but it must sell or they would not do it! alot dont no the diffrence anyway,bin it! or expose them,thanks for posting show the weed comunity whats going on :yes:

I think its more then that they shake the plant to use the kif in soap bar then they blast spray the bud with silicone

on a mass scale theses fuck bags must be making loads of money from soap and shitweed

they know people in uk buy any shit i have heard so many times from my mates when I try tell them "well is ay smoke innit" they just so desperate to get a draw from somewhere (we all been there) the quickest person to bring it has the sale (i have personally always been a fussy fuck with weed)

and some of my pals get it on a smoke now pay later type thing so they get it when they aint got the money and its a viscous loop hole of bullshit

destroying peoples health for some money, well I guess there roll models is not any better like some corporations and establishments out there

this plant can help fight illness and it is any ones god given right to grow anything for ones self as long as its not engaging in commerce

or even better come out to Spain and live it up

please dont buy this shit, dicth theses people you dont need them here :wink: :D

lol yeah your prob right there mate,where i am bud is a very rare thing indeed,99% soapbar,i have smoked soap bar for 15 years now and put few of my health problems down to that :soap: and its £15 a 8th! i got so sick of iti tjought"Why not try grow a few grams"i doubted i would even get them growing never mind budding! as my 1st time grow i have learnt alot and am thinking why did i not do this long time ago!? i had the idea reading sites like this thats it not easy to grow at all,and needs alot of expensive hardware,but am surprised at how much a setup can be cheap and cheerfull,ass i am only after percy! id be happy to get a 8th of my 1st grow! lol-but am hoping i get more than that lol-! but yeah over here we never see bud nevermind this grit,but i bet the pepole over would buy in there 1000s and pay top $ for it too! but now i am 15 days away from harvest i am happy camper and feel sorry for the rest! all thanks to uk420 and there cool members who helped me all way! peace,love,life,weed, :B):

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  • 2 weeks later...

a good way to tell this industrial sprayed stuff is that when ya rub it in ya fingers, while it looks like great bud, it aint in the slightest bit sticky, it doesnt get ya fingers sticky at all, infact after a bit of rubbing ya fingers get slightly greasy feeling

i am afraid it does smell just fine though, ya can't tell this stuff by the smell, or the look really, the bud looks great, ive been buying pot for years and know a little bit, and it fooled me completely

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a good way to tell this industrial sprayed stuff is that when ya rub it in ya fingers, while it looks like great bud, it aint in the slightest bit sticky, it doesnt get ya fingers sticky at all, infact after a bit of rubbing ya fingers get slightly greasy feeling

i am afraid it does smell just fine though, ya can't tell this stuff by the smell, or the look really, the bud looks great, ive been buying pot for years and know a little bit, and it fooled me completely

or burn a piece of it, it'll stay goin like one of those candles on kids b'day cakes, sparking and popping, some folks say its decent weed. I lived with a guy in holland and we smoked decent weed most of the time. After returning home to live he still buys this contaminated stuff and thinks its good, crazy I know.

In Ireland its 40£ /50e for 2 grams of crap weed. a gram of good bud looks bigger ,fills a shirt button bag and it'll cost ya 50e too.

I hate Dealers, well most of them.People smoke weed for yrs and never pull the finger out and learn to grow their own, drives me mad.Everyone who smokes should grow their own! :smoke:

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I had some a some a while back that left a serious coating on your hands after touching it, my friend said it was fucked up but smoked what I had left(about 2 3rds of an 8th) even after I tried to convince him we should bin it & move on. I've started getting home grown from a work friends husband & the difference in size of the buds alone is crazy. An 8th from this guy is almost double the size of what's floating around up here on the street.

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