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Is This That Gritty Shite thats going around???

Big - L

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there was a whole load of this 'sprayed' shit going round here a while ago, ive seen a few different kinds but there was one which was like youve described synak, if i left the ash in the bowl when i went back to it a bit later it had went wet and wet my gauze. i tested it a few times aqnd it was definatly this weed making my gauze wet not a splash up or anything.

ive never ever heard of a substance which turns wet when burnt which is quite worrying

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i hadn't seen any sprayed weed for a while, but last wednesday met up with a couple of mates and one of them shows me his bud.

it didn't look sprayed, rock hard bud, but smelled like soap (actual soap, not soap bar) and felt almost greasy to the touch, but i put that down to me having sweaty hands maybe :spliff: .

so i was a bit suspicious from the start. then he started smoking it and was laughing, saying "i can't flick the ash off, how wierd is that?" i did try telling 'em, but my four mates all kept smoking it. mad...

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  • 4 weeks later...

ive had the same stuff, weed looks really nice, all buds, no sticks or seeds to speak of, when you smoke it the ash goes solid on the spliff and you cant flick it off without breaking off the burning tip.

it sometimes fizzles and even sparks when you smoke it.

the ash when in the ashtray goes black and very greasy, i got it on the carpet and the marks still there, which dont say much though.

the weed itself also seems to attract moisture.

does anyone have any idea what this contaminant is? i was thinking either high feriliser levels or sugar spray or some such, it makes the weed taste sorta abit maybe sweet, both of which i thought "ah well", but its odd stuff and am now worried my life will be over within the week and every bodily sensation is a harbinger of onrushing doom

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The guy in my local hydro shop said some fella was telling him he found sand in his budd! was this done to add weight I wonder??? Fuckin scumbag dealers!! :yep:

Some ppl just don't give a fuck!! It's all about the money with them.. we've had glass weed b4, that'll fuckin kill ya.. my bro showed me a good way to test, although, i'm dumpin the dealer.. after 5yr's n no fucking money left... We prob spent in region of 20grand, over 5yr's, 70% on shite, we are clueless newbies, but smoked loads, both medicinal, although love to get trollied just cz we do.. ;).. Put the dust on a glass surface, then roll over it with a glass, if it's glass weed, you can hear & see it cracking. Just :yep: 'sssssssssssssss Like someone sd, you get a hell of a headache, or puke from shit weed!!! Hope you ok n don't get ill.. if in doubt, chuck it out!! Listen to me haha... just paid £200 no way am I gna chuck it out, mind i'v dumped some shit, that made me sicker, than I am already.. :woot:

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Christ dude, get a grow on asap! and settle for nothing that you havent grown or seen grown!

That greasy stuff sounds like its got some sort of petrolium by product in it?

So let me get this right it goes through the following stages:-

Burns, solidifys, begins to rapidly absorb water from the atmosphere.

Anything that absorbs atmospheric moisture is not somthing you want lining your lungs.

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when ya smoke a spliff of it the ash is really hard, very hard to knock off without knocking off the burning bit, when the ash cools it goes greasy and wet, sorta, and the bud attracts moisture...the greasyness disolves in water, so is not oil based, must be something like the greasyness ya get from graphite..the ash burns the toungue, so is either acid or alkaline.

ive dumped the small bit i had left, and feel no ill effects, but its still a worry and well, sorta prompts me to start growing again, caught between a rock and a hard place, as growing is very paranoiac activity for me, little town and a son who would not appreciate his dad getting famous as a drug baron

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  • 3 weeks later...
when ya smoke a spliff of it the ash is really hard, very hard to knock off without knocking off the burning bit, when the ash cools it goes greasy and wet, sorta, and the bud attracts moisture...the greasyness disolves in water, so is not oil based, must be something like the greasyness ya get from graphite..the ash burns the toungue, so is either acid or alkaline.

ive dumped the small bit i had left, and feel no ill effects, but its still a worry and well, sorta prompts me to start growing again, caught between a rock and a hard place, as growing is very paranoiac activity for me, little town and a son who would not appreciate his dad getting famous as a drug baron

There has been no end of that stuff round my way :B): I have been tryin to find out what has been done to it with no luck! will be watching this thread closely, could benefit my health !

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I recently bought an Oz of this sprayed stuff. I decided to try my best and clean it as much as possible. Maybe others have done this too but it shocked me anyway!

I took half of the Oz and put it in a pint glass full of water and placed a second glass on top to submerge the weed entirely. I've done water curing a few times to see what all the fuss was about so this was just the same. I only left it for a day and when I came back to it the water was the normal orangey brown from the chlorophyll and nutes (i may need corrected here) which was fine but at the bottom of the glass was a layer of white lol

I've dried this out and have been left with a crunchy off white pile of powder. when wet it all stuck together but now it's bone dry it's become brittle and powders instead of clumps. So I guess this stuff must be added to water (it seems to dissolve with water into a milky colour) and then sprayed on the plants directly or into the bag after. you can see alot of the buds have been pulled apart by hand, presumably to get more of this crap in!

if anyone is interested I'll post some pics up.

no doubt others have done this but it shocked me!

before I cleaned it this stuff sparked like crazy in a bong and now it's been cleaned it does not. Although thankfully the volcano doesn't seem to be affected by this stuff. I tested it by burning some vape "poo" and it sparked just like it did before it had been vaped.

What the hell is this stuff?!!

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I've said it before and i'll say it again.


A friend of mine ended up with a collapsed lung from smoking grit weed and was in hospital for weeks.

I know its hard when theres nothing else around but your honestly better off not smoking at all.

Theres no telling what this shit is doing to your lungs.

Please be careful people.


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We also need to bring the this to the public. We need to identify what is happening. The general public are not aware. The guy I got it from was genuinely convinced this was added to stop it going mouldy and was "totally natural man"

make cannabis illegal and it will be controlled by (retarded) criminals.

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...........................it sometimes fizzles and even sparks when you smoke it...............

Yeah, we got a shop near me that sells this stuff - they're called fireworks and they've got gunpowder in them, that the stuff you mean ?

I wouldn't trust anyone who don't grow their own :wassnnme:

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yeah i'd really like to know whats been done to it, people i know are still happily smoking it, because its such nice bud otherwise... the situation has given me the impetus to not buy any more, so its an ill wind and all that, but is worrying for friends health.

ive just had a long search on the net for any info about what the contaminant is and nobody has any real idea...people say its just over fertilised, but the greasy ash with a burning taste outrules that i'd say; its not oil based as the greasy ash washes off the fingers without a detergent, just with water.

i dont have any to experiment with, but has anyone measured the ph of the ash, to see if its acid or alkali? some people are saying its embalming fluid, that seems like an old wives tale, some are saying its sodium silicate, the ash does have a greasy silica feel, would the sodium change into an alkali when burned? seems likely..

anyhows, i am wondering wether to warn me dealer fellow, as hes a nice guy, just selling small amounts to friends, but ive already pissed him off by complaining about it being contaminated and agreed that it would proberbly cause no harm, just to pacify the situation.. dont want to see friends being injured by smoking this stuff

Edited by kilgore trout
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yeah i'd really like to know whats been done to it, people i know are still happily smoking it, because its such nice bud otherwise... the situation has given me the impetus to not buy any more, so its an ill wind and all that, but is worrying for friends health.

ive just had a long search on the net for any info about what the contaminant is and nobody has any real idea...people say its just over fertilised, but the greasy ash with a burning taste outrules that i'd say; its not oil based as the greasy ash washes off the fingers without a detergent, just with water.

i dont have any to experiment with, but has anyone measured the ph of the ash, to see if its acid or alkali? some people are saying its embalming fluid, that seems like an old wives tale, some are saying its sodium silicate, the ash does have a greasy silica feel, would the sodium change into an alkali when burned? seems likely..

anyhows, i am wondering wether to warn me dealer fellow, as hes a nice guy, just selling small amounts to friends, but ive already pissed him off by complaining about it being contaminated and agreed that it would proberbly cause no harm, just to pacify the situation.. dont want to see friends being injured by smoking this stuff

If he knows its probably contaminated then money( or free weed) is obviously more important to him than friends, its one thing smoking it yourself, an entirely different thing passing it on to other people. The best thing you can do is go elsewhere, tell your mates your opinion and hope they see sense.

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If he knows its probably contaminated then money( or free weed) is obviously more important to him than friends, its one thing smoking it yourself, an entirely different thing passing it on to other people. The best thing you can do is go elsewhere, tell your mates your opinion and hope they see sense.

yeah i just popped out and told him the results of my investigations, so its up to him what he does with the info

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Fuck. Thought we'd seen the last of this "stealth grit". I remember this shite. It is possible that this is the work of some very dodgy people - oh look this new form of cannabis IS dangerous. Well well well the TV was right all along. Wasn't there a nationwide effort to bust growers just before the grit appeared? tis dodge I tell thee ;)

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