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Is This That Gritty Shite thats going around???

Big - L

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Whats it smell like m8?

iv had dealer shit that looks and feels a bit dodgy and smells kind of like pritt stick (glue).

im sure its import shite or from these dodgy large scale grow ops that keep springin up all over the uk.

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What I would like to understand is what it is contaminated with...? I can't decsribe the smell but it's definitely the same Vientamese shite bud. I think it has been soaked in something but I've yet to place a name to the smell. Does anyone know what I'm on about, and if so, can you describe it?? It's a bit like diesly soap bar but a herbal equivalent - that's about as close as I can describe it. Whatever is in there, it's bad shit. People I know who smoke this stuff are constantly coming down with really bad chest infections etc.

What's I'd like to be able to do is tell all the people I know who smoke this stuff exactly what shit it is contaminated with so that they can make an informed decision. But atm, I really don't know what it is being contaminated with... (and it ain't glass etchings, more like it's been dipped in some liquid (dries out in 24hrs if left out, dealers have to leave it in the fridge)).

Thanks in advance for any insights!

as said above do you think it smells a bit like pritt stick.

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I had a mate who bought some and when he showed it to me it had that damp feeling but that coated damp feeling, I licked it and the taste was fucking foul :D

The most intense salt flavour I've ever experienced, from one lick!

Reckon it could be MSG or something but Whatever it is it is VERY WRONG

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who would say all 'import' is dirty? it does lack some qualities but its still a smoke when I cant get good weed (ie cheese that is dry and well grown etc). it doesnt smell like it should but is it really dirty? they usually grow 4-5 types in 1 batch and that must negatively affect the individual smells.

dont get me wrong, I know a lot of import is dirty ie hardash or other nasty shit but sometimes I get some just coz its all I can get and need a joint etc and sometimes (yes, sometimes) im fairly certain its clean (should say ive grown lots of weed from seed and cutting to full maturity and dried etc an everyone who saw it said was really nice so would know what to look for in terms of contaminents).

what am I not seeing or smelling? ive looked so closely... maybe people are throwing a blanket over the term 'import' in because they dad some sprayed import once / a few times

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Davey Jones
sometimes I get some just coz its all I can get

And thats why its still on the streets, if idiots buy it then the scum will continue to sell it.

Do yourself a favour and tell them to shove it up their arse, and let them know that they have been ripped off might not go down well with them but what do they expect when they are trying to rip you off.

It beggars belief for me that someone is adding shit to make up weight yet no one even complains, when I was a younger people wouldn't of gotten away with it as getting ripped off was not taken lightly, these days it would appear to be normal

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Had the misfortune of getting given some bud this evening that by all accounts looked and smelled pretty decent. Certainly not `Gritweed` that I knew.

Unfortunately I have no microscope with me so I just smoked a few Js....

It did have a slightly curious burn and taste, and then I checked the ash. Lots of small black lumps mixed into the other ash and when you rub it it creates a black oily smear...NASTY. WTF is that....

The smell is almost too sweet on the bud... maybe spraying with some kind of air fresheners now?!

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Had the misfortune of getting given some bud this evening that by all accounts looked and smelled pretty decent. Certainly not `Gritweed` that I knew.

Unfortunately I have no microscope with me so I just smoked a few Js....

It did have a slightly curious burn and taste, and then I checked the ash. Lots of small black lumps mixed into the other ash and when you rub it it creates a black oily smear...NASTY. WTF is that....

The smell is almost too sweet on the bud... maybe spraying with some kind of air fresheners now?!

Mate, my friend's round here get all sorts, salt weed, sugar weed, hard ash, not hard but brittle ash, black ash, wax weed(could be that oily shit you mentioned, sorry if it is), grit weed, and damp under weighed mediocre homegrown. I always say a good way to test is give it a good lick, you'll soon know if it's normal herb as 9 times out of 10 it'll taste of something else, not good. i did here weed that's not flushed can give hard black ash though but that wouldn't really explain that oily shit.

Glad I got out of that scene when I did

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ive smoked enough of that sandy stuff, defferent types, its a short but not a bad buzz. lay a beach towel in the garden and pretend ur in ibiza :)

lmao that is a great idea hahahaha

i can only presume its done to add weight to the bud, ive been through my fair share of it myself.

disgusting though :huh:

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hang the bastards!

indeed hanging is too good for them. I.ve been away in europe travelling for the last couple of years so ive been spoiled by lots of really cheap really good dope, now i come back to blighty i find all this sprayed shite and "vietnamese gold". If you sold sprayed weed in any other country you would get your legs broken. fact. Saw a french lad in portugal get his van rolled over by an angry mob just before they beat seven shades out of him for selling dud gear. what really pisses me off though is that it has been accepted as the norm, dealers telling people its "respray" like its something to be fucking proud of. Recently went on a day trip to breda and brought a few bags back with me, when i showed it to a mate he thought it was sprayed just cos it was dry and covered in thc crystals. madness eh? anyway enough of my rant if you suspect your dope is shite, dont buy it. if no one bought it we would nt have this problem.


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a pic of some sprayed weed in west mids


close up top middle of bud


wankers ay they :stoned:

Edited by Yamatoka
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sometimes hard to tell until you compare to this lovely bit of hashplant haze -


you can see the individual trichs - as opposed to blobs of crap . .

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This shite is STILL all over Ireland...

It's crazy, the good herb I get here at the moment is usually mail order, or some skunk/afghan because Im lucky enough to know of 2 guys who sell their friends homegrown. This is still very rare however, 3-4 ozs for sale every 6-7weeks is fuck all for a dealer to be selling.

I've told my friends about the sprayed weed, and even given my mail order contacts to them to try get them off the grit/gel/sand/whateverthefuck but they are still too lazy. The dealers have dropped the prices too, so its hard to compete.

7g of good clean weed is €100, 90 if your lucky. It's never cheaper than €320 an oz.

7g of sprayed weed can go for as little as 65 a quarter, and 200 an oz, so that's 120 euro the sprayers dont mind on losing out, the only conclusion I can come to is there must be more than 7g of shite added, otherwise they would make more money not doing it.

But alot of people see it as a great deal, no matter how stoned they get, or shit their tobacco filled joints burn!

I smoke pure, this shit just doesnt burn pure.

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