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Is This That Gritty Shite thats going around???

Big - L

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  • 2 weeks later...
The Man Machine

the worrying thing is that although we know this stuff is shit there is so little anyone is willing to do about it.

i would really love to find the people doing it and just rob the shit and burn it. vigilateism anyone?? :yep: i would seriously consider doing this if i could do it without to much risk. would be good to know if it is all growers or large gangs etc.

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Sure they haven't spiked your weed with MDMA crystal....? I know for a fact white widow is sprinkled with cocaine so it wouldn't surprise me


I second that, i know that white widow has got coke on it cos a bloke that i knew for 10minutes told me so

:yep:lol Monk you legend!

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the worrying thing is that although we know this stuff is shit there is so little anyone is willing to do about it.

Most of us on this site grow our own weed. This is the best we can "do" about the gritweed problem.

Probably more effective than vigilante tactics.

Just grow your own, keep growing your own, and keep encouraging other people to gro their own too. Tiny tiny steps, eventually the grit producers/dealers will realise people don't actually want to smoke that shite.


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The Man Machine
the worrying thing is that although we know this stuff is shit there is so little anyone is willing to do about it.

Most of us on this site grow our own weed. This is the best we can "do" about the gritweed problem.

Probably more effective than vigilante tactics.

Just grow your own, keep growing your own, and keep encouraging other people to gro their own too. Tiny tiny steps, eventually the grit producers/dealers will realise people don't actually want to smoke that shite.


yeh your right i guess. even if you get rid of them all because there is a market more will just do the same.

unfortunately a lot of people are not in a good situation to grow. i am luckilly. not touched that shit in ages

i'm sure the government don't care seeing as weed is already seen as spunk from hel :stoned:

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They don't do that shit where I am, but I was down in Colchester the other week and my mate told me he pays £20 for stuff he knows is sprayed and has crushed glass on the bud and £25 for unsprayed ( an eighth ). I couldnt believe what I was hearing!Root.

Colchester has a LOT of good bud, usually delivered by generally respectable people with good sizes. But cos there's so much different weed around (a lot of growers here also) a lot of the kids and people out to make a quick bit of cash will fuck around with the bud in undesirable ways. Still sprayed bud is so easy to avoid if you don't deal with cunts... sounds like your mate needs a new guy.

Edited by Vedas
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the worrying thing is that although we know this stuff is shit there is so little anyone is willing to do about it.

Most of us on this site grow our own weed. This is the best we can "do" about the gritweed problem.

Probably more effective than vigilante tactics.

Just grow your own, keep growing your own, and keep encouraging other people to gro their own too. Tiny tiny steps, eventually the grit producers/dealers will realise people don't actually want to smoke that shite.


yeh your right i guess. even if you get rid of them all because there is a market more will just do the same.

unfortunately a lot of people are not in a good situation to grow. i am luckilly. not touched that shit in ages

i'm sure the government don't care seeing as weed is already seen as spunk from hel :B):

if you were caught messing about in a factory i think it would be you that turned up missing not their weed :B):

the government probably love the comtaminant thing , it helps them with the weed is dangerous arguement :yinyang:

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the government probably love the comtaminant thing , it helps them with the weed is dangerous arguement :)

And yet they never seem to use it lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

Little update from me. My lungs still aren't right, but certainly a lot better. I went through a course of anti biotics, steroids and I had to quit (well, not completely, but the best I could) smoking tabacco. I haven't bought from the guy since. It's been a bit of a PITA, but fucked if I'm giving him another penny.. I haven't got the opportunity to get a grow going at the mo, but I will soon enough lol. In the mean time I'm relying on a friend who grows, and I spent the last 4 days in Amsterdam, which helped ;P.

Stay away from dodgy weed people, it will most definately fuck you up..

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They don't do that shit where I am, but I was down in Colchester the other week and my mate told me he pays £20 for stuff he knows is sprayed and has crushed glass on the bud and £25 for unsprayed ( an eighth ). I couldnt believe what I was hearing!Root.

Colchester has a LOT of good bud, usually delivered by generally respectable people with good sizes. But cos there's so much different weed around (a lot of growers here also) a lot of the kids and people out to make a quick bit of cash will fuck around with the bud in undesirable ways. Still sprayed bud is so easy to avoid if you don't deal with cunts... sounds like your mate needs a new guy.

lol used to get some lovely bud from Colchester way myself...

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  • 2 weeks later...

seen a m8 last week who had just picked up an 1/8 he was chuffed as nutts that it wearnt sprayed ! pitty they didnt bother trimming or drying it and it was £25 :ninja:

personaly if i aint grown it then i aint smoking it ! simples

peace out farmer boy


Took the words outta my mouth brother.....If i dont know where my collie is comin from(preferably me) im not blazin it.Simple.

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tbh most of my m8s how toke havent a clue wtf ther smokin, they onli care if they get a lot for their money, its stupid people buying the weed that has made it easy 4 dealers 2 offer a crap product. ireland is full of grit weed its everywhere and if u dont get that then u usually get crap homegrown wid reali light buds, not dense at all dnt reali get ya that baked.

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gonna add to this thread rather than start a new one...am a little skeptical about a new batch, dont the trichomes look a bit 'unnatural?'....it tasted quite chemically and leaves a dinstinct aftertaste? it definately hasnt been dried/cured properly...

maybe im just being paranoid and its just a heavy couchlock stone that im not used too?

il stick a pic up anyways

edit: also add that it kinda numbs my lips? i'm sure its laced! :spliff:


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