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Is This That Gritty Shite thats going around???

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Guest Nunsacred
can any one please tell me wot the fuck they spray on that nice weed to make it sparkle .has any one seen this shit its every were down south.lucky i will never smoke that shit :( its not the stuff they spray to make it look like thc ,this stuff you can see till you smoke it ....
might need to rephrase that a bit - I can't understand what you're on about. We've seen macro photos of nice trichomes, but can you post a macro photo of this "shit" ?
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can any one please tell me wot the fuck they spray on that nice weed to make it sparkle .has any one seen this shit its every were down south.lucky i will never smoke that shit :( its not the stuff they spray to make it look like thc ,this stuff you can see till you smoke it ....

you mean crushed glass? yeh ive heard of that... never smoked any though thank furk

They don't do that shit where I am, but I was down in Colchester the other week and my mate told me he pays £20 for stuff he knows is sprayed and has crushed glass on the bud and £25 for unsprayed ( an eighth ). I couldnt believe what I was hearing!

I'm lucky and get whatever the dealer is growing in his house at that time and it's £20 an eighth :(


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can any one please tell me wot the fuck they spray on that nice weed to make it sparkle .has any one seen this shit its every were down south.lucky i will never smoke that shit :( its not the stuff they spray to make it look like thc ,this stuff you can see till you smoke it ....

you mean crushed glass? yeh ive heard of that... never smoked any though thank furk

They don't do that shit where I am, but I was down in Colchester the other week and my mate told me he pays £20 for stuff he knows is sprayed and has crushed glass on the bud and £25 for unsprayed ( an eighth ). I couldnt believe what I was hearing!

I'm lucky and get whatever the dealer is growing in his house at that time and it's £20 an eighth :(


i no mate its a jokr people are banging it out at 200 a oz.fuck that always grow my own

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seen a m8 last week who had just picked up an 1/8 he was chuffed as nutts that it wearnt sprayed ! pitty they didnt bother trimming or drying it and it was £25 :(

personaly if i aint grown it then i aint smoking it ! simples

peace out farmer boy

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not sure about now, but it used to be glass etching spray , used for etching your numberplate into your car windows for security, iirc the end of a spliff is about 2000deg C, which would ensure that the glass particles melt and solidify again when they enter your lungs!

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not sure about now, but it used to be glass etching spray , used for etching your numberplate into your car windows for security, iirc the end of a spliff is about 2000deg C, which would ensure that the glass particles melt and solidify again when they enter your lungs!

Fuck that man. Mind you people pay for this shit...

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can we have a poll on the reasons people buy this shit? when they know it has contaminants...?

stop buying the shit and they'll soon have to get better, or just grow your own....


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Fucking disgusting this isn't it! Someone needs to literally murder the people making this stuff.

This is one of the many reasons we have no choice but to grow our own, fuck the police!


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smokie1 b c f c

i aint seen it for a while ,but i grow my own,and only get a bag if in need badly ,like i done the other day,its was just un flushed chem bud..was dry and smelt nice .but never smoked nice.. it wernt grit bud tho! the more people that do what most of us do ,and thats dont buy it ..then the cowboys wont sell/make this shit,as they no every1 will say fuck off. i know of dealers that now sell it dry ,as all the customers was complaining ,and walking away with there money,to buy else were. its the only way they will stop skanking all the youth! wen i was a youth you could get what you wanted wen you wanted .now its all hard drugs there importing ,so all the good imported hash and weed has just gone.apart from us lot that diy. :unsure:

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I dont understand why dealers put all this shit in their product, from a bussiness point of view it makes no sense. Im sure people would just rather pay more £ for the weed than have suplhur, sand, grit and all the other nastys in it.

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Judging by the fact that there is plenty of it around it appears that some people are willing to both pay more and accept utter crap.

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sorry to dissapoint every1 that has smoked this shit, but it is extremly dangerous and toxic. Long or short term asthma sufferes will be the first to have problems. This stuff was about for at least 2 week in my area. And people noticed wheezing, chest pains, and in worst cases small ammounts of blood coughed up.i have done loads of reasearch, and even seen first hand the way its done. Sure alot of it is sand, but mostly its metal fillings and crushed glass. These reach such a high tempretures when burning they can create small holes in your throat and lungs. Dont bother with it. no matter how stressed you are.

The stupid thing is, these people know how to grow nice tack. THEY JUST GET GREDY

Do the same as we did. Trake the supply and eliminate.

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I can only get damp weed generally (when I ever do buy) and it's crap (£20 for 2.2g I paid :yinyang:). I can get for £20 / 1/8th for the same shit wet but having tried it once I won't go there again.

What I would like to understand is what it is contaminated with...? I can't decsribe the smell but it's definitely the same Vientamese shite bud. I think it has been soaked in something but I've yet to place a name to the smell. Does anyone know what I'm on about, and if so, can you describe it?? It's a bit like diesly soap bar but a herbal equivalent - that's about as close as I can describe it. Whatever is in there, it's bad shit. People I know who smoke this stuff are constantly coming down with really bad chest infections etc.

What's I'd like to be able to do is tell all the people I know who smoke this stuff exactly what shit it is contaminated with so that they can make an informed decision. But atm, I really don't know what it is being contaminated with... (and it ain't glass etchings, more like it's been dipped in some liquid (dries out in 24hrs if left out, dealers have to leave it in the fridge)).

Thanks in advance for any insights!

Edited by mrrichiet
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Organic Jim

I'm so happy that i've never even seen this stuff. If I have to buy it, and if I can find any, or anyone who sells it (one loses contact with 'dealers' and friends who sell when growing your own. The pubs that were good to get some have changed hands in the interim, and there's no way I'd approach anyone in a pub, and I'd look like a sex-case hanging out near the skate park!)

Glad to say the old 3rd grade Moroccan Flat-press is still around at a reasonable price on the Oz. It doesn't seem adulterated, and has a lovely head. Visible trichs under a 40x viewer.

Stay safe,


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