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Is This That Gritty Shite thats going around???

Big - L

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As the title suggest , the mrs mum brought me an eighth up from nottingham & too me it looks like its got too much thc to match the smell if that makes sense . It looks better than it smells & this powder falls off all over :rofl:

Ill start with what mediocre weed looks like then the weed in question lol

this is what im talking about man, i live in notts nows, best way to tell is rub it on a cd and see if it scratches it

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Ok so I have been dry for a week or so, none of my usual contacts have anything they are useless. Got a call last night about 10pm from my mate he said he knows a guy who has some stock. So today my mate came to pick me up and we drove to this guy’s house, we gave him a call then went inside the guy was smoking a big joint in his kitchen with one of his pals. Anyhow he asked me how much I’d like I told him half an ounce, He then went up stairs and brought down what looked like good quality herb. I had a quick sniff and look at it, and couldn’t see any issues, it looked like a good half ounce. I gave him £75 then we left. So when we get in the car I skin a quick spliff up, As soon as I lit it I knew it was contam.

It burned like a sparkler and the ash was rock hard with thick black oil when rubbed on skin. I’ve seen it many times, I often tell people if they come across it just bin it. The thing is people still smoke it because it still contains some thc so they still get high, a bit like soap bar hash 10% thc 90% shit.

I told my mate to spin the car round, said I am going to get my money back, fu## this. Knocked on the door and no one answered, I knocked again no answer. About 3 minutes later he came to the door, I said do you think people are f##ing stupid. He knew what I was talking about I could tell by the look on his face, I said go get my money right now. He said bought as seen mate!

I snapped and gave him a right hook right on his snout, blood flew from it instantly. He fell backwards into his house, I then proceeded to push this rank contaminated weed into his right eye. He started to cry like a baby. His mate shouted have your money back just leave him, I took the money and empted the contam all over the guy who sold it to me. He didnt even get up of the floor!

People who sell big amounts like that know what they are buying and if they get ripped off they should go and get their money back. I don’t like using violence but I thought you cheeky cu#t.

It felt fantastic, I Fu##king hate people who sell this sh#t. So here I am with a fucked up hand and no weed :yep:.

All the more reason to grow my own.

Peace out.

Well done fella! You just served up his Karma for him! :yes:

Fuckin scum bag!

bit harsh i fear least you got your coin back lets hope dude who gave you hookup dont catch the comeback


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Grow your own, if you cant trust the people you buy of 100%

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  • 4 weeks later...

think ive found a test for grit weed which should help with the whole micro contam issue. I seem to have bucket loads of iso propyl alcohol sitting round for cleaning my pipes. Just plop the suspect 'resin glands' into some alcohol, if they dissolve youve got THC (unless theyve gotten really clever with there contamination).

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Mate brought some weed round, said he thought something was on it, no kiddin!!! Set fire to a bit and had a look through the scope, the excuses for crystals didn't burn of course so you could see them sat there amongst the charred remains.

I tried burning some bicarb of soda to see what they'd look like and it was spot on! Spose it's better than glass


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I've got a couple of grows under my belt now, but at the moment it's not really possible (location!), so I've been buying from a local dealer, fairly decent bloke, always on time, never particularly dodgy etc, under weight once or twice, but always a fairly decent smoke.

Anyway, few days ago I give him a bell and he tells me that he has some "dutch high grade" 'in'. I've spent some time in Amsterdam, and I've grown my own bud, so I figure I'll be the judge of that, but I expect it to be a nice smoke, after-all it's £50 a quarter. Turns out I got even more than I bargained for!.

Basically I think it's covered in salt. It's impossible for me to be sure without some sort of chemical analysis (beyond my means), But I gave it a little taste, and a friend agreed, salty. Also, the substance seems rounded, and sort of re-formed, very brittle, and dilutable (I took some of it and rubbed it with a moist finger,it dissolves/rubs down). It smells horrid when it burns, it is a little gritty on the teeth if chewing a bit, but that soon dissapears, so I would imagine it's not glass etc.

Such a shame, as the dealer has been great so far, been with him for about 18 months. Alas, that's over and done with. My lungs are in a real state. Leathery dry feeling, real Shortness of breath, cough etc, this is afer 3-4 pipes (old fashioned pipes, with some tabacco - my prefered method ;P). The rest is going in the bin obviously, but jesus, I feel like I have a chest infection. Not nice.

Here's a few rather crappy pics. The crystally items are roughly 1-1.5mm across in actual size. I did find some bigger lumps in the bag but chucked them before I got the camera out. Not all of the buds looked like the tiny one pictured, it was just the best example, covered in whatever it is. Also please ignore the white balance/colouring, the lighting was terrible and so on...


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Now, I'm no scientist.. but that looks like it's been dusted with a combination of table salt, and sea salt (the huge chunks). Almost as though they had no clue what they were even trying to replicate.

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Grow your own, if you cant trust the people you buy of 100%

thats shocking mate

whats fucking wrong with people lol

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Thanks for those photos unidentified bejeeeezus that's some pisspoor attempt to replicate resin glands there, really bad..... :doh:



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Sure they haven't spiked your weed with MDMA crystal....? I know for a fact white widow is sprinkled with cocaine so it wouldn't surprise me


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Sure they haven't spiked your weed with MDMA crystal....? I know for a fact white widow is sprinkled with cocaine so it wouldn't surprise me


I second that, i know that white widow has got coke on it cos a bloke that i knew for 10minutes told me so

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