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Is This That Gritty Shite thats going around???

Big - L

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I can see no reason why commercial growers are not already stripping all the trichomes from their weed, to make and sell soapbar with, and then spraying the stripped weed with a synthetic-cannabinoid-type substance such as Jwh-018. The chemical costs about US$ 1,000 per kilo and an effective dose is @ 1mg - 2mg (yup, milligramme). More likely they're using it to make soapbar as well.


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I rang my dealer to arrange a meet, his words were "only got sprayed bud at the moment". My response was "no thanks, i'm not smoking that shit".

So, at least he was up front with me, and he didn't let me drive 15miles for a bag of shit. But some poor bastard(s) are buying it!

No weed is better than sprayed weed!!!

I have UK420 to thank for this, before i started a grow and found this site i probably would have bought it, not knowing about the risks....

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  • 2 weeks later...

looks like cauliflower dusted with white pepper

I bet its that legal shit.... its fucking everywhere they sprinkle it with something to gry it out properlly and look like weed.................

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My mate offered me sum of his skunk and after 1 drag he got it back! :headpain: But as we were chatting away and he was still smoking the J i noticed that when he flicked his ash it didnt move from spliff!When the ash got to around an inch long it still wouldnt flick!So he then resorted to stroking the ash tray with the end of the spliff to try and knock it off!..............Kept saying that it tasted a little harsh after each drag!......Sprayed weed is bad shit!..... :mashed:

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Are little local town is swimming in sprayed shit at the momment people trying to cash in on Xmas shortages.one of my mates came up with some so did him a favour and put it on the workbench and burnt it up with a torch.his face was a picture but I gave him some of ares to make up for it.most of the locals don't mind if it's sprayed as long as it gets them stoned.no thank you.

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I must be lucky because I've never seen grit/sprayed weed. Seen that fake Gold Seal knocking about though, I call it Soap Seal.

And the pollen that looks like soapbar cleaned and re-pressed. Is it called pollen? I thought the real stuff was Polm.

The Cannabis trade in the UK is fucked from a consumer standpoint but the dealers are laughing.

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I was with a friend who bought a henry (which was more like a fat tens) that was mixed with Daz washing powder! I would have been outraged if i could stop laughing! We swapped it, but i was just amazed that they tried to get away with that! :(

Edited by Pheonix
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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok so I have been dry for a week or so, none of my usual contacts have anything they are useless. Got a call last night about 10pm from my mate he said he knows a guy who has some stock. So today my mate came to pick me up and we drove to this guy’s house, we gave him a call then went inside the guy was smoking a big joint in his kitchen with one of his pals. Anyhow he asked me how much I’d like I told him half an ounce, He then went up stairs and brought down what looked like good quality herb. I had a quick sniff and look at it, and couldn’t see any issues, it looked like a good half ounce. I gave him £75 then we left. So when we get in the car I skin a quick spliff up, As soon as I lit it I knew it was contam.

It burned like a sparkler and the ash was rock hard with thick black oil when rubbed on skin. I’ve seen it many times, I often tell people if they come across it just bin it. The thing is people still smoke it because it still contains some thc so they still get high, a bit like soap bar hash 10% thc 90% shit.

I told my mate to spin the car round, said I am going to get my money back, fu## this. Knocked on the door and no one answered, I knocked again no answer. About 3 minutes later he came to the door, I said do you think people are f##ing stupid. He knew what I was talking about I could tell by the look on his face, I said go get my money right now. He said bought as seen mate!

I snapped and gave him a right hook right on his snout, blood flew from it instantly. He fell backwards into his house, I then proceeded to push this rank contaminated weed into his right eye. He started to cry like a baby. His mate shouted have your money back just leave him, I took the money and empted the contam all over the guy who sold it to me. He didnt even get up of the floor!

People who sell big amounts like that know what they are buying and if they get ripped off they should go and get their money back. I don’t like using violence but I thought you cheeky cu#t.

It felt fantastic, I Fu##king hate people who sell this sh#t. So here I am with a fucked up hand and no weed :notworthy:.

All the more reason to grow my own.

Peace out.

Edited by SamuelKing
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I got a load of that shit a few years back as the christmas stash - i had calmed down by the time i saw the guy again which was a few weeks later and I got my money back, i don't remember being as angry for many years before, or since. I had a panicked run around and a 200 mile round trip to secure some prime weed to do the holidays - it was miraculous that i managed it on xmas eve.

Rip people off and you run the very real danger of them exploding in your face. Reasonble people become unpredictble when mugged off.

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smokie1 b c f c
I got a load of that shit a few years back as the christmas stash - i had calmed down by the time i saw the guy again which was a few weeks later and I got my money back, i don't remember being as angry for many years before, or since. I had a panicked run around and a 200 mile round trip to secure some prime weed to do the holidays - it was miraculous that i managed it on xmas eve.

Rip people off and you run the very real danger of them exploding in your face. Reasonble people become unpredictble when mugged off.

amen to that...... fair play to the other dude for breaking his nose ! no refunds , fair play to ya.. if you sell shit you get it back .simple . we all need to grow our own ,and stash sum so you dont run out :)

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bit harsh i fear least you got your coin back lets hope dude who gave you hookup dont catch the comeback

Don’t worry were ready for them, Think of all the young kids smoking this stuff! What damage it must be doing.

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What happend to the days when there was always decent green about? anywhere you went you could always get hold of something nice without the risk of wasting your money or smoking glass? after a misshap on my first grow (heat wave and my inexperience as i couldnt keep the temperatures down) i lost my plants and was devastated, im even more devastated to find the city ive moved to recently has a lack of anything quality and/or i have to buy it from a chav who knows nothing about quality, cant give you the name of what it is and gives you barely anything for your money?

Sorry for my rant im just annoyed at what this country has become because of the laws against adult human choice!!

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