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Is This That Gritty Shite thats going around???

Big - L

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I'm pretty fucking angry about this tonight. I still have a dry cough, and I dread to think what else was in this weed. Thank god I only smoked a small pipe of the stuff.

I'm really surprised to read about this brix stuff too. I have only read the first few pages of this mammoth thread, has anyone managed to work out what the fuck this stuff is yet?

I'm sure I must have smoked some of this stuff in Holland. Don't remember ever getting any gritty stuff, but I did buy this stuff once called 'charas' from a coffeeshop in Utrecht. It wasn't what I or most people would think of as charas because it was like this soft crumbly green stuff, a bit like skuff actually, but really green.

Is this stuff getting passed off as hash as well?

Edited by calgacus
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I'm really surprised to read about this brix stuff too. I have only read the first few pages of this mammoth thread, has anyone managed to work out what the fuck this stuff is yet?

i haven't read this thread yet, but from what i've seen it could be anything from flour to silicon. either way, you do not wanna be smokin that shit, it could cause serious problems lol

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I'm really surprised to read about this brix stuff too. I have only read the first few pages of this mammoth thread, has anyone managed to work out what the fuck this stuff is yet?

i haven't read this thread yet, but from what i've seen it could be anything from flour to silicon. either way, you do not wanna be smokin that shit, it could cause serious problems :doh:

I don't intend to. I am just trying to find out if there might have been more in this shit than just mould spores.

I don't think there was, but there is no way to tell now because I threw it away.

This whole situation is getting so out of hand, these clowns down in westminster seriously need there fucking heads kicked in.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know what its like mate, I am sweet at the minute bubblehash the lot I was just yanking your chain

I would pass you a draw if I could :)

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i saw a report from liverpool university, used engine oil was found in one batch of soap, who the f--k called it soap, soap makes me think of clean

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i saw a report from liverpool university, used engine oil was found in one batch of soap, who the f--k called it soap, soap makes me think of clean

Its t6he biggest rip ever IMO, I can't believe its been going for so long

How dare they

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Guest weedmonsta
i saw a report from liverpool university, used engine oil was found in one batch of soap, who the f--k called it soap, soap makes me think of clean

its cos of the shape

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Royaltramp

I've never bought any weed that seems to be grit, but I've definitely had extremely wet weed to add weight (Hell, dealers, if you want to rip people off, wet is where it's at, don't go putting sand and glass in peoples weed) and I believe I've smoked grit weed. I had a joint with a mate and for a couple weeks after that I had the worst cough, coughing up blood daily.

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I've Had some really bad stuff in my time as a smoker.

From sand n grit to flower to some luminous green waxy stuff (which isthe worst stuff I've had by far)

luckily I ain't had any fiberglass stuff that I've heared a bit bout.

In my oppinion if the dealers want to get more weight from there crop then jus do a bit less of trimming when they harvest. I'd much rather have an extra few gram of leaf per oz than a bit of grit or glass. At least it would be less harmfull... I mean what's there next plan??? Asbestos??



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I've heard and seen a lot of different types/ways of making bud heavier. Firstly it was the sand/fibreglass type which appeared really thc rich which in fact made it harsh and gave whoever smoked it a really bad cough. The way i tested the bud was to eat a little of the bud and straight away you would feel the grit between your teeth. Then it got silly and those responsible got inventive and used anything from flour to marzipan soaked water then sprayed onto the bud. I've heard of diet coke being sprayed on to the bud. The most commonly used is dealers(maybe yours) spraying simply water to make the bud appear a little damp. I got some bud once which i kept flicking in the bag and you should have seen the amount of sh#t collecting at the bottom :-(

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I smoked some shite a few months back that had sand in it. In fact there was that much sand in it that if you blew down the joint rather than suck and turned it at the same time you could make posh glass vase's. I was gutted like but her indoors wanted me to get another henry once she saw her new flower pots. lol:rofl: :wink:

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this is every where in london i mean every where .u can get good grade but at a every high price .ssh 1.5g £20 a joke if ur a smoker like me and i dont drink or any thing . so i enjoy my smoke

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