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Is This That Gritty Shite thats going around???

Big - L

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you should all stick to that nice bit hash thats going around at the moment

whats it called again?

ah thats it... soapbar :unsure:

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Had to share this fuckin utter disgrace with ya.

yeh i had to go score a twenni bag today,..well mi bro brought me a baggi down....after takin out the little bit of budd i decided to weigh what leaf matter was left.,albeit NON trich covered leaves too.. :yinyang:

.85 of a fuckin gram the robbin cunts!!! .85 of a poxy fuckin gram of useless leaf!!!.....GUTTED!!


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This is the thing tho eh!"......i wouldnt mind so much if it was trich covered,...same weight in leaf as thereis in bud...,...same trichy stone,...just leaf tastes like the devils scrote sack eh!!!!

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Feckin hell. As Freewheelin Franklin would say, you got burned. Where the fuck did your bro get it, Ripoff Park ?

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Feckin hell. As Freewheelin Franklin would say, you got burned. Where the fuck did your bro get it, Ripoff Park ?

Aaaah booj,....fuckin usual story'a scorin from wankers huh! Rooooooll on harvest day.

PS....freewheelin franklin....sweet man,...i got a few freak bro comics here as it goes...:yinyang:

Edited by bizzaro73
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NO no no dude,...im SURE the contents of your trim bag would get me waaaaay more wasted than this sack'a shite!!...:yahoo:

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:D that looks like the contents of my trim bag, try before you buy next time dude

Oh...n ps....dont be givin it try b4 ya buy smart ass!!.. :yahoo::rofl::ninja:

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do ya know bizz, I would rather be .85 down in the deal than be insulted by being presented with that... roll on the good days aye.. :yahoo:

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  • 2 weeks later...

If it smells like black pudding, stay well away.

I just bought some, and the reason it smelt like this is because it wasn't dried out properly and then wrapped up in cling film.

The spores from the mould infected my lungs and gave me a throat and nasty chest infection for at least a week.

After I smelled it, and smoked some, everything for a few days after smelled and tasted like black pudding.

Really nasty shit.

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If it smells like black pudding, stay well away.

I just bought some, and the reason it smelt like this is because it wasn't dried out properly and then wrapped up in cling film.

The spores from the mould infected my lungs and gave me a throat and nasty chest infection for at least a week.

After I smelled it, and smoked some, everything for a few days after smelled and tasted like black pudding.

Really nasty shit.

thats a reason for growing your own ... fuk now were talking public health issues , funny how you see contaminated smack getting a mention but never dodgy weed or shitbar.

Grow your own :rofl:

Edited by herbit
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