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Is This That Gritty Shite thats going around???

Big - L

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I think some strains do have a synergistic effect. If I'm not mistaking the words meaning. MS sufferers have synergistic effect through cannabis, right? Synergy is an equilibrium between nerves and body isn't it? Umm, just had to define that word. It means 2 things working in conjunction for an effect which is greater than one or the other separately. So I think it's true that decent bud does have synergistic effects. Shit, now I'm confused.

Still, I won't be polluting any bud I grow. It's to nice to be dipping in PCP or mixing with anything. I can hardly bring myself to destroy it by toking it up. Serious, the nicer my bud is the sadder I get when I smoke it lol Sometimes it's to nice to smoke. Those ones belong on a shelf as specimens of excellent bud :) I might experiment with some of the bad plants I grow but if your growing decent bud you won't want to contaminate it with anything. I think Electric man is right. "any additive that isn't cannabis is nothing but a containment". I think that's true even if the additive makes the effect better for the users needs.

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Drug dealers? I'm talking about drug users! Drug dealers are more interested in profits than improving the product, I'm talking about people doing stuff like smoking ganja and then taking mushies or something, out of choice, where the ganja somewhat changes the effects of the mushies

Probably not something which anyone else will agree with, but i used to love getting based up and smoking joint after joint, simply for the feeling of getting smashed and still being wide awake at the same time, quite a mad feeling. Drop a g then roll a j, job done lol


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ive still got a bag of this shit from about a year ago,

and ive just discovered bho.

Can anyone advise if gritshit can be bho-ed ?or if contaminants would also be dissolved by the butane?

(only wondering cos i love that sticky stuff , and ive more than 3 quartes of an oz of shite , sitting there and .......

advice folks?

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You can but try - some of the contaminant(s) may well be soluble in butane, but then again, maybe not - it's a sure thing that whatever you'll get from doing a butane run on it will be much purer than it is now. :)


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I picked up a teenth from a 'friend' of mind yesterday, he usually has lovely stuff but every now and then it ends up a bit dry round here and he cant get the quality. Anyway, picked up the teenth, a decent deal - dry and on weight but obviously not high grade stuff.

I sparked up a j and i noticed straight away that the green seemed to be fizzing when i smoked it. It definitely isn't that grit weed, ive had a fair amount of experience with that shit and i can spot it a mile off. This stuff is different, as well as fizzing in the spliff the ash is hard and a nightmare to tap off, obviously theres something up with this bud, just like to know if any of u have any ideas as to what is actually wrong with it?

Thanks loads


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Thanks for moving my post, god damn u guys are quick :wink: was literally typing 'maybe this shoulda been in the grit weed section', I don't know what u mean by Brix Andy fella.


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Brix +, is a sugar based bulking agent for weed. :wink:

It's not really gritty, but it makes a hard ash, has a weird taste etc. No doubt there are other things similar..

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None of it is good for you, certainly.. I don't think it's quite as bad as fibreglass, silicone etc.

But then again, it could be just about anything..

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Whats all this adding stuff to weed business? How about some hash? Thats about all you should be adding...ffs...you sweat over a grow for three+ months to produce something that just might piss on anything you get in amsterdam, then you sprinkle chemicals in it? WTF?

I'd say the only thing thats nice with a joint is a beer or glass of red wine...

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I'd say the only thing thats nice with a joint is a beer or glass of red wine...

I'd rather be having a blowjob to be honest : :)

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I'd say the only thing thats nice with a joint is a beer or glass of red wine...

I'd rather be having a blowjob to be honest : :wassnnme:


Failing that a nice cuppa

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