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Is This That Gritty Shite thats going around???

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can anyone advise to what is in what we call in glasgow chinese weed.the name says it all.no dis to chiney people just chiney ,vietnamese growers,all this weed looks the same ,smells the same(not like herb)and when smoked gives you a banging sore head.i refuse to smoke it although it is everywhere.i know its doctored but with what.any ideas,bless

i know the exact stuff your on about, does it have a smell of cinnamon or the likes off it ?

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That's terrible....but it was getting that gritty shit a couple of years ago for £150/oz that forced me into growing my own....

At least the British commercial growers didn't fuck up our weed, and weren't so stupid as to ruin the entire market. Now these vietbong gangs are doing it all they're (a) harming the UK public and (b) cutting their nose to spite their face.

Fuck 'em - grow your own and put the vietbong out of business. I just wish the government could see this.... sell a license for £500 for any over 18 year old to buy at a Post Office (like the CB licenses used to be) that allows a personal grow of up to 8 mature female plants at any one time. Suddenly the vietbong douches are fucked and pointless, there's a shitload more police money to be spent on proper drugs and everyone is happy. Ain't gonna happen in my lifetime though. Skin up :wacko:


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Gah, ive had lots of headache weed in my time but im sure that is down to it being picked before its ripe. Not alot of stuff dumped into the supply down this end, just shite weed. either its antique which i guess must somehow bypass the incinerators at some point, or soggy possibly moldy green. Oh and ofcourse the occaisional bar of soap, but the market for that has hit the floor.

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Oh and of course the occaisional bar of soap, but the market for that has hit the floor.

because they kicked the arse out of that first :unsure:

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Soap is rife in my area and the weed that's about now leaves your fingers feeling oily after you've roled a joint and burns with a rock hard black ash that turns to an oily liquid when left in an ash tray for 2 hours or so. I've seen people smoke it. Cant be good for them.

Edited by uʍop-ǝpısdn
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SO many people toke these days & just not enough nice weed to go around. Cant see people honestly exporting it as you could easily get £150 to £200 an oz for nice bud over here, why then export it to Dam...at £10 a gram thats only £280, so coffee shops will want it much cheaper ie probably £100ish (at a guess) in bulk....not sure what peps over here pay these days for kilos but Im sure that could knock them out all day long at £3,600 in England....

So why export it to Dam, run the risk of getting it taken at customs????? If you were a big time grower wouldnt it be better to set up in Dam as it would be far less risky????

Maybe my figures are way out or Im missing something.....I dunno...

Anyway fuck crap weed, just dont buy or smoke it then they will be forced to make something better or new people will come in and take over the supply/growing.....or better yet FUCK off the dealer and grow your own!!!


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Guest tilimangro
If you were a big time grower wouldnt it be better to set up in Dam as it would be far less risky????

not at all

if you use illegal immigrant labour ,never go near the product yourself and bear in mind this is on a big scale not eight plants in a drobe ,its a much more worthwhile operation than a first glance

also holland has tightened its laws on growing in a big way and the penalties for being caught with a commercial grow there are potentially heavier than here

but this is still just conjecture

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Soap is rife in my area and the weed that's about now leaves your fingers feeling oily after you've roled a joint and burns with a rock hard black ash that turns to an oily liquid when left in an ash tray for 2 hours or so. I've seen people smoke it. Cant be good for them.

your dead right. this stuff is awful! someone has fucked up some nice weed because without that oil/silicone sprayed all over it, it would have been a nice smoke. :)......2 hours is indeed about the time it takes for the ash to liquify!

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We (britain) have been a net exporter of weed for about 3yrs now more european import bust's are from britain dont let the gov know or they charge us export tax ( that herbal we still import soap)

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Soap is rife in my area and the weed that's about now leaves your fingers feeling oily after you've roled a joint and burns with a rock hard black ash that turns to an oily liquid when left in an ash tray for 2 hours or so. I've seen people smoke it. Cant be good for them.

your dead right. this stuff is awful! someone has fucked up some nice weed because without that oil/silicone sprayed all over it, it would have been a nice smoke. lol......2 hours is indeed about the time it takes for the ash to liquify!

I got some of that disgusting shit in the midlands about a year ago. Took it back to the dealer and got my money back. I got stoned off it but the ash would just stay on the end of the joint, and I mean you could smoke the whole joint and the ash didn't fall off, and was rock hard and black.

Anyone who continues to smoke that is an idiot with a complete disregard for their health.

These growers have obviously got no conscience whatsoever. I don't advocate grassing, but I tried to find out where it was from, and if I had found out I was gonna make sure the plod knocked their door in.


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chinese grow shop owner :) the green ive got at the minute does the entire hard ash, ive burned down half a silver superking paper with the ash all still intact. Im not sure what has or hasnt been done to this weed, but im pretty certain it picked too soon as its not very crystaly and has few pistils which are not dark enough. Bit of a cerebral high with a sleepy after effect.

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chinese grow shop owner lol the green ive got at the minute does the entire hard ash, ive burned down half a silver superking paper with the ash all still intact. Im not sure what has or hasnt been done to this weed, but im pretty certain it picked too soon as its not very crystaly and has few pistils which are not dark enough. Bit of a cerebral high with a sleepy after effect.


Chuck it away.

You were silly to buy it. Smoking it, when it is clearly contaminated, is just stupid.

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I didnt buy it, the girlfriend did. That guy just wont see anymore custom from me. Contaminant or not 3g isnt going to kill me, so i wont worry. I smoke cigs, stupidity is my middle name. my last name is syld-mydykin

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we get loads of the chinky weed, its always the same strain, not bad sized buds, same generic smell of hay and when it dries it turns rock solid. I think it is that Brix+ additive sprayed on it as this is pretty much a sugar spray and the bud seems to harden and get sugar-like crystals all over it. That stuffs made a few people i know ill but theres always so much of it so people smoke it. Plus it looks clean when its bought, slightly damp, its when it dries it looks, tastes and feels nasty. This shit is only 120 an oz so people will smoke it regardless, especially when the alternative is a £200 oz of nice bud. :B):

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