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Is This That Gritty Shite thats going around???

Big - L

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Guest BioBuzz

Dont really know, does sound strange though.....

If it was mine I might try putting it through a bong and hope that whatever it is does'nt travel in the smoke through the water

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just tried doing that with this shite and i'm not getting any sandy ot grittyness if I rub it on my teeth like you say.

just tasted another little bit of it. Its weird on your tongue, it almost feels cold at the front of your mouth. not cold, but almost. the closest sensation I've had is sherbert. its nowhere near as fizzy. and really it's noting like sherbert taste wise, its just the closest sensation I can compare it to. liquidy, very slightly cold. hard to describe. don't worry it's in the bin already.

e2a: not comfortable making bho with this shite as I do not know what the contaminants are, and therefore do not know whether they are butane soluble or not - am I right in thinking that if I tried oiling it I could end up with concentrated unknown shite at the other end?


It's definitely sprayed with something. Could be a neutral agent, could be something worse. If it has a physical effect (like coldness) then I'd say it's something chemical that probably isn't neutral (like some of the sandy, gritty stuff that gets sprayed) so it could react with butane and result in chemical nastiness in the end product, Hate to say it but if it were me I'd bin it. Better safe than sorry man :(

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Dont fucking smoke that shit,nasty grit weed,i smoked an eighth of that shit once not knowing 2 days after i started coughing up blood went to a and e had a fucking hole in me lung must of been that shit tht did it....

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I've heard about this so called grit weed, but ive never actually seen it, around here (nottingham) its either a good amount of good smoke, or a shit amount of alright but chavvy bud :notworthy:

just picked up a half o of some strange stuff though, its not been sprayed but it doesnt smell right, its dry and it looks good but the smell is nothing like weed, more like plant and im not sure why that is at all

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still learning

the shit here at the moment is dried leaves and twigs ground up and mixed with a bit of bud - they are calling it "the boom" and trying to charge £170 an ounce. :wink:

On the brighter side - there is a good bit of Cheese - BUT that is coming in at £240 an ounce. and if you want a £20 draw you are getting 1.8 for your money.

Roll on October I say :notworthy:


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you'll notice the ash at the end of your spliff is as hard as concrete with this shit as well.

honestly, if anyone tries to sell me this shit I tell 'em to fuck off. I'd rather go without or pay a little bit more for clean shit but silica weed is not on.

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can anyone advise to what is in what we call in glasgow chinese weed.the name says it all.no dis to chiney people just chiney ,vietnamese growers,all this weed looks the same ,smells the same(not like herb)and when smoked gives you a banging sore head.i refuse to smoke it although it is everywhere.i know its doctored but with what.any ideas,bless

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I dunno what they put in it mate

Down here (Portsmouth) all you can get is stuff off viets unless ya know a grower. They don't put fuck all on it here, just that they cant be arsed to dry it. Real dark dank shit it is and like you said, makes you groggy and barely get a buzz. seen some that they're selling with budrot. problem is people keep buying so they keep selling. In the local news paper there's probably at least 2 factories a month busted but as we all know that aint gonna stop them as they're illegally trafficking young often kids over who take all the rap cos they were promised some other job and tricked into care-taking. police are scum anyway, these kids need to be treated as victims if we're ever gonna get information as to who the ringleaders are and finally do a proper crack-down on them.

btw, don't buy weed, grow your own. free the weed!


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can anyone advise to what is in what we call in glasgow chinese weed.the name says it all.no dis to chiney people just chiney ,vietnamese growers,all this weed looks the same ,smells the same(not like herb)and when smoked gives you a banging sore head.i refuse to smoke it although it is everywhere.i know its doctored but with what.any ideas,bless

you probably wouldnt believe me but a friend knows some chinese/vietnamese and I kid you not they are selling a chinese plant that looks like bud and they spray it with something to make it smell like herb. So rather than getting their grown rubbish, cut early and non dried herb you arent even getting cannabis.

Dont know if this is what you have, but what I described IS happening.

maybe its " wild dagga" ??

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you probably wouldnt believe me but a friend knows some chinese/vietnamese and I kid you not they are selling a chinese plant that looks like bud and they spray it with something to make it smell like herb. So rather than getting their grown rubbish, cut early and non dried herb you arent even getting cannabis.

Dont know if this is what you have, but what I described IS happening.

Why are they getting charged with production of Class B controlled drugs all the time then?


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can anyone advise to what is in what we call in glasgow chinese weed.the name says it all.no dis to chiney people just chiney ,vietnamese growers,all this weed looks the same ,smells the same(not like herb)and when smoked gives you a banging sore head.i refuse to smoke it although it is everywhere.i know its doctored but with what.any ideas,bless

you probably wouldnt believe me but a friend knows some chinese/vietnamese and I kid you not they are selling a chinese plant that looks like bud and they spray it with something to make it smell like herb. So rather than getting their grown rubbish, cut early and non dried herb you arent even getting cannabis.

Dont know if this is what you have, but what I described IS happening.

maybe its " wild dagga" ??

real crazy bro,whats going on.

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They have got their act together round my end, its just a shame more & more top bud grown in the UK is been exported OUT of the country! I`ve enen been told a lot of the herb from big commercial UK grows ends up Amsterdam coffeeshops. You might thinks thats bollox, but think about it, where is all the bud going? More weed is been grown in the UK than ever before, but its harder & harder to find. It must be going somewhere.

I think more people are smoking it..

Why would you move weed from the U.K to mainland Europe? Doesn't make sense. Dutch law is no sterner than U.K law for growing cannabis..

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