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Is This That Gritty Shite thats going around???

Big - L

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Ye this is starting to make sense, doesnt taste sweet though.

Edited by Griffinnn
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Yep, its either sugar water or salt water....YUK!

I'm smoking quick dried LED grow K2 and its miles better than that shit, was grown for les than that grit shite was i bet and pisses all over it!

Thats wot gets me so mad, some of the stuff you see looks great, then u realise its contaminated and u think wot sort of idiot would ruin perfectly good weed for an extra oun ce on a bar?

it sells for less now cos ppl r in the know and good stuff can go for astonishing prices so why dont the dealers wise up, grow good shit and sell it at amsterdam prices?

yeah it costs too much but its good and unless you grow ur own, what choice is there?!!!

Fucking grit shite!!!!

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salt water sounds more like it dude! makes me fuckin sick, the bag was a joke aswell 2 grams if im lucky. Goin to the dam next month though so no more of this shit for a while!

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hi griffin, look closely at your bud. can u see little flakes of something green? like a weird light green colour. kind of powdery...

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Could just be over-nuted and as a result won't burn well.

Basically, if in doubt don't smoke! Dump the dealer and grow your own.

I have had one of my mates try to tell me my ICE was covered in silicon (he doesn't know i grow), and he wouldn't give up and went on for days. I however knew i'd grown it and knew nothing was on it.

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I have had one of my mates try to tell me my ICE was covered in silicon (he doesn't know i grow), and he wouldn't give up and went on for days. I however knew i'd grown it and knew nothing was on it.

Twat. :rofl:

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cheers for the replies guys i wonderd were the topic had went actually. But that shit got binned now im gonna try get some other stuff but were i am is dry

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cheers for the replies guys i wonderd were the topic had went actually. But that shit got binned now im gonna try get some other stuff but were i am is dry

tbh I would probably even smoke hashish even tho its loaded with crap these days but even that is like gold dust

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omg my threads still going aswell as the shit weed , i mean grit weed :doh:

am so glad ive got a handfull of good contacts for the times of no growing :)

soon be able to dump em again :D

Edited by Lawless
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omg my threads still going aswell as the shit weed , i mean grit weed ;)

am so glad ive got a handfull of good contacts for the times of no growing :yinyang:

soon be able to dump em again lol

Hopefully ill get some good contacts at some point

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crap my best friend called round the other night with some smoke a 8th well 2 grams witch turns out to be "gritweed" :ninja: only had 2 j's off it and still got it! so this crap is still here on the street and seems to me all peep's are smoking it! theres no good bud any were. i think am better off getting some soaphash it must be better than this poor crap :wink: thing is i need to smoke cause i was a piss head for 6 years and not had a drink for 3 years now and dont what to drink to i was such a dick when i was drinking :D

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Hi ppl. for the last week, absolutely no one in my area has been able to get hold of any smoke. I do not wish to buy from any "dealers" at all, however, I , as I'm sure others in here do, end up contacting friends, asking if they've heard of any smoke etc from time to time (between crops for example)

(note to mods- I'm not discussing dealers here, often friends visit me and we share a smoke of my weed, and likewise they pass spliffs to me when I visit them, like having beers etc).

Anyway, it seems everyone I know in my area has experienced a total inability to get hold of herb in this last week. I have a large and varied circle of friends, many of them tokers(I don't like how pompous that sounded, just making the point that it's not just a few people that have experienced the drought in this area)

And now, enter grit weed.

About the stuff that seems to have entered the local market recenty, it's strange. It looks normal-ish, the bag that I saw was mostly small fragments, not intact buddage. It has a slight smell to it. but it's not really a "weed"-y smell.

When it burns it goes out too easily. The ash on the slpiff is hard.

Had some contam a while back with really black , rock hard ash. This ash from stuff isnt as black and it isnt quite rock hard like that other stuff (which had visible anonymous green powdery flakes in it and was actually in the form of whole buds) but its noticeably hard when you go to roll the end of the j in the ashtray.

With this stuff, if you put a leaf or any part of it in your mouth to taste, you get a strange liquidy, sherbet style sensation (that's the best I can do at describing it sorry)

sorry for long post, just wondered if this shite has found its way to people on a large scale. I'm interested to know if this is co-ordinated


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Guest BioBuzz

Got this shit last year and if you rubbed the buds with your fingers and then rub your fingers on the front of your teeth you could feel loads of tiny granules, sand like but minuscule :(

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just tried doing that with this shite and i'm not getting any sandy ot grittyness if I rub it on my teeth like you say.

just tasted another little bit of it. Its weird on your tongue, it almost feels cold at the front of your mouth. not cold, but almost. the closest sensation I've had is sherbert. its nowhere near as fizzy. and really it's noting like sherbert taste wise, its just the closest sensation I can compare it to. liquidy, very slightly cold. hard to describe. don't worry it's in the bin already.

e2a: not comfortable making bho with this shite as I do not know what the contaminants are, and therefore do not know whether they are butane soluble or not - am I right in thinking that if I tried oiling it I could end up with concentrated unknown shite at the other end?


Edited by bakedbean
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