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Is This That Gritty Shite thats going around???

Big - L

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Hi guys wonder if you can help ive been struggling to get a bit of bud for a while and just got some the other day it aint like anything ive seen. I had to dry it out coz it was that damp and it smells really weird like a musty smell sorta like sausage meet i know how funny that sounds. When you smoke it it dosen't really affect you. After a while a few joints it did work a little. Ill try and describe it i got some pictures but there really blurry coz using rubbish camera.

Its really leafy and alot of stems got orange like strains coming off it and when i went to sleep after it i couldnt get to sleep coz my heart was pounding that much that happend too nights in a row.

Anyway it just dosent seem right and you only get the weed smell after smoking it for a while .

Also after drying it out it goes dampish again i can never get it to stay crisp.

Any ideas?.

p.s it felt with the heart pumpin that i had taken somin stronger than weed a harder drug as i jst was wide awake

Edited by -RoB-
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Sounds horrible! Would just bin it meself, waste of money I know but just be weary of what you buy next time, inspect the contents of the bag and if it's damp/smells like sausage meat... give it back before giving him the money. That's what I do if I end up getting some off dealers. Otherwise you end up with some dodgy bud and less money in your pockets! i only go to the 1 dealer these days and he gets good stuff, see if u can get a good contact

also, grow your own if u aint alrdy :spliff:

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Sounds like utter shite to me....um what do us to say about it?

Maybe its a sativa strain that is making your heart beat like that.

Whatever it is if it doesnt agree with you dont smoke it.


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sounds like mould or bud rot

to explain the orange bits looks like little bits of orange coloured tabaco strains

post-24089-1248030607_thumb.jpg post-24089-1248030620_thumb.jpg post-24089-1248030638_thumb.jpg

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the ornage bits that look like tobaco i think are the pistils, it looks like basic monkey bedding homegrown,

Edited by uberdruck
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the ornage bits that look like tobaco i think are the pistils, it looks like basic monkey bedding homegrown,

dunno but its horrid and im gutted as was so hard to get some and a good mate refrd me to the seller.

Edited by -RoB-
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the ornage bits that look like tobaco i think are the pistils, it looks like basic monkey bedding homegrown,

dunno but its horrid and im gutted as was so hard to get some and a good mate refrd me to the seller.

Only one thing for it mate, grow your own and deny the rope peddlars your business :ouch:

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Only one thing for it mate, grow your own and deny the rope peddlars your business :ouch:

probs would do that but not enough space plus rented place and wouldnt want to risk it.

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holy shit what is that, fuck that pal id rather not blaze than blaze that filth

just wait till you find yourself a half decent link / grow your own.

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is it a kinda grey colour as you break into the bud?

not really the leaves are like basil choped up dosent look like weed even when i dry it out it still is damp and very stemp it and when i do crumble it its like its been mixed with bacy coz all of them orange bits fall off it aswell anyway i took your advice binned it 20 quid in the bucket.

Never geting from that connect again.

ohwell hopefully future buys from my location cap, will be good and decent

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just got this bag from some joker in glasgow. the grass is dry, doesnt look too bad and smells kosher but when smokin it the ember keeps solidifying and going out. Its doin my fuckin head in, anyone got any ideas?

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