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Is This That Gritty Shite thats going around???

Big - L

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Good choice, dropping it back, wud have done the same. Stopped buyin dealer shit about 2 yrs ago. Ur own quality weed is d way to go.

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I've had weed like that before.. some of it kinda sparks when it burns.. It's prob non flushed early chop.

best for the bin tbh

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Picked up some green last night - Burns ok , no hard ash on the end but I'm sure it's been sprayed.

For starters the amount i got for what i paid for looked light, You can kinda tell using your eye if the weight is about right and this looked on the light side.

When I got it home I put it under a light and it just looks withered and has a powderery almost flowery substence stuck to it.

I licked a bud to see if it was gritty but didn't get any gritty bits in my mouth. Smokes ok and has a weedy smell and got me mildly stoned but was a bit harsh on my throat even with a filter.

I'm thinking this must be that brit + stuff they use to add to the weight. Dealer had a big bag of nice buds all sprayed with this shit!

Any ideas?? Other people must have come accross as it seems to be hard not too these days :rofl:



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Guest weedmonsta

had some of that stuff...the powder has a sweet salty taste to it....... a little tip.... dont put it in your skuff grider.. i fucked up over a gram of nice kif that i had saved..and had to throw it away :rofl:

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A tell tale sign of it being sprayed with the brix + stuff is to look at where the stem and bud connect, theres normally a build up of the 'orrible stuff around there.

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i fucked up over a gram of nice kif that i had saved..and had to throw it away :eek:

I would have tried the water seperation method used to seperate resin from plant material. There is a possibility that the contaminants would have floated or stayed in the water whilst the resin would have sank to the bottom. This would have allowed you to seperate the two by gently pouring off the water ( and contaminants ) until all that remained was the resin glands at the bottom of the glass.

There is also the chance that the contaminates would also sink along with the resin to the bottom of the glass, in which case you can't do much but chuck it.

I suppose it might be worth a try if you find yourself in this position again.


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as long as it smokes and doesn't kill me (instantly) I'm cool with it. Cris


Yeah but your getting ripped off as your not getting what you pay for... :rofl: in quality and quantity.

I got a Oz , weights 28g's but looks more like 20!

Whats happened to all the good green these days. I think all the wise people just grow thier own and keep it to themselves.

Too many people wanting to make a quick dollar.

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come on guys, obviously, it's not too attractive to feel yourself dying on every toke, I was kinda joking...but what else can i do? I do try and make sure its not THAT bud when I pick up but the circumstances don't always allow me to examine it close up. I do decline at every opportunity when it comes around but like i said, I can't always check it out and I specifically ask, "is it toast/hard ash/is it that disgusting shit?" and even if it is, i get the same answer "nah blud its the dank shit etc etc" and what can i do while I'm waiting for a crop to harvest? to be totally honest, some of that crap bud DOESN'T look crap or smell crap, its only once you get it burning that you can tell! As for the weights BifterMan, I get what you're saying, sometimes what you buy looks like about half of what it should be. But this is what I mean, last nites half a bar, looked good! all 126g were there, and it looked like 126g...like i said, it burns, smells and taste good, just the ash that goes a little hard. But I've aforementioned that I prefer to source out the cheese or AK if possible...that toasty hard ash shit really is the last resort! Cris

It's understandable, I am not saying I have never bought some sprayed bud before. I guess I'm just tired of hearing stories from older stoners of how readily available AMAZING weed and hash once was.

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It's understandable, I am not saying I have never bought some sprayed bud before. I guess I'm just tired of hearing stories from older stoners of how readily available AMAZING weed and hash once was.

Even they used to get flogged formula half the time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just wondering how much you think a Q should be if it wasn't legalised but the "dealers" grew a soul dried their weed out, and everybody just wanted to cover their costs, how much do you think "a street Q" would be if your like the "4th guy in the chain"?

I take a shitty "street Q" as £40 atm, which seems is roughly the prices I've paid in Australia, canada and the states which were all infinitly nicer smokes, so if it was nice dried buds, i think £40 would still be steep but bearable.

I know we should all grow our, and I am I don't ever enjoy talking to "a dealer", just a bored musing...

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40 quid is a normal price but what tends to happen round here is dealers are adjusting the weight according to the quality not the price, which does my head in, when I ask for a bud im not sayin "can I have 40 quids worth", im askin for a measurement, eighth, quarter etc, but then this is only a profit venture for these folk, they know nothing of the smokers etiquette, what goes around comes around...


foole :magic:

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That sucks mate, it also pisses me off that my dealer uses grams... Fair enough 7g is basically Q, but am not buying coke... what am I going to do with a gram of weed? Well smoke it haha, but yeah... what goes around...

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its sold in 1.5s or 1.3s round here depending on quality but this includes whatever its wrapped in :ninja:

suprised to hear its usually wrapped in foil...

a q's about 50 quid

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