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Is This That Gritty Shite thats going around???

Big - L

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Round here its just wet and no where near ready and some people who buy this tell me i am getting ripped of paying 220 an oz for super imported weed when they are usualy paying at least that much for the worst buzz ever.

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I only use one dealer and only when i run out of my own. He smokes so he buys the best he can get which is generaly top quality but damp so you get less volume once dry but i would rather have a couple of grams of tasty weed than 3, 3.5 g of bland crap.

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You guys crack me up with your 170, 200, 220 quid an oz.

THATS CRAZY TALK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I mean, I survive between grows by getting off a handfull of people.

But thats at a max of £140 an oz but usually £100.

Perfect, yummy, bone dry, cured, hydro homegrown

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You guys crack me up with your 170, 200, 220 quid an oz.

THATS CRAZY TALK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I mean, I survive between grows by getting off a handfull of people.

But thats at a max of £140 an oz but usually £100.

Perfect, yummy, bone dry, cured, hydro homegrown

Well I'm sure we're all very happy for you, at least you're not smug about it . . .

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The weed that is 220 quid an ounce was so good once i started smoking it found it hard to enjoy anything else that includes friends homegrown nothing makes you feel so happy the high is so special i went from loving smoking friends homegrown to thinking whats the point this weed here is so much better even though its been pressed so hard. I agree its such a rip off but also on a pleasure to money ratio the best buy by far even if i grew my own i would still buy it from time to time cos its lovely.

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If you keep getting under deals why dont you tell your dealer to sort it out? If they dont then dont buy off them. Better yet grow ya own.


Some of us can't grow, sure when I get my own place I will. And thats all there is, so its either one of those or go without lol

grow outdoors then :rofl:

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I bought an 8th the other day due to my stash being smoked far to quick anyway bought this 8th(which was a g under) had a spliff smoked propa funny like unflushed weed.So i got a small bud and burt it in ashtray f-ing thing started burning like a sparkerler poping and spitting these mad bright white sparks flying left right and center propa dirty, had a chat with my mate and that was good compaired to other shit hes got in the past so i shudder to think how bad that was. These cunts should be put to rest I would give anything to find there op with them init and blow the whole thing to hell where they belong CUNTS.

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Copper filings thats fucked I thought it could be some kind of metal my guess was mag due to these bright white sparks flying every where ether way it propa dutty I say we go south holland and find these twats and take care of them :wink:

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Hay Dr herbal, the shit in your bud sounds like copper filings. Some dealers/growers in southern Holland have reported to be spraying damp weed with copper filings to ad weight. It was even said some dealers were checking weed with magnets before buying it!

copper filings ?

what use is a magnet in detecting those ? :rofl:

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Hay Dr herbal, the shit in your bud sounds like copper filings. Some dealers/growers in southern Holland have reported to be spraying damp weed with copper filings to ad weight. It was even said some dealers were checking weed with magnets before buying it!

copper filings ?

what use is a magnet in detecting those ? lol


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Have you got a magnet? IMO weed is getting worse than soap bar for dirtyness.

yep dealers will always find a way of cutting ,messing with stuff to make more cash

peppi lol

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weed for me is really dire at the moment. like people are saying: £180 for oz of wet weed. luckily though the grit weed has seemed to have disappeared recently, there was loads going around for a while. Stopped smoking any kind of contaminated green after I found out some of it is sprayed with some kind of silicone shit that can give you multiple sclerosis!!!!!!!!! :( how do these people sleep at night??

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I got some spanish dealer weed known only as "bush-weed" :s. Camden seems really dry recently lol

1/2 for £50

Dark and green in colour

Really dry brittle and crubmly

Full of seeds

Lacking aroma, kind of an acrid plant smell, very week.

No obvious special additions, like plastic etc...

White smoke when burnt

Smoke (spliff), very little/no high :s

Im used to pretty strong skunk.

Question is, is this likley to be low potency but safe weed, or shitty hazardous weed?

Apologies if this is noobish.

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I got some spanish dealer weed known only as "bush-weed" :s. Camden seems really dry recently :eek:

1/2 for £50

Dark and green in colour

Really dry brittle and crubmly

Full of seeds

Lacking aroma, kind of an acrid plant smell, very week.

No obvious special additions, like plastic etc...

White smoke when burnt

Smoke (spliff), very little/no high :s

Im used to pretty strong skunk.

Question is, is this likley to be low potency but safe weed, or shitty hazardous weed?

Apologies if this is noobish.

Probably low potency North African (likely Morrocan) bush-weed....

Probably sativa type, seeded in the wild, harvested and compressed with twigs, leaves seeds and all.....

We used to pay 40quid an ounce for that , but that's going back 10 years or more.....get some Jamaican bush is similar to that....

TBH, I would MUCH rather buy bush weed than the sprayed grit shite that's about....you need to load your biftas, but it's a nice high...and less likely to be tampered with than the "Cheese" and shit that dealers are knockin out these days...


E2A>>>>>>>>>>>In fact I'm quite jealous, I used to love that stuff, wouldn't mind a bit right now....lol

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