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Is This That Gritty Shite thats going around???

Big - L

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i reckon they are seizing, spraying and passing back out

look at the size of the raids going on nearly every day in the news (sup bongme..keep doing your thing)

how else can anyone explain the industrial level glass spraying? does anyone know how its done, the process or machinery involved? its forcing people to grow in their own homes, and is then another excuse to raid and terrorise. normal people have to grow even if theyre uncomfortable doing so just so they can have a smoke that isnt grit free.

they know how many of us smoke, thats why we're such a palpable and worthwhile target to leach off

in short, how can the goverment not have anything to do with this evil?

I can see your logic, also contaminating it with deadly shite would mean people will die as a result of smoking it & then they have an epidemic of illnesses due to 'cannabis' so Deborah Bellend can say 'I told you it was bad for you & costing the NHS!'

But in reality it would be virtually impossible to keep something that big a secret, so I'm not entirely convinced, however it is someone as twatty as a government employee doing it & they deserve to be forced to smoke a kilo of pure contaminant! :headpain:


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normal people have to grow even if theyre uncomfortable doing so just so they can have a smoke that isnt grit free.

that should be is

I can see your logic, also contaminating it with deadly shite would mean people will die as a result of smoking it & then they have an epidemic of illnesses due to 'cannabis' so Deborah Bellend can say 'I told you it was bad for you & costing the NHS!'

But in reality it would be virtually impossible to keep something that big a secret, so I'm not entirely convinced, however it is someone as twatty as a government employee doing it & they deserve to be forced to smoke a kilo of pure contaminant! :spliff:


it makes perfect sense to me. if its so hard to keep it a secret, how come no one knows how its done? someone on here would have been exposed to at least some aspect of this process, at some point surely. or anyone on the internet for that matter. there is nothing! grit flooded the market directly after Operation Keymer its all much too convenient

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hello fellow smokers, as i have finished smoking all my home grown (kc36) i was desprate to get some weed, so i went to brixton, i was walking around for a couple of hours (that desprate i was), in an ally, i smelled somthing strong, like jamacan ganja, i asked the guy if he could sort me out, he told me my freind only sells to close freinds not to every1, but he offered me to smoke with him, it was nice, as i was walking, i went to a movie theater and found a guy who was selling, well, long story short, i bought what was soposed to be a 1/4th. but im sure it wasnt, when i got home happy with strong smelling skunk, i relized it was contaminated crap, it was that yellow powder shit, its not sand, as when i burn it it does kinda burn, so its not sand, its not glass since its yellowy, what the hell is that yellow stuff, many idiots think its thc, even one of my dealers think its thc, dos any1 knows what these bastards put on weed now?

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Guest dr rockster

It's called Brix+ and the yellow powder is the excess that falls from the bud,its shite and no way does that smell like good pot as that nasty stuff masks or certainly modifies most terpene aroma's.It bulks up the plant with carbohydrates apparently with some kind of enzymatic action.

You were mugged just like most punters out there as it adds around 25% to the weight.

Bit damp was it?

Edited by dr rockster
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I do agree, just not ENTIRELY convinced as there seems to be a lack of any evidence where it comes from. I also agree no one knows how it is done, which is strange?

It is also suspicious that the government appear to have not latched onto it & publicly announced it nationwide, showing that they are concerned, as it is truth & may put people off buying it from scum dealers, so it does kind of insinuate an involvement. :yinyang:

Has anyone ever found any EVIDENCE where it may come from or how it is done, even a youtube vid?


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see thats the thing, why is it alot of people still think its thc, idiots, even my dealer whom is also a freind, thinks its crystles and he smokes pot for 30 years, it fools even the best of us, but if its brix, i guess its better than glass, still wouldnt wana smoke somthing that taste like, well, basically not weed, im sooo pissed

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it came to a point that, i wana go back to my country buy some afghan and yemini hash and shuv it up the arse, i was gonna do it, but i didnt wana go down to that level, im sticking to tobbacoo and kanna

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very good point, i haven't spoken to anyone who knows how its is done, personally i wouldnt touch it and go with out, until i worked something else out and probably do a small grow too but for a lot of people these alternatives are not always possible.

ive seen a few types of this shit ; grit/glass/sugar, and a strange whitish gunk which when you try to roll the 'crystals' and make hash with the heat of your hands it seems to smudge into your finger prints and not form any thing,just white gack.

also put some of this bud into a pint glass full of water, to show a friend who thought the crap were crystals.

the white shit just floated on the top - yuk.

it is fascinating that they want to stop us consuming weed etc for reasons of health and yet this grit shit and soap bar never seem to have any coverage at all and it is clearly the worst thing for us.

do they recognise it's existence? i wouldn't like to think of the harm done from smoking both of these terrible excuses for real weed/hash.

just refuse, im sure if enough people did then it would stop being sold.


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Tried to get some weed there recently, my dealer knows I will only get good stuff, so he rang me anyway telling me he got good green in and I went down to pick it up, opened the bag took a wiff, and it smelled delicious!! It was one big fat bud, I was in a car park so wasn't the best place to pick up a deal, everything looked good, no grit in the bottom of the bag etc. Got home anyway, got out me skins and started rolling, broke up a bud to find that there still was grit inside, very little but they dont spray it on the outside anymore. Some of the buds were... rock solid, like, I could drop it on my desk and it would bounce and sound like I just dropped a marble (except not as heavy of course). But the fact is, the exterior of some of the buds are rock hard, the inside of the buds isn't.... inside has grit, outside is hard.

anyone have any idea how they make the buds this hard? I ended up just giving the weed to my brother cause he'd smoke anything.

All my mates are smoking this shit and just think it's hard because they dried it for really long. According to them it's savage stuff and I don't know what im talking about :smoke: - In fairness you do get a hit off it, as there are still THC crystals etc. But the fact that its contaminated with all that shite just prevents me from smoking it. Knowing it's there is enough to put me off. So i'm quitting until some good stuff comes in, or until my next grow is complete... in a few months time.

bah... it's just so annoying that good quality weed isn't available. People are so desperate to buy weed which allows dealers to abuse the market and sell this crap shit. Most people arent even aware of the shitty grit weed so they will continue to buy it thinking that all that grit is super mega awesome special Skunk THC crystals.

/rant over

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OK ages ago in this annoyingly long thread - someone (THC4METOO) said they dont put other drugs in weed...weeeeell they do... I saw a chemical analysis for 2 different types of weed that have been seen in my area recently - one from LDN, the other from god knows where...

A) - from LDN - had PCP! now I dont mind about this personally as I like the effects, but its not cool to have this shit being sold to kids!

B) The 2nd sample had been sprayed/blown with crystal meth!!

Now this chemical analysis is from a very reliable source, they do this kinda thing fo a living...cant say anymore...but yeah - this is very rare - but it happens!!

Other contaminants Ive seen is deodorant sprayed weed duringthe summer...(you know when you spray deodorant under your armpits, then if you pat it you get really weird chemical greasy fingers - but not greasy - like friction??? well after picking the weed apart with your fingers, it leaves your fingers this EXACT same frictiongreasy effect)

ALSO last september my friend who used to serve up bought a half key of some stuff which smelt incredibly strong thru the bag he bought it in ( I went with him to get it)..when we got it back to his house it had this really odd pale green waxy looking gunk on it!!!

THis stuff was really hard - totally unsmokeable so he kept it for a few months as he had practically just lost £1800...he decided to pass it on to someon who deserved to get fucked ovr(as in a real fucker of a dealer - not nice hippy/ordinary folk)...

and scouted around...

well, when he opened the bag 1.5months later - it had mold growing on it!!!! really fucking scary this was, when you put your face in the bag to smell it gingerly, it left you coughing for 2 hours...what goes from green solid waxy looking gunk to mold!?!?!?!

I speak of this stuff coz over the past few months I saw alot of this stuf...greenywaxy looking shit covering amsterdam import....

I bought an 8th of some stuff my friend got from LDN - another friend showed me a Q he picked up - it smelt EXACTLY like blueberry so I got very excited...the sample looked great, didnt see anything wrong with it in passing...MMM PO

THEN I got MY 8th and horrow struck me - it was the same stuff!! the waxy green hard bollocks but not anywhere near the extent I had seen before...lukcily - I lookeed at it under a microscope this time and it looks like snot...:yinyang:...as everyone in my village was smoking this stuf...noone noticed any problems except of course a cough...and now my dealer friend has clean weed again...

I cANT BE ASSED to read all 64 pages - but only saw this in the past year SO has anyone else seen this waxy green snot looking sold stuff on buddha??

Edited by JimmyBlazingBass
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Do you think that because your mate was daft enough to part with £1800 for untried weed with green crap on it then force it to go moldy by leaving it in a bag for months that its ok to palm it off onto some poor unsuspecting "non hippy" because i dont.

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