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Is This That Gritty Shite thats going around???

Big - L

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Thought I'd post a mini-rant in here.

God damn weed supply has gone crap again for the last couple of weeks.

They are even asking me if I can get them anything, no I can't, that's why I buy off them :applause:

Wish my plants would hurry up!

Not got a problem with contamabis, I don't want it, the dealers I buy of don't want it, quite simply nobody wants it, thank god.

Hopefully this mini-drought will see some more people growing their own!!!

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your lucky then mate as the price in the midlands is sky high...an that grit s**t is doing the rounds.

had one smoke the other dat and the ash was harder then plastic....it was like propa wrong... the ash was stuck to the joint most the way through. ;)

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had one smoke the other dat and the ash was harder then plastic....it was like propa wrong... the ash was stuck to the joint most the way through. :wink:

We Call it Hard Ash,im so fed up of smoking the shite i refused to buy now,

ive heard people say its because sugars been put in it to add weight...

BUT WHY??????

Bastards!!!! I Hope you read this!

LSD :rofl:

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this is whats pissing me right off....if these ppl knew anything about why ppl smoke weed...they piss me off so bad just trying to get extra money.

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Hi guys, first time poster here!

I have been victim to this fucking stuff for a while now. It's really starting to piss me off. It's the stuff that has a golden/yellowy powder that just falls off it. The bud looks like it'd be a nice smoke without this crap on it, it doesn't make my throat or lungs hurt either etc... There isn't a crunchyness to it when I lick my finger but it WILL NOT compact together like a nice stash of crystals at the bottom of my grinder would, so thats how I definitely know it's some sort of spray wanky doodle. My dealer tells me it's some sort of syracose (sp?) solution and can't hurt me.....BULLSHIIIITTTT!! I'll try and get some pics for you guys as it looks slightly different to what has been posted here already.

I am not in the position to grow (something that is EXTREMELY frustrating) so I have to try and get what I can. I have started now refusing to smoke this crap full stop and only buy when there is something clean available. Thankfully for me I am quite good friends with my dealer and he will keep some clean stuff aside for me or ring and tell me.

I remember about a year when ago when I could get a different strain each pickup and it would be a nice deal, nice taste and a nice high. Those days are gone, this stuff is absolutely everywhere and there is so much of it. It's like a never ending supply.

It's quite depressing to think all I want to do is enjoy a nice joint and thats being slowly taken away from me. I guess I'll just have to wait until I can grow. Mmmmmnnnn....

Okay...Rant over, you can resume normal proceedings.

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ive heard people say its because sugars been put in it to add weight...

BUT WHY??????

To make more money, perhaps?
Bastards!!!! I Hope you read this!
I'm sure they will see the error of their ways when they do and amend them accordingly :wassnnme:
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hello all well its been very hard to pick up for a few weeks but then friday my mate/dealer asked if i want a henry. so of course i snapped it up as i was starving for some weed. smoked it friday night, sat morning, then all day today, it gets you very stoned, not a clear high, its the kind of stuff i like to smoke good an strong and it reduces some of the pains in my foot where i broke ten bones...

but come this evenin i got a call and theyr all down the lake fishin so i come down too. obviously skinned up, cos everyone knows fishing sober is as bad as playing golf sober. then we were sharing it and i offered some to may ?mate? who sold it to me. then he said 'is that that sprayed shit i sold you?' and i was like yea it is, what you mean sprayed? and he told me they spray it with something nasty an then sell it, he didnt know what they spray with but its nasty an he wont smoke it...

after controllin my anger at him sellin me stuff he knew was messed with, i made a joke out of it an said 'ahh well at least it gets me stoned you ba--ard.'

1but now im wonderin whats the stuff theyve sprayed it wit?

2why spray it?

3is it harmfull to smoke?

4what to do with it?

got about half an eight left of it by the way

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:guitar: thats shit m8 what a twat to sell it to you... you got a microscope you could look at it under?

do you get any dust in grinder for it? could also look at this

i cam acrow some sand sprayed weed once : obviously didnr know but we relaise it gave you really sore throat to smoke (and a m8 mentioned some crap was ging around that had been sand sprayed ) so we lok at it and you could see the fragments of sand and it was obviousl to see in the crystal bit of my grinder you could feel the sand through the atutal hash.

and i would'nt smoke it m8

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then he said 'is that that sprayed shit i sold you?'

Seriously, im not an agressive kinda guy but if that was me this so called friend would be coming round about now wondering what the bloody hell just knocked him the f**k out

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Seriously though - if it's being sprayed with sugar, then that's very bad news. Burnt sugar (a.k.a. caramel) is a known carcinogen :spliff:

Ask yourselves: How much do you really need that spliff? :guitar:

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F-ck me thats some gnarly shit.loooooooong thread too.

I count myself fortunate to have not needed to buy anything in maybe 6 years.so i missed the shit weed boat,thank god."or any leading deities".

That looks real bad,my mate bought some said it was real crunchy,how the hell people have the nerve to sell that crap.

I'd rather risk gettin pinched than my lungs.

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your lucky then mate as the price in the midlands is sky high...an that grit s**t is doing the rounds.

had one smoke the other dat and the ash was harder then plastic....it was like propa wrong... the ash was stuck to the joint most the way through. :fear:

I'm in the midlands too, I know it's hard to get good shit.

Not came across any grit weed for ages, I noticed the same stuff was in circulation for a long time afterwards but was less contaminated, instead of having the silicon beads it just had a type of floury type powder instead. Somebody mentioned to me the other day about weed with gold bits on, and it has been mentioned as well in this thread, so I guess that is one of the newer types of contamabis going around.

The dealers who I've been buying off sell their stuff really quickly, and at top prices £20 for 2g. I'm skint 90% of the time anyway so can't afford it, but it's annoying when I do want some and can't get any, and it won't be winning any cream of the crop competitions for quality.

I'm smoking fan leaves at the moment with baccy, I think I've discovered the 'herbal' variety that you never see anywhere. :unsure:

My Blueberry is smelling lovely now, getting nice and frosty, already chopped 2 buds so I'm trying to sit on my hands and resist the temptation.

On a different note, I was reading about peanuts the other day, as you do, and I followed a link from the Wikipedia page and came across a fact that the average american eats about 7 pounds of peanuts a year. (not sure on precise figure). This then got me wondering, do I consume more peanuts by weight than cannabis. I don't know how many ounces are in a pound without checking, but I don't imagine I'd smoke that much weed in a year, an ounce a week would do me (as I'm trying to cut down). Peanuts are only 29p for 150g down my lidl store (dry roasted), and I would eat that pack in about 30 minutes whereas that much cannabis should last me a month. Peanuts contain a lot more protein by weight, but are far more dangerous to health than cannabis. At a quick retail price comparison (albeit one is legal and the other illegal), £10 could buy you 1g of weed, or over 5KG of dry roasted peanuts from Lidl supermarket. Peanuts are shockingly over 5000 times the price of cannabis, both a nice plant and enjoyable to consume.

Not sure where I'm going with this, but I think it highlights the madness of this country., life theatenening peanuts on sale in supermarkets at 1/5000+ of the cost of illgeal buds. It's disgraceful.

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