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Is This That Gritty Shite thats going around???

Big - L

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Not meaning to burst everyone's bubble here..... but I hear so many people talking about the possibility of damaging yourself through smoking sprayed buds " Just think what It must be doing to your lungs??".

Hold that thought...... surely if you were thinking about your lungs you wouldn't be lighting up in the first place?

People talk like cannabis is beneficial to the body..... and in some cases it may well be- but what about all the carcinogens- and the links to cancer??

Would love to hear someone's take on this.

the Jester

This is why I'm saving for a vape.

Those pro activists who say cannabis is less harmful than tobacco... utter crap. They harm the cause a=more than they help it, by making us look unintelligent and uninformed.

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Not meaning to burst everyone's bubble here..... but I hear so many people talking about the possibility of damaging yourself through smoking sprayed buds " Just think what It must be doing to your lungs??".

Hold that thought...... surely if you were thinking about your lungs you wouldn't be lighting up in the first place?

People talk like cannabis is beneficial to the body..... and in some cases it may well be- but what about all the carcinogens- and the links to cancer??

Would love to hear someone's take on this.

the Jester

This is why I'm saving for a vape.

Those pro activists who say cannabis is less harmful than tobacco... utter crap. They harm the cause a=more than they help it, by making us look unintelligent and uninformed.

I'm no scientist and I don't know for sure but I would dare to guess that a J of pure well grown bud is less harmful than the same of tobacco.

Also, my belt is red hot after laying on the couch all day with a laptop on my stomach. Really hot as it goes.

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Those pro activists who say cannabis is less harmful than tobacco... utter crap. They harm the cause a=more than they help it, by making us look unintelligent and uninformed.
Myth: Marijuana is More Damaging to the Lungs Than Tobacco. Marijuana smokers are at a high risk of developing lung cancer, bronchitis, and emphysema.

Fact: Moderate smoking of marijuana appears to pose minimal danger to the lungs. Like tobacco smoke, marijuana smoke contains a number of irritants and carcinogens. But marijuana users typically smoke much less often than tobacco smokers, and over time, inhale much less smoke. As a result, the risk of serious lung damage should be lower in marijuana smokers. There have been no reports of lung cancer related solely to marijuana, and in a large study presented to the American Thoracic Society in 2006, even heavy users of smoked marijuana were found not to have any increased risk of lung cancer. Unlike heavy tobacco smokers, heavy marijuana smokers exhibit no obstruction of the lung's small airway. That indicates that people will not develop emphysema from smoking marijuana.

Smoking of any kind is obviously bad for your health, but that is irrelevant on the legality of cannabis, as there are more healthier ways of using cannabis, like the vape you mention, or ingesting it, we could even get skin patches if it was legal, but they won't allow the evil weed :spliff: It would be relevant on a discussion of whether to ban smoking combustable material because it causes physical health problems, but not the actual drugs themselves. People have a right to choose what they do with their own body, they just have to be presented with the facts and make up their own mind.

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Those pro activists who say cannabis is less harmful than tobacco... utter crap. They harm the cause a=more than they help it, by making us look unintelligent and uninformed.

Sorry, but that is crap. Organic bud is a whole lot easier on the body than tobacco, when smoked. Look at the chemical pollutants on tobacco! None of that in my spliff, thankyou. And given its beneficial effects in both therapy and recreation .... I rest my case that Cannabis is way less harmful than tobacco.

But it matters not a jot. Because what a person puts in their body is their business alone. It has nothing to do with Governments, or with laws and statutes. It is time to free Tobacco, just as it is time to free Cannabis, from the ridiculous clutches of Governmental control and regulation which do nothing but strip the cash from the taxpayers wallet at lightning speed.

Normalise, Educate.

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As one of the 200 odd chemicals they add to tobacco, I'd mention they actually put a chemical in tobacco which widens the bronchial airways so you can smoke more and kill yourself faster, whereas THC on the other hand is a natural expectorant and clears the shit out of your lungs, god only knows why they add the other chemicals, no doubt they enhance profit in some way. Plus with tobacco the addiction is driven by the very dependant nicotine which causes people to smoke to maintain their habit, at least marijuana uers smoke to get high or stoned and not just damage their lungs to support a nasty addiction.

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Those pro activists who say cannabis is less harmful than tobacco... utter crap. They harm the cause a=more than they help it, by making us look unintelligent and uninformed.

Sorry, but that is crap. Organic bud is a whole lot easier on the body than tobacco, when smoked. Look at the chemical pollutants on tobacco! None of that in my spliff, thankyou. And given its beneficial effects in both therapy and recreation .... I rest my case that Cannabis is way less harmful than tobacco.

But it matters not a jot. Because what a person puts in their body is their business alone. It has nothing to do with Governments, or with laws and statutes. It is time to free Tobacco, just as it is time to free Cannabis, from the ridiculous clutches of Governmental control and regulation which do nothing but strip the cash from the taxpayers wallet at lightning speed.

Normalise, Educate.

Top Post buddy!

Commercial tobacco is full of shit - Especially Tailor mades! Organic Cannabis is much less harmful, burning it is not as safe as vaping or eating but IMO a blunt is the equivalent of a packet of 20 Bensons in carcenogens!

If you purcahse contaminated weed, know it's contaminated, then continue to smoke it then you only have yourself to blame, harsh but true :wink:


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the wonderfull thing about cigerette disclaimers is once you tell people that smoking your product will probably kill you, you cant complain about whats in it when you do.

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Those pro activists who say cannabis is less harmful than tobacco... utter crap. They harm the cause a=more than they help it, by making us look unintelligent and uninformed.

Sorry, but that is crap. Organic bud is a whole lot easier on the body than tobacco, when smoked. Look at the chemical pollutants on tobacco! None of that in my spliff, thankyou. And given its beneficial effects in both therapy and recreation .... I rest my case that Cannabis is way less harmful than tobacco.

But it matters not a jot. Because what a person puts in their body is their business alone. It has nothing to do with Governments, or with laws and statutes. It is time to free Tobacco, just as it is time to free Cannabis, from the ridiculous clutches of Governmental control and regulation which do nothing but strip the cash from the taxpayers wallet at lightning speed.

Normalise, Educate.

I don't wish to argue, but you do realise that ALL burning plant amtter contains enough carcinogens to kill, don't you? This is a medical fact.

It really makes no odds how many fewer chemicals cannabis contains, it can and does still kill, via lung disease.

As for it being beneficial in clearing the ungs... there is just as much evidence to suggest it harms as it helps... ergo, rather counter-productive.

I realise accurate info is hard to find, and I don't wish to sound like an ass, but I have a lot of experience in this area, and have worked in medicine etc. There is no sensible reason to carry on smoking ANY substance.

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Organic Cannabis is much less harmful, burning it is not as safe as vaping or eating but IMO a blunt is the equivalent of a packet of 20 Bensons in carcenogens!

This is, in my oopinion, part of what fuels the myth that smoking weed is safe; it is considerably harder to smoke 20 spliffs a day than it is to smoke 20 fags...... however, it does not make it safer.

While cannabis may contain less carcinogens, it certainly contains more tar.

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While cannabis may contain less carcinogens, it certainly contains more tar.

Allegidly.... but is that not because a tobacco joint has no filter? Hence the baccy being less filtered = more tar?

But low tar ciggs just have holes in the filter?

Independant Research Link? I.e research into the tar from a blunt? Considering they think grit weed is super strength & you can get 'herbal cannabis' at £96 on oz & super strength cannabis is available to all then I doubt any worthy analysis has been conducted at all!

Not arguing either buddy, just interested ;)


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I don't wish to argue

Yes you do, otherwise you would not be posting. I don't know why you said that?

And in your haste to argue, you have moved the goal posts. I simpy said Cannabis was safer. Now you are going on about smoking in general. Very different argument.

:wacko: I could not care less how harmfull Cannabis is.

What is this "safety" of which you speak?

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Hi,the last "sugared"weed i bought,i washed it in boiled water that had been left for a few minutes,swirl it around,leave it for 5 mins then drain on to kitchen towel,then dry it,it will save your weed.good luck.

I've just given the Brixed gear a wash and blow dry, and although a tiny bit crispy, it smells and tastes like ganja now!! Just giving it a final blast in the airing cupboard, but at this stage it doesn't sem like I've lost much weight wise.

Thanks again :rofl:


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I realise accurate info is hard to find, and I don't wish to sound like an ass, but I have a lot of experience in this area, and have worked in medicine etc. There is no sensible reason to carry on smoking ANY substance.

I agree there is no sensible reason to carry on smoking any substance as it is harmful to the lungs, but stating that cannabis is as harmful or more harmful than tobacco in unfounded, for reasons I've already stated, give people the education and let them do what they want, it's their body.

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I completely disagree with some of this, admittedly the research conducted into the availability of drugs and prices etc may be rather unreliable- but surely that is because of the illegal nature of it.

Research is research when it comes to studying the affects on the human body, I read that the levels of tar in one J equates to 10 cigarettes....... defend that one???

the Jester

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I read that the levels of tar in one J equates to 10 cigarettes....... defend that one???

Well I'd be happy with a Cannabis patch, or ingestion so I don't really need to justify that ...

No filter :rofl:

Compare somebody smoking 2 pure spliffs to smoking 40 cigs, how does your tar calculation work out then?

and with cough suppressants, and bronchial widening drugs added to tobacco so they can make more profit, do I even need to bother justifying myself?

I'm against smoking, pure and simple, A-levels in Biology and Chemistry taught me that, but in regards to drug use itself what has the smoking argument got to do with it?

Edited by Chris Pharm
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