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Is This That Gritty Shite thats going around???

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Guest Duke-Nukem

Bouncy bounce, would this be okay?

damn, those pics of blow torched weed are bad!!! :spliff:

any objections to those three pics being put on non smoking sites to show people quite how bad the dodgy weed going around is? obviously not saying anything about this place, but they're a bit of an eye opener to say the least!! the more people who know quite how bad the laced weed can be, the less dealers will be able to get away with it ;)

And lmfao at the shit weed dealer being raided, society is better without peeps like that giving cannabis a bad name B)

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when i was i my rehab other day i saw a warning from the darlington area posted on the wall it went a little like this...

"several reports of Skunk type cannabis being sold with what looks to be glass beads or in some cases brick dust several ppl were admitted for dmg to there lugs due to inhaling GLASS"

anyway this was a couple of months ago now but just thought i would add it.

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mother fuc**ng pieces of cr**!!!!! aaaghh!!

Had nothing dodgy till today. The latest contaminate sparkles ffs!! for example you put it in a bifter and it starts to sparkle and will literally burn itself all the way down the ash is grey very light but hard and i smoke big zoots mainly nearly pure

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not that i've been dealt any dodgy green,it's just a thought, it may have been posed before, but, if you are unlucky enough to get sold some 'sprayed' cannabis (if you cant tell/test by nibbling a bit before you buy ) is it okay to eat the stuff.

Is the 'brix' sprayed stuff ok to ingest in a cake/ yoghurt / butter ?

then there's the other contaminants to consider...

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Guest Dr Benways Assistant

Should be safe using the water method detailed in the topic pinned on the cooking with cannabis board but don't quote me on that.

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doesnt look normal does it?

first it looks super resinous so if it isnt bomb bud its probably been powdered with something.

also it looks very rounded and packed, showing it could of been dipped or rolled into something and so it became more compact and smoth/rounded as it was put under pressure rolling it in whatever crap they added.

its colour looks not very right either.

there are ways to test it, like sliding with your finger some of what comes off it onto a mirror in a corner and seeing if it scratches it like crystal or glass will. and tasting it as you did.

your better off throwing it away, selling it back to the dealer or someone else isnt right really, but you might want some money back...

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what about this, has anyone heard about the possible scent enhancer added to weed to make it smell like "cheese/bluberry" goin aboot?

i say this cos a "mate" got me some bud smells great, a little to great for how it looks?

looks like low quality bud to me but smells like i said, great?

what this shit aboot? do you think they could now be spraying scent on it for more blag of ya money, "yeah its 25's mate,cos its the best shit around maaan" type bollox, fucking cunt shithead runt bitchmug, ill save the rest for the fuck yoos thread...

or do you just think im bein paranoid?

it doesnt really get me stoned either considering how much it stinks? (im not basing a weeds strength on how much it smells)

anyone else think this is possible? :)

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Well there where some muppets around here a while ago selling this wet weed which had obviously just been cropped and the person who grew it never bothered drying it out atall. It was beening sold at £25 for 2.4 grams :blub: .

They where calling it 'lemon haze' and it came with this phat story about how it had been smuggled in boats accross the channel.

In reality what happened is someone had a crop, never bothered drying it and decided to sell it wet to make a load of cash, the idoit then proceeded to spray it all with a few cans of that Lemon mist citrus spray, to give it a lemony smell and then decides to give it some bullshit funky name like 'Lemon Haze' and has some muppet start knocking it out for him at stupid prices.

Anyway before you ask I didnt buy or smoke any of that shit, but I did have someone show me a bit that they had brought.



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Evening all, there is some dodgy stuff going about at the moment a.k.a 'the grit' or 'sprayed', as we are all aware- though I believe I have found something a little more disturbing.

The buds were from a local dealer, a henry of 'nice'- and it looked... and smelt nice, but things were not as they appear.

I measured my resting heart rate before having the joint and I had an average resting beat per minute (bpm) of 72- I have no history of heart disease, cancer etc in the family.

As I smoked the joint I could feel my heart rate increasing...... I ended up with a resting bpm of 141!!!!

Has anyone else encountered this??

the Jester

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a sativa dom plant grew fast taken early sprayed with god knows what what did you expect a nice glow? stop buying sprayed weed they will stop selling it!!!!! stank

Edited by stanky yank
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ive smoked enough of that sandy stuff, defferent types, its a short but not a bad buzz. lay a beach towel in the garden and pretend ur in ibiza :yep:

u shudnt say that about grit weed cuz it can fuck u up an mess with ya health mate

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a sativa dom plant grew fast taken early sprayed with god knows what what did you expect a nice glow? stop buying sprayed weed they will stop selling it!!!!! stank

PUT BEAUTIFULLY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



BANG BANG BOP, like out of the old batman


Read the post mate..... this shit didn't look like sprayed weed, you couldn't tell by looking at it or by giving it a sniff, the dealer was smoking it himself- there is fuck all about so this came from Leeds. This stuff had trichs. I wouldn't have bought it if it looked shit would I?

the Jester

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Yes thank you Kali for those 'wise' words- it seems to be a concurrent theme that buying sprayed is not desirable as it fuels the demand, how did you guys figure out such a nugget of wisdom?

the Jester

"Why smoke it??" - asks Kali...... because I enjoy it, I phone around dealers in the local area asking if they have any shitty weed that speeds up your heart???.

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