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Is This That Gritty Shite thats going around???

Big - L

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Looks like this shite is cropping up all over country, I, too, have been struggling to get anything other than this grit- the stone is not too bad but its like you have a mouthful of sand afterwards and dust all over hands.

At least my crop will be ready within a couple of months- so no more smoking horrible puff! :wink:

You guys are smoking some nasty shit ,lucky i started to grow before it came on the scene, but peeps put powderd fibre glass, silicon allsorts is your health worth a quick buzz?it will fuck up your precious lungs man,smoke ya own shit ,or buy from good friends.peace

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about this dodgy green which has been dusted etc,ruined for want of better word. i watched a documentry thing i think on bbc3 a while ago about some bird who'd never smoked before. she was a guinea pig(willing)to see the effect smoking cannabis(weed,hash,cakes etc) would have on a beginner(adult) and to film the effects. anyone she gotta job in cafe over 'dam, fisrt j she sucked at like proper learner and threw a greenie an had to duck out back to hotel. shit i'm digressing. it was good doc. anyway.

just wondred if any 1 hav heard about the sandy weed going about if so any info would be nices i.e. like where the fuck it come from and wot it is

cheers :rofl:

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i'm sure it was in this documentry they interviewed a forensic pathologist(cut up dead people for law) he said that basically some of the shit like glass(little microscopic balls of) was seriously detrimental to your health and that the numbers of people who in a few years would have serious lung problems was going to skyrocket due to this. some sort of fibre glass derivitive is also used too to make the weed look proper frosted. i'm not 100% sure on the siliconosis thing with the fibre glass or whatever but i do remember the analogy he gave for the microscopic glass balls. imgine they are in a joint,10's 1000's of them they get superheated and inhaled.


LOADS OF WASHING LINES all in a line, each washing line has big sheets hanging from it. you go to the first garden with a washing line and aim a cannon at the sheet so that when you fire the redhot cannonball it flys through the sheet and into next one and so on through all the sheets...

THAT IS WHAT SUCKING ON A J WITH GLASS,SAND ETC IN DOES TO THE LINING OF YOUR LUNGS!!! trust me that scared the shit outta me an an sent me straight out to the growshop. it ain't just about not lining the pockets of greedy scunts who frig about with the green in the first place,although that is very important. its self preservation. i dont wanna be hacking up lumps of my lungs in a few years just cause some lil yella fella couldn't stand the fact no one would buy his wet weed, hated losing 75% dryin it and needed some heavy but small particle to boost his profits, at our expense. fuckers dont even smoke weed themselves most of the time. i wish unto all growers who contaminate there crop with shit, TESTICULAR AN COLONIC CANCERS.

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Guest dr rockster

The silicosis thing is totally overblown in that the particles are too large to enter the lungs so if some went down you'd cough them up immediately and besides they arent gonna get past tobacco and roach in a joint which is how most peeps smoke pot.

Don't get me wrong,its not good at all but I did a bit of research as regards particle size etc and its not really a big health issue.

The silica ends up in your ash and thats it.

It would be interesting to x-ray the lungs of folk who have been smoking this for a long time and the reports we occasionally hear of people experiencing chest pains are with pot adulterated with other stuff that has been found,stuff that actually combusts unlike silica as silica has a much higher melting point than the glowing tip of a joint.

Edited by dr rockster
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The silicosis thing is totally overblown in that the particles are too large to enter the lungs so if some went down you'd cough them up immediately and besides they arent gonna get past tobacco and roach in a joint which is how most peeps smoke pot.

Don't get me wrong,its not good at all but I did a bit of research as regards particle size etc and its not really a big health issue.

The silica ends up in your ash and thats it.

It would be interesting to x-ray the lungs of folk who have been smoking this for a long time and the reports we occasionally hear of people experiencing chest pains are with pot adulterated with other stuff that has been found,stuff that actually combusts unlike silica as silica has a much higher melting point than the glowing tip of a joint.

Ive been smoking commercial daily for abwt a year now and since abwt a year ago you can never find uncontaminated weed anymore... it's always sprayed with something which obvs is not good for your lungs but how much damage can it do?

And is there anyway to get all contaminants out of your weed without lots of equipment etc?

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The silicosis thing is totally overblown in that the particles are too large to enter the lungs so if some went down you'd cough them up immediately and besides they arent gonna get past tobacco and roach in a joint which is how most peeps smoke pot.

Don't get me wrong,its not good at all but I did a bit of research as regards particle size etc and its not really a big health issue.

The silica ends up in your ash and thats it.

It would be interesting to x-ray the lungs of folk who have been smoking this for a long time and the reports we occasionally hear of people experiencing chest pains are with pot adulterated with other stuff that has been found,stuff that actually combusts unlike silica as silica has a much higher melting point than the glowing tip of a joint.

Ive been smoking commercial daily for abwt a year now and since abwt a year ago you can never find uncontaminated weed anymore... it's always sprayed with something which obvs is not good for your lungs but how much damage can it do?

And is there anyway to get all contaminants out of your weed without lots of equipment etc?

It can do damage I'm sure. My mate got some of it not so long ago, an ounce to be exact. He would smoke anything and obviously smoked a lot of this... after around 4 days he had a horrible cough so he went to the doctor who then told him he had some wierd case of bronchitis.

Causes of Bronchitis - Cigarette smoking is the most common cause of chronic bronchitis. Chronic bronchitis may also result from a series of attacks of acute bronchitis. Other causes include air pollution and industrial dusts and fumes.

So yes, It is bad for your health! If it's sprayed, you might as well throw the weed out - it ruins the flavour as well. If your dealer hands some to you, always check it, if it's sprayed (so easy to tell if it is or isn't) just give it back to him. Tell him not to waste your time with this shit, you want to buy weed not shit. You might get a little stoned off it and your desperate, but IF you do buy it - You are supporting the dealers who sell this shit, if there is a market for shit weed well then it will always be sold. Try not buy it and hopefully the message goes back to the dealer who sells it so he stops getting it in or something.

Tell everyone that you know who smokes the shit to stop buying it also

oh and grow your own :stoned:

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  • 3 weeks later...

I read an article about south American Sativas that are sprayed with chemicals before being bricked for export.It helps packaging and masks the smell apparantly.The impression therefore - the dodgy weed in the UK is mostly/all import that has been treated in the same manner to avoid sniffer dogs at customs.I have seen some fantastic looking weed that had no pot smell, but i couldnt inhale the smoke cos it was horrendous and made me cough as it was sulphurous.None of this type of shite has any recognizable pot smell at all and although some looks rolled before spraying alot doesnt.It would have to be the importer and not so much the grower i would imagine that does the spraying part and that dampness to the weed is that; not drying for long enough or part of the import spraying business?!I also hear of the Triads controlling the shipping of Hash and Weed for export throughout the World via Hong Kong.What is often called "Inglish" weed is fine though.Am i barking (up the wrong tree) ? B)

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Guest dr rockster

Everybody here gives the advice to back contaminated weed to the dealer and tell him not to accept crap.

Thing is,its all dealers are offered and most of em wouldnt know good pot if it bit them on the arse,well,judging by what they accept?

Contaminated weed is the absolute norm and not the exception.

So we are in the right house obviously arent we? :stoned:

What I'd like to know is if the Home Office is actually doing proper analysis,not just strength,as there are many contaminants,I mean,they've had lead on bud in Germany,which is a strong reason for legalisation as if prohibition causes seriously dangerous contaminants to get into pot well then something has to change.

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there iz some dodgy weed floatin around the south west at the mo.i was passed a spliff last night and after takin a few tokes i went 2 dump the ash but it wouldnt dropoff! unless u batter it against the side ov the tray.i immediatly said that this weed has bin tampered with only 2 upset a couple peps cuz they just paid 25's an 8th.they told me to check it out because it looks amazin,and at 1st glance it did.only it was an un-natural neon green colour and what seemed 2b resin actually looked like some kinda sprayon fibres YUK i just toked this shite! i blame the vietnamesse super croppers PEACE :bag::yep:

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yeah but does anyone else blame the vietnamesse/.....i know its them

No I blame the government, as if cannabis was decriminalized, tolerated or legalized then there could be some sort of quality control on the product before it is sent of for public use.

This way any product that has been adulterated or contaminated will be filtered out of circulation.



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yeah but does anyone else blame the vietnamesse/.....i know its them

The gov is more to blame. They are the root cause here, the law as it stands serves nothing but exploition.

Welcome to the suck.

Grow your own B)

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