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Is This That Gritty Shite thats going around???

Big - L

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Last pic burned trainwreck, burn easy

Ps i'm going to send the rest to a lab. I think they added baking meal or something like that.

I'll report later with results.


Edited by vigor
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Was it papillon coffeeshop where u got that rather suspect weed? cos if it was ill be giving it a miss!!! can believe this lol even amsterdam isnt safe from the evil forces lol

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Hmmm. Alarming.

I'm hungover and slow today but I just wanna clarify.. you're saying a coffeeshop sold you grit weed? That's like going to a decent steakhouse and getting served a frozen burger.. Surely any shop that engaged in such practice would be very quickly avoided and remonstrated against. Commercial suicide - the loss of a reputation for a quick tourist buck...

What next, Soapbar next to the Manali?

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Yes how ever you want to call it I'll call it shit weed.

It's not in Amsterdam but yes it's the Papillion. The adress is on the lighter :beer: I also bought some Nederhash. Which didn't look like hash at all (just compressed weed that came out of a blender) and tasted chemical.

Same as the De Riff that sold me shit earlier on. Thats 2 out of 6 coffeeshops in one town.

"Normal" people have no clue or no experience.

Somehow no one seems to notice, that coffeeshop has 11 hours long every 1 to 3 minutes 3 customers.

Guess I need to get my ass spanked again for going to a coffeeshop :beer::beer:

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Pff been calling around but they want me to go to the police and report it so a official investigation can start.

Now i have to look for a victim that wants to report it for me haha i'm not getting my name involved with an official complaint about this matter with all the shit i got at home and most coffeeshop owners are criminals :rofl::nenenenene:

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Hello vigor, thanks for putting the pics up for everyone to see.

Would you mind if i copy them and spread them around a few websites ?

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No worries mate thats what it's for.

I've asked the police they can try to keep me anymously. :rofl:

What about registering the complaint without my name. Nope :D

I'll send a letter to the parlement about this shit :unsure:


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It really is a sad state of affairs with this shit finding it's way into the coffeeshops. I will definately be checking out the buds that I buy next time I am over there, thats for sure.

Something seriously should be done about this FFS :wink: .



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Hello vigor

when are you expecting the lab results back?

I'm still looking for a place. my friend doesn't work @ a lab anymore lol

I got one other option but he wants to much weed for it and i'm short on weed myself atm eeuu am i? ;) maybe i'm a cheap ass :yep:

Probably can do it for free somewhere. Working on it. I know we had a institute to let your hard drugs get tested for free. Can't remember the name.


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The Francis Rossi School Of Excellence.

WHat does that mean? I'm dutch and a culture barbarian :guitar:

Tried to edit the info and accidently deleted the vid. hehe, new link


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Hi huys..

Due to the total disaster that was a vertical bulb grow i thought for the 1st time for years id see what i could get for a friday night in front of the box..

2 x tenner bags of ? Well i dont really know but its being passed off as weed.



Im going to answer some questions before you all ask..

Its defo not sand,no taste to whatever has been put on it,very fine powder like flour or talc...

This is why this government are complete bastards,there is no way im going to smoke this crap, but i bet there are fkin thousands,who through lack of education would happily smoke this shit..........God im so bloody angry i could crush a grape...

Anyone who would like to hazard a guess as to what this is........?


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It is throughly disgusting that that kind of shit is getting sold on the streets of this country on a daily basis :rofl: .

I would like to know, and believe anyone who buys street weed should know just exactly how that weed has been fucked about with - one thing is for sure that is the results will certainly be grim indeed.

Anyone who would like to hazard a guess as to what this is........?
It has obviously been sprayed with some contaminates and adulterants, god knows what is has been sprayed with, it could be anyone of the things already mentioned in this thread already.



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