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Is This That Gritty Shite thats going around???

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Guest podgy

M'kay I said I was gonna up some pics... yesterday I got off the wagon (drug test :smoke: )so I'm smoking again, and because I'm impatient I bought some beasters... 3.5 grams @ 45.00 they look kinda heady, but the weed itself is really a smoke and mirrors act yah know goood from far, far from good.. Every once in awhile when I smoke this stuff I'll get a fleeting hint of something fruity or piney but only on the first hit. Other than those RARE moments this stuff taste pretty much like :P So ere they are I dunno if their from B.C. but in the southeast states this is whats floating around here...and most folks call it beasters I call it crap... I also got pics of the Heady stuff I bought from another guy, but I don't think thats where this goes but spent $270 on about 19.5 grams of three other types Ice Cream, Avalanche, and The Funk... :unsure::rofl::ouch:




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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all

Was listening to the radio in london and heard that hospitals have been seeing large numbers of people coming in coughing up blood and suffering from serious chest pains doctors are saying there noticing alot of the people coming in are smoking weed and the met police and doctors are saying that this weed with sand and other forms of shit are the cause of the problems and is extremely dangerous.

ps if someone sells you this i would treat them like they stole something from you i would

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You can tell straight away cus the bag will have dust all over it from what I've seen, luckily the stuff I get is only treated with Brix+ and so is not as dangerous as some of the stuff others are smoking.


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Stuff I got tonight, its a tale of two halves.

1 - I could smell it in my hand outside and hey, it was wrapped in cling film and the wind was blowing.

2 - It gets you smashed.

The silly thing is, it doesn't seem to burn properly, is that because of sand?

Sand wouldn't burn.

The ash from my spliff is rock hard even if I crush the bud to fine powder!

This stuff is rock hard (now I dried it out so its cracker dry) damn its so strange, like rock hard lumps of THC crystals (because its head gear and stinks) or its some crap they put in it.

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It sounds over fertilized to me and possibly not flushed atall. It could also be adulterated with some crap, it could be anything like wallpaper paste, sand, metal filings, glass beads, lead dust, brix+ etc. You would be best off looking at it under a microscope or a jewlers loupe to see if you can see any nasty's on the outside of it. Also if you could get some good pictures of it up on here this would help.



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Some of the smaller buds are yellow.

The others are cabbage green.

It was wet when I got it and gone rock hard now its dry.

It still smells nice even though its bone dry.

Its really strong, its just silly, its burns like asbestos! (it doesn't)

Can't do pics sorry. Theres no crystals on it as far as I can see, under a pretty strong magnifying lens.

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It's kind of hard to tell without seeing it M8. If it has loads of dusty stuff on the outside but no crystals then it has definately been adulterated with som sort of crap.

Atleast it gets you smashed. I would try it in a vapouriser if you have access to one just to see what it is like through there.



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Almost got stung for oz of "custardbud" but when i asked for my money back i got it.Looked very nice bud before someone dropped it in the rhubarb. :)

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It's kind of hard to tell without seeing it M8. If it has loads of dusty stuff on the outside but no crystals then it has definately been adulterated with som sort of crap.

Atleast it gets you smashed. I would try it in a vapouriser if you have access to one just to see what it is like through there.



It does get you smashed indeed but will avoid this weird shit in future, theres better stuff.

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It does get you smashed indeed but will avoid this weird shit in future, theres better stuff.

Yeah I would avoid it aswell. If you can try before you buy, have a sample smoke if possible it's the best way. Then if you are happy with the sample you have tried, make sure that they don't change it for inferior stuff by pulling the old "bait and switch" on you.


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This shit weed seems to be taking over.

A friend of mine got a bit the other day & he showed me, it looked like it had been dipped in dusty crap, but had a really nice smell & smelled really strong when smoked & apparently tasted good too. I never had any but was tempted as it smelt so nice but resisted due to morals.

He semed to get absolutely smashed on it & claimed it was a nice smoke & he will continue to buy it.

There is a serious problem here, as if I didn't grow & know about UK420 I'd probably buy it myself & ignore the brix or whatever it is. I feel it is taking over & probably the cause of these people feeling ill on it after using a reasonable amount of it.

While it's illegal this shit will sell by the truck loads & cost an arm & a leg, crime will fuel because of it & us percy growers will get the blame for it! ;)


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Well thats it. Dealer sacked.

I told him about the shit he was giving out. And gave him a couple of chances to do something different.

He clearly doesnt give a shit about his customers. I have been very open but its money up front, so cant easily test it.

I showed him the oil ash and everything so he knows and could easily test it himself. But he still just tried to push more of the shit on me, kinda shrugging his shoulders when asked directly.

So thats it. I cant say I feel that happy tho, going through withdrawl sucks. Not sleeping (on top of being made redundent a while back) I didnt realise how much of a comfort gear has come to be.


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Its one bunch of shit to the next.

Indeed this shitty stuff is taking over.

Personally, I have not yet seen or had that gritty or sprayed stuff, but that recent shit I had did not burn properly, and when I dried it out fully its rock hard like glass when its dry.

Some other shit a mate got, waited 2 weeks for this Oz and it was "raped of THC" as my other mate decribed it, remember bush that had seeds in? It was like a step above soap bar but nowhere near as good as buddhism... well that stuff was like bush, loads of big fat leaves, fuck that man, there shouldn't be leaves in it.

Got a Q last night and it looked like a 20 bag not a 40. So I said "what do those 20 bags weigh" and he reckons 2.8 grams! So where a Q should weigh 7 grams it weighs more like 5.6 grams, its a tiny amount man. If you can fit a 20 bag into a matchbox, then you've been scammed. More like about a tenner bag fits in a matchbox about 80%

To anyone reading - stop buying your weed from dealers and grow your own if you possibly can - its IMPERATIVE!

I estimate that even very very high quality bud (that comes round like once every 5 years I mean) even that stuff is moist and I estimate at least 20% water.

Anytime I get bud, I dry it out on a radiator for hours and hours. I want it "cracker dry" and so you can just crumble the dry bud in your fingers... grinders and all those stupid accessories, you don'y need a grinder if you dry your bud out. Remember - water doesn't get you stoned and also it doesn't burn too good!

Maybe I am being funny but I always dry it out to bone dry.

Swear to god if you had a 20 bag but bone dry you'd have double the bud, it wouldn't fit in those tiny little sealy bags they put it in anyway.

Some recent dealer shite has been so damp, its gotta make up 50% OR MORE of the real weight of the bud.

Edited by Toasted
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Got a Q last night and it looked like a 20 bag not a 40. So I said "what do those 20 bags weigh" and he reckons 2.8 grams! So where a Q should weigh 7 grams it weighs more like 5.6 grams, its a tiny amount man. If you can fit a 20 bag into a matchbox, then you've been scammed.

Dealers do this trick so that they can get 10 / 2.8 gram deals out of an OZ (an OZ is 28 grams). This way if they are charging £25 for what is supposed 8th (which is really a 2.8 gram deal) then they will get back £250 on each OZ that they sell. They are bastards and are obviously only in it for the money. It is extremely rare to meet a dealer that actually gives a shit about customer satisfaction.



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hi dude, that is some nasty looking stuff you got there,

checkout my youtube vid on this subject-just type in "gritweed" 2008 in the search box on youtube

i keep hoping we have seen the end of it, but then it re-appears!!

dont smoke it,,

peace all

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