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Is This That Gritty Shite thats going around???

Big - L

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So it seems that almost everytime I phone dealers up these days asking for weed I keep hearing "ive got some import mate", I stupidly bought some last year thinking that 'import' would mean it was good. wrong. This stuff is shite. Turns out that 'import weed' basically means 'sprayed shit weed'. Its not the same as 'grit' weed tho, i cant decide which is worse out of the two. It seems to becoming a real problem round here too, more and more dealers seem to be cool with selling this stuff.

Anyone had this stuff?

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I got some supposed IMPORT stuff and its was the same shite sprayed weed. Wasnt sprayed as much as usuall but still takes the piss,

Greedy dealers and there clever ways to make the weigh more.

Pathetic i think

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Sadly I too still have to buy my weed. But I wouldn't givemy money to a dealer wiling to give me grit weed or any of that other shite either. The only dealers I use smoke what they are selling and so won't put up with any crap. I'll admit it's abit annoying at the time when I ring them up and they are supposed to have something for me but all i get is "sorry man, looked dodgy so I didn't get any" but I'd rather they did that than try seel me some of the bollocks that other dealers try pass off these days.

Suppose I should think myself lucky all I get is clean but still damp buds though I think that is bad enough.

If a dealer sells you grit just don't go back, if only more people did this maybe they would get the message


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Sadly I too still have to buy my weed. But I wouldn't givemy money to a dealer wiling to give me grit weed or any of that other shite either. The only dealers I use smoke what they are selling and so won't put up with any crap. I'll admit it's abit annoying at the time when I ring them up and they are supposed to have something for me but all i get is "sorry man, looked dodgy so I didn't get any" but I'd rather they did that than try seel me some of the bollocks that other dealers try pass off these days.

Suppose I should think myself lucky all I get is clean but still damp buds though I think that is bad enough.

If a dealer sells you grit just don't go back, if only more people did this maybe they would get the message


yeah from now on i will be thoroughly checking any weed before i hand over any cash, and the first time they try selling me grit or import weed, i will be deleting their number.

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fuck fuck fuck just got an 8th of grit weed, thought this shite had been and gone. fucking deserve to die whoever does this shit.

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shit sorry to hear that mate

Can you post a pix of the bud?

unfortunately I gave it away and i don't have a camera:(. It's looked like the gritty stuff, was kinda neon green looking with no pungent cannabis smell. it tastes odd and bland. It doesn't grit as much as usual but it looks like the same sort of stuff and i tasted a bit which i think gave me a bit of a blister on my gums. It's easy to tell as it's caked on the stems as well as the buds and sort of smears itself. i really hope whoever does this or orders people do this gets a bullet in the head.

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also going around our way is that rip off shite . the sandy stuff is nasty . but the dipped shit is even worse . somebody said atthe beginning of the thread back in 06 that they ruined the hash over the past 19 years now they are greedy on the weed too .

keep enuff of your own crop to last ya . and boycott the screed dealers

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Guest djdavid4u

U.K is a big target coz most fuckers will smoke it

dont buy it

dont support dealers who sell it

and if anyone says its all there is to smoke then that meens your the person resopnceble for fillin in the market for this shit

wait for a good unsprayed smoke

Edited by djdavid4u
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Guest dr rockster

Thats ALL there is to smoke if you score off the streets.

I see my mates pot and 90-95% of the time its Brix'd up cack.

They've got NO choice.

They'll be waiting till hell freezes over for the situation to improve.

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its a sad fact that most weed will remain this way, so the quicker people get hooked up and growing themselves the better........... :yinyang:

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its a sad fact that most weed will remain this way...

Sad, but true - you can't uninvent the bomb.

Contaminated weed is here to stay :bad:

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Got a phone call from a good mate last night (he doesn't grow and doesn't know i grow), the stuff must be doing the rounds around where he stays now, he bought a bit but didn't realise until he got home and put the weed on his glass table, stuff was falling off the buds like snow :rofl: , that's the first time he's seen this crap, told him to get rid of it

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This SPAYed shit used to all around my Neck of the Wood's

Eat a bit,Bite of a bit and Crunch Crunch Your KNow Straight away..

Its Rough Robbing barstArds............My do they Make us buy this shite.

Only way Is dont buy It.GIve it bak State your consumer Right's

How about spraying it with opium Concentrate or some Flavor?Anyone ever tried?

Tell me MOre,

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I'm thinking that if this carries on...
What do you mean "if" this goes on? It's been going on for ages and people are still buying it, week in week out.
...anyone who gets sold contaminated weed should go and get the local heads to smash the door down beat the shit out of the dealers and destroy their grit weed in front of them and inform them that if they sell grit weed again they will be hospitalised
And what good will that do, exactly? :angry:
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