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Is This That Gritty Shite thats going around???

Big - L

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a reckon maybe a few medicinal patients are forced to buy marijuana if they cant grow it.

anyway, why has this thread become so hostile? it doesn't really make much sense....

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a reckon maybe a few medicinal patients are forced to buy marijuana if they cant grow it.

But why buy "medicine" that doesn't work?

I don't get it :spliff:

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well, I'd imagine it does work. its just coated in nonsense. ive had some sandy weed that got me pretty blasted, but gave me a very sore throat.

anyway, the point im making is that the argument in this thread is just a bit unnecessary. i can understand the point you are making, that people should pay for their own stupidity, but you could add that to many elements in life. but hey, lets just leave it at that eh?

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Tense by any chance! :fuckyou: Fundamentally we are in agreement - people who know about this stuff should know better, and I too get frustrated, but also it makes me very sad that people don't value their health that much, or that they just don't think it's that bad. It's a sad situation that only came about because of frigging prohibition. If you want to be pissed off at someone, write a letter to the people who really deserve it.

I know that not everybody can grow, I also know that there are people who are too lazy and / or indifferent.

So you acknowledge that not everyone is able to grow it. I don't see why you continue to argue any further, if you acknowledge that there are people who can't grow it, then what of the medicinal users who aren't able to grow it, or get it from their tight ass GP, what about them. Would you tell them tough shit mate but buck up..... I don't think so. The people who are lazy and or indifferent, that's another story, that's their choice and if they have been informed then it is a bad one to make. I entirely understand your frustration with people who are well aware yet they continue to buy and bitch about this stuff, there's no real excuse there unless they were caught out - if your mate gets clean green 99% of the time then he might not realise what he's got until it's too late, likewise his friend customers who aren't expecting anything BUT clean green. Say he normally get's it from a friend who grows, but they tell him it's local when it's not, suddenly contaminate is where no one had seen or expected it before.

And before I started, I'd given up; partly through lack of regular income, but equally because I was fed up with the poor quality. Like I said - it's a choice.

Be glad that you had that choice - what of the people who's only relief comes from cannabis, who don't want to take prescription chemical shite. What about them. Do they REALLY have a choice, you've already acknowledged that they aren't all in the situation where they can grow.

So why not just keep it pinned? Isn't a 63 page thread warning enough? Apparently not for some, but here's a brief summary of the thread so far...

You've totally missed my point mate - the contaminate CHANGES ALL THE TIME. Great, pin the thread and lock it, then how in the name of christ are people going to find out about NEW CONTAMINATE. Or should they start a billion new threads each time.....!!!!??? :fuckyou: I don't know about you but I'd rather have them post in here than clog up the message boards, I know which would annoy me more.





1. So why do I know a dealer mate who only gets quality (like I said earlier - I don't buy dealer weed either, fundamentally I don't agree with the unregulated sale of cannabis, but I see that there is a market because there ARE people who need it and without regulated trade they have no other place to go get it.)

2. See above and then below - they aren't all money grubbing arsebandits.

3. So the mate who gets it off a mate who grows is supporting organised crime eh. Still a dealer in the eyes of the law.

Your third point sounds like the sort of propaganda you'd hear in the daily mail, not from a fellow smoker. Yeah, every dealer is paying money up to a gangster, they all have guns and they'll all kill you if you give them lip - erm, reefa madness anyone. Once again, IT ISN'T THAT BLACK AND WHITE.

Like I said, for the people that DO have a choice who KNOW they have other options, well you said it, we are essentially in agreement, but I'm sorry you cannot make out like it's plain black and white for everyone, it's utter nonsense. Trust me, you and I have very similar ways in looking at things, I have a tendency to see things as black and white and "oh well that's just totally illogical". So I feel your frustration brother, but you're directing it the wrong way.

Oh and as for the how is a 45 year old mum going to find UK420 - how did any of our more senior members find this site? So if and when she does get here would it not be better to have a single thread in which she could see what's happened and what is happening up to the present day.

I just can't see why you have such a thorn in your side about this when it clearly isn't as black and white as you seem to think it is. Given a "choice" between crippling back pain and not smoking, or scoring from someone who 99% of the time has clean and quality green to relieve that pain, what would you "choose".

Not everyone has black and white choices in front of them. I'm not trying to start something with you, far from it - I just want to share with you my compassion for those who DON'T have clear cut options, because frankly you're being pretty harsh to some people who don't really have a choice.

Believe me, if a mate of mine who I clue up about contaminate buys it and I know they don't have any need for it other than a bit of smoke, I rip the piss out of them - that is just completely mind-numbingly idiotic and I'm with you all the way, they should clam up about it and learn their lesson, if they don't care then that's their choice, it's their health and it's still, very, very sad.


Edited by fruityjuice101
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Basicaly Mr. Sesmesesles if you arent going to supply us all with some clean gear then STFU.

I told you im not psychic to all the new tricks. I am not so spoiled (and big headed) to have my own plants and say everyone else should stop or fuck them!

I am not giving up smoking, because the goverment and the baddies win!

I just need a heads up on the latest trick so I get some chance to spot it.

I have rejected the gear from last time thanks to this thread and one on UKCIA.

So it saved me buying any more of that particular shit and I am picking up the tests for each one from people who are kind enough to pass on their experiences in the hope the next person wont get ripped off!



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what i would like to know is what the f**k is the stuff. Last year I remember the gritty stuff that was like sand in your teeth, recently i've seen mates with green that looks o.k coz of the crystals but the smoke and high do not fit the look(plus the dust that comes off it just looks wrong), also there is some shit going round east anglia that looks fine, grinds up fine, theres no grit but it wont toke and the ash is so hard it rips the cherry off your joint, plus you dont get stoned.. Weed used to be great because it was the only thing they couldn't f**k with, but now it seems like they are trying to mess with it as much as possible.

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a - They are stupid

b - They are addicts

c - They enjoy being victims

For saying that your an idiot. The stuff I get 99.99% of the time is fantastic, like what's been said above

also there is some shit going round east anglia that looks fine, grinds up fine, theres no grit but it wont toke and the ash is so hard it rips the cherry off your joint, plus you dont get stoned

you never know because of this. So get off your high horse son :pirate:

btw if it's obviously shi* then your a mug obviously

Edited by acrasherkid
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That actually looks good enough to me... The stuff you want to be looking out for is if your dealer tells you he has dutch, usually coated in flour/sugar and even sandblasted at times, come to think of it, I don't think ive EVER smoked clean, nice buuda :D;)

haha true mate. rule #1: never trust your dealer!! the way i see it, the more they try to push a certain bag on you, the more difficulty theyv been having in trying to sell it...

never smoked pure green? i never heard of tainted ganj back when i first started smoking, 4-5 years ago ;)

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a - They are stupid

b - They are addicts

c - They enjoy being victims

For saying that your an idiot. The stuff I get 99.99% of the time is fantastic, like what's been said above

also there is some shit going round east anglia that looks fine, grinds up fine, theres no grit but it wont toke and the ash is so hard it rips the cherry off your joint, plus you dont get stoned

you never know because of this. So get off your high horse son :stoned:

btw if it's obviously shi* then your a mug obviously

Thanks for the support, but I have no need to buy this stuff actually , I was just trying to point out a problem that a lot of people I know have, and which I think people would like to know the details of. Sorry if I offended anyone

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Fundamentally we are in agreement - people who know about this stuff should know better, and I too get frustrated, but also it makes me very sad that people don't value their health that much, or that they just don't think it's that bad. It's a sad situation that only came about because of frigging prohibition.
Well at least we agree up to a point, although I question whether prohibition is entirely to blame; could it not be as much to do with living in a society where unlimited, instant gratification is seen a right?
3. So the mate who gets it off a mate who grows is supporting organised crime eh. Still a dealer in the eyes of the law.
In a way he is IMO, in the same way that fake fur can be said to be supporting the fur industry, by making the wearing of fur seem acceptable. And who doesn't have a dealer who is also a mate, eh? :rofl:
Basicaly Mr. Sesmesesles if you arent going to supply us all with some clean gear then STFU...
No. Sorry mate, but it's not called Growing Your Own for nothing ;)
...I told you im not psychic to all the new tricks...
No disrespect, but you don't need to be psychic to know that most dealer weed is adulterated / contaminated these days - it's practically a given that most dealer weed today is little better than soap bar.
I am not so spoiled (and big headed) to have my own plants and say everyone else should stop or fuck them!
Oh yeh... like... I'm just soooooo spoiled with my tiny little 'drobe, 400W lamp, 150mm fan and average growing skills, which struggle to raise barely half a dozen deliberately stunted and twisted plants to maturity.

Big headed? No. Internalised locus of control? A little more likely :)

...your an idiot.
Thanks for the judgement and personal abuse :stoned:
...get off your high horse son
Sorry dude, but I like the view from up here too much to do that :smoke:

Alright, so maybe I didn't phrase my arguement very well; maybe I should have said something like...





4. Cool people will laugh at you.


Sorry to have ruffled feathers, maybe in the fullness of time my little rant will be something that adds balance to the debate - which is what forums are for (or so I was told, once upon a time).

See you in another eighteen (fucking) months...

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Mr Semesessles,

I have read a few of your posts on other subjects & I must admit you have a good point in most things & I was starting to think you were a sensible dude, but this thread is a thread about warning EVERYONE so we can warn OTHERS about shit weed & you have been a little out of line & wrong in your opinion.

I grow my own, I had 8oz of AK47 & POG back in Jan but have smoked it all now due to the excruciating pain I have been in with my damaged back, I am now facing 4 weeks without a single smoke because I know all that is about is shit weed where I am. In 4 weeks I'll be harvesting a White Russian & 5xLot#5 Sativa's & I'll be happy. I have also only just learned how to keep the grow going by cuttings so I have not got such a long wait between harvests next time, but that does not help me this time. I have no confidence in purchasing anything decent & therefore must go without. I am angry I cannot buy something nice because of this contamination but have no choice. If it wasn't for this site warning me about the contamination I might have bought an oz of crap unknowingly!

I just wished there were dealers who had good weed, but alas there are so few that I have to go without.

Now, if it wasn't for this site, I would probably not know about contaminated weed, I wouldn't have been able to warn dozens of my mates about it (despite some ignoring me). However new contamination comes in waves & it needs to be addressed so others who are not fortunate to have a plentiful stash can prevent themselves from being ripped off.

New people are finding this site all the time, admittedly there are repeat after repeat of questions that we have all been guilty of asking but these newcomers need the education we are fortunate enough to have.

So chill dude & if something bothers you here then don't waste your time battering them down about the fact they don't grow & instead skin up a fat one, keep quiet & feel blessed :rofl:


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^^ Nicely put I thought.





4. Cool people will laugh at you.

I like the revised list a lot more, much more tactful, :( .

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I dunno, people do get ripped off alot these days. I think it's altogether weird that you can't hardly buy even ordinary reasonable hash these days, not to mention all this snide weed going around. I'd love to read an economics report on it, you know, how it started. Anyone know what happened to the old sources? Is it Russians or Yardies or what. 15 years ago we were getting nice hash from Morocco and places. Now, you might as well smoke the dried muck out of the treads of your boot. Deary me..

But hey guys, don't allbe bitching at each other :yinyang: Big hug now! :ninja:

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Ain't it strange though, when you take a step back and look at the situation, ( and of course this is a much-repeated thought in society ) , that peeps tell us which plant of the earth we may use, and which we may not...

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