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Is This That Gritty Shite thats going around???

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Guest djdavid4u

look at this nasty shit my brover got off somebody THE FOOOL

on smell it can pass off what was most likely the case but I can smell the brix in it

white dust justs falls off it




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personally i have smoked daily for 15years and 99.9% of what ive smoked over the years has been dealer weed.

few months ago round my way we had a littly patch of about 6 months where it seemed all the people i know to score from were offering this grit/sprayed whatever weed. but i must say ive not seen any for quite a while now, hopefully some1 reasonably high up in the local dealing circle has been refusing it cos lately there has been no gritweed just a good variety of nice weed.

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look at this nasty shit my brover got off somebody THE FOOOL

on smell it can pass off what was most likely the case but I can smell the brix in it

white dust justs falls off it

Thats exactly what I am having to smoke, there is nothing else about, not for weeks... Thats the stuff that turns water white, get a bit wet and see for yourself, its fecking horrible. But if ya grind it up, and shake it about in the bowl, lifting as you shake, most falls off and can be collected in the bottom of the bowl, but why the feck should we have to spend time trying to make weed smokable

Meh, 6 weeks to go till harvest time :smoke:


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Guest djdavid4u
look at this nasty shit my brover got off somebody THE FOOOL

on smell it can pass off what was most likely the case but I can smell the brix in it

white dust justs falls off it

Thats exactly what I am having to smoke, there is nothing else about, not for weeks... Thats the stuff that turns water white, get a bit wet and see for yourself, its fecking horrible. But if ya grind it up, and shake it about in the bowl, lifting as you shake, most falls off and can be collected in the bottom of the bowl, but why the feck should we have to spend time trying to make weed smokable

Meh, 6 weeks to go till harvest time :smoke:


yeh that stuffs nasty

the 1st joint will get you a tiny bit buzzin then nothing after 30mins after the 1st spliff,


I smoke mine pure, "not that shit tho, when ive got stuck with it i use a water bong and finish it off in 2 hit, still no buzz :smoke:" I wouldnt want to resell it to anybody and most of the times just binned it and done experiments with a pissed off face :smoke:

I can smoke that shit all day long and nothin its a waist of smoke and money, when I get good weed when I can sometimes one 3 grams "£20 scores bit" will last 3 or 4 days coz it gets me so wrecked

one of them ones when you cant even finish the spliff and leave it in the ash tray for a bit lol

3 to 4 days pure no cigg it lastes me, but now im tryin for weekend only smoke

best thing to do buddy is when u chat to you dealer say it like this

"mate yeh how much it weight 1st off, then ask them is it any good, make sure to say it aint been sprayed with any nasty shit has it coz all i seem to get is that nasty shit, they will always try say this to you once coz they think wer dickheads, yeh its ok you know,

say to them yeh i want to see it 1st tho, they will always be like yeh

if its shit dont buy it,

next time when u ask them they will tell you if its sprayed or not,

if they bring u shit again just dont buy it and say sorry i know i wont like it coz i smoke them pure, I cant smoke it .

trust all this shit will fade out if people tell it like that

if u have to smoke something dont smoke cigg please, if you smoke cigg then what i said above wont work coz people will just sell out and buy nasty shit

they must be some legal smoke thats better then that from herb shops, ive had it once it tastes like weed you know and gets you tiny bit buzzin

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yeah just picked up some sandy weed last week.

first time ive ever come across it, and to be honest its pretty harsh!

at first i thought it was covered in THC but on closer look (and taste) i found out it's sand. sand?! seriously thats just plain gross! my throat has been scratchy to fuck since ive been smoking it!!!

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Yeah, its not nice, you need 3 pints of squash to get through a joint! Such a dry mouth...

I agree with the dont buy it thing, but my wife is getting from a mate at work and wont say anything, I keep telling her to!! :wassnnme:

The thing is, most dealers are like 18-22yrs old, and aint got a fekkin clue, they will tell you till they are blue in the face thats its fine, cos they really think it is..

Ahh well, Im away all this week, so no smoke anyway. But yeah, tbh, your better with nothing as it really wont get you high at all


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A m8 recently came across some bud, i wouldn't call it grit weed but something was wrong with it, the bud looked pukka just like any other decent green but when smoked the ash would turn rock hard and when you tried to flick it off the whole cherry came off. Any one else had this bud and know what it's tainted with?


that's the stuff i've been getting mate! The bud looks and smells gorgeous theirs no sign of contamination. since been told it's sugar sprayed on since the first sign of flowering pistils

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Another dealer just lost a customer!!

Well done and welcome choaky!!

And soon,...... I hope you will no longer feel the need to call yourself choaky, perhaps SMOKEY instead!!

Good Luck!!

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Just a surgestion.

and I know it's easier said than done.

It could entail getting strung out for a few days but in the end it would be worth it.


If you get offered it throw it in there face and tell em to fuck off.

No market for it so no surply and demand..

We're the ones who could control what we get offered.

Just got to get a bit upfont with these fuckas.

My thoughts for the day.


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Guest djdavid4u
Just a surgestion.

and I know it's easier said than done.

It could entail getting strung out for a few days but in the end it would be worth it.


If you get offered it throw it in there face and tell em to fuck off.

No market for it so no surply and demand..

We're the ones who could control what we get offered.

Just got to get a bit upfont with these fuckas.

My thoughts for the day.


yeh man 100%

we dont have to buy it just remeber that

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just a quick 1 fine sand is what glass is made off when heated up. so effectively your smoking glass must be fantastic for the lungs .. make them nice hard and shiny.

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Guest dr rockster

Actually silica does faff all to your lungs as it doesnt melt and the particles are too large to enter the part of the lungs that absorb oxygen.

So if a few particles get past your roach you just cough and expel them.

Brix+ contamination is much worse as you are inhaling burning sugar/carbo's which IS very bad for you.

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ok got some more. This looks a lot better smells good. Passed the burnt ash test and yet it still has foul aftertaste some strange burnt taste. :wink:

I cant afford this shit every time ffs.

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look at this nasty shit my brover got off somebody THE FOOOL on smell it can pass off what was most likely the case but I can smell the brix in it white dust justs falls off it

A cropped enhanced negative of the magnified image allows the contaminate to be seen more clearly :spliff::



Edited by Scribb|e
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Yo looking good,

Are you going to document the grow in a diary? It's a good way to show people your process and get input as you go, make the most of the site!! There are a lot of very knowledgeable people here.


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