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Is This That Gritty Shite thats going around???

Big - L

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I have to admit i'ma lucky boy with very good connections but even I couldn't avoid the BLACK ASH ganj over christmas and new year. Of all the bloody times. This stuff ranged from rock solid to looking really nice, however when smoken the ash when concrete like and and had to be knocked off it wouldn't even burn properly :blub:

However since the start of jan the bud has been brill but this episode has made me think about the long run so defo gonna grow inside under enviros and have a mad outdoor grow this summer as their's nothing worse than having bud which smells ,looks, grinds perfectly yet does the above - Peace UK420 (or in my case all damn day...)

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Hey all,

Not sure if this is a new type of contamination, but it sure looks shit! Maybe Brix?

The ash burns white/very light grey & crumbles like normal ash.

The following pics I took today of someones latest purchase (not mine, I wouldn't have bought that shit!), he continued to smoke it despite what I pointed out, but he did claim it was strong weed & a nice buzz?

The quality is a little pooh as I only had my phone on me to take the pics but you get the idea :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tried to smoke a single skinner of that snide smoke with me coffee first thing in the morning ( afternoon ). The acid test. Pure shite. Complete ballix. These ass-holes selling this stuff, I dont know. i mean, if they put half the effort they put ripping people off into trying to actually grow, they'd be raising huge bushlike babes.

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about two weeks off my first harvest and believe me its sooo sooo hard havin to spend money arse over tit trying to find a decent weed to get me thru till the chop....balled reeet off wi it!!

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This shite must just be in the UK? have'nt seen it here in the states, thank God! I bought a 1/4 oz.of kail mist not long ago that had been in someones freezer for over a year stored in a vaccume sealed bag & it had a super dry texture with alot of white powder when I broke it up but, I't was just too dry I think not like what you guys are talking about. Do y'all think it was sprayed with somthing? or maby they just did'nt flush out the ferts.before harvest? Damn, you guys just keep that shite over their in Europe...we have enough ass-holes selling bunk shite here in the states ie; meth, crack & shitty dirt weed ect... I say, if a dealer will not have a puff with you before buying...maby you should reconcider buying. ;) buy some LR#2 seeds and have a good harvest in 8-9 weeks, then you know exactly what you're getting...l8r m8s! :yinyang:

JIMBO E :yep:

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Its all thats available in our area, but i can assure you i aint touching it i've also gone on a bit of an educational blitz to those i know on the estate, not to use it if they still got some take it back do NOT use it.

People selling this shyte need to be taken outside and severely slapped imho.


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This is deffenitely different. i just bought some weed last night

and it seems to be covered in some white powdery shit.

I've had a bit of that grit weed before and this is not like that,

As someone else has said before "it tastes like flour"

and its not gritty at all just a bit... well flouery i guess.

I'm FUCKING pissed. Someone will hear about this.

Edited by Weeeedy
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Christ Weedy you mean there's different types of wick weed. I can't keep up me. Floury, gritty, tis all shitty. Where the fuck does it come from? Is there some prick in a basement somewhere with a spraygun and goggles, laughing his tits off...? :yinyang:

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The wet weed as i'm understanding it is a product of its own.

It isnt grit or sugary weed or good weed not dried properly.

It seems to be everywhere on the streets and is fooling lots of people that it is weed who dont know better.

Its fooled me several times as when you first look at it all looks good although its got an odd smell. It burns ok when dried but tastes like shit and has an unusual high, depressive headachy, but calm, better than nothing especially if you are waiting for your plants to grow. After all this stuff started out as cannabis but then got processed.

Ive taken it back and got refunds but they look at you gone out.

My mates have it and i decline it but they say its ok with a few beers. lol

I should imagine up here most know their weed, but lots dont out there and they are the ones affected by this 'wet-weed'.

Who knows what is in this stuff but it aint grow chemicals, cud be brix+.

This stuff could be wetted with anything and it shouldnt be smoked IMO but lots out there are doing so giving weed a bad name. lol

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I think they bubble it or wash it with something to extract the resin, keep the good for themselves or make about 6 tons of lol bar and then sell you that as well!. Go Grow!

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the only stuff around the south east is this stuff which looks the bomb, smells fruity and light and grinded then goes black once smoked and really hard!!! Any ideas what it could be. The bud has all been perfect looking nugs, squeezy and perfect. I am a Hardcore toker and no what's what. Any ideas what this stuff is as it's everywhere!! :naughty:

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You might be onto something there, Potstinkus. Extract the goodness and sell me what's left. 10 years ago I wouldn't have believed people would be offered this shite. Where did it come from?

And Acrasherkid's weed was different to the crap I got stroked with. atleast they are giving us variety!

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