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Is This That Gritty Shite thats going around???

Big - L

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Yes Vigor,an unpleasant taste when smoking.

God knows what that is doing to peoples lungs.

Makes me think street pot should have a full spectrum chemical analysis done by the authorites.

Really find out what the kids are smoking.

I really feel bad for smoking this ;)

Also the weed doesn't burn up well need to suck hard.

I got my blow torchee, and burned up a gram. It's like burning plastic it smell the same also with the blow torche...



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wow vigor, that really does look NASTY that stuff, good job you got onto it quick, you should take it back you know to the coffeeshop and have it out with the owner, takes the piss it does.

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Guest dr rockster
wow vigor, that really does look NASTY that stuff, good job you got onto it quick, you should take it back you know to the coffeeshop and have it out with the owner, takes the piss it does.

Yeah,July,you're right.

Back that shit to the coffee shop and ask them to explain Vigor.

Should get a 2 for 1 of decent pot for having fucked you over.

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I"m waiting for it to cool down, i burned it till only the ash/shit is left. it starts to boil a bit at extreme heat, like fluid plastic or something like that.

This is a marroccan coffeeshop btw and the other that sold it a while back is also from same origin. Not to blame the marroccans but weird that it happens in their shops.

This is what is left of 1 gram weed


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Guest dr rockster

That is disgusting.

Show that to the prohibitionists.

That would be a good pic for our Sarah Martin to take to the prohib meeting.

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I know someone who picked up that weed in the UK last weekend off of his new flatmates who we now know to be junkies!Looks plastic, i wouldnt smoke it at all.

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Guest Dr Benways Assistant

Yeah my mate came round with some weird stuff yesterday, looked like it was coated in plastic. Never seen anything like it and never want to again.

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I know someone who picked up that weed in the UK last weekend off of his new flatmates who we now know to be junkies!Looks plastic, i wouldnt smoke it at all.

I told the story to a dude and he knows the owner of the coffeeshop. He couldn't believe they sold shit. Reason for this is that ordering new supplies happens to late and by going around who can deliver quickly this shit comes around.

unfortunatly i smoked 3,5 light joints of it else it wouldn't smoke ok... was drunk last night then you make stupid decisions.

thanks for enlighting me on this nasty stuff. Wend to my normal coffeeshop today again 14 euro's of Bob Marley weed (gives a pretty heavy stone, dunno what strain it is). To be honest this tastes like shit also Haha dunno if it's me thats being an ass atm or that it really tastes like low quality weed.


Hmmmz think i'll go and grap a few grams from the WW x PP my friend harvested last week tastes awesome compared to this.

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It feld a bit heavy on the lungs after smokign it:

It tastes pretty sweet if you lick the bud

The bud stays in a wet feel state

It smells fine just like normal weed.

Can't really descripe the taste. Just a taste of low quality bud that wasn't flushed in the last 2 weeks by water.

Gave a light headache

And I have damage to my ears cuz of a car crash (feckn loud beep in both ears) this got worse for a while and hurted my ears a bit.

Ps it's not sweet taste. More of a toxic taste. gives a bit of the feeling when you touch your tongue on the + / - connections of this battery and hasthe after taste of the battery also

unfortunatly me & my mate smoked about a oz or two of this stuff a few weeks back, (im a week or two away from a harvest and run out ya c), and seein as its such a fuckin mission to pick ANYthin up nowadays, just put up wiv the initial annoyance of the j's needin to be lit for almost every toke!! then slowly started noticing more&more dodgyness wiv this bud...exactly like u describe wiv the charred remains 'pinging' as it eventually drops off and hits the ash tray!?! havin had first hand experiance wiv the gritweed aswell i guess we shoulda known better.

the 3gram bags looked more like 1.5gr to me, but still weighed up!!!??!!!! but i check uk420news daily and had heard nothing about it, and im an eigth a day man meself so cant just stop, and fifa08 had just come out aswell so all night mashups were planned...!! funny you should say about the 'battery' effect aswell - cos i definatly got exactly the same feeling on my tongue when tokin - but my mate didnt - which just led me to believe i was just bein paranoid wiv the bud at the time!, but i now know that definatley is not the case, as since then both me and me pal have had chest problems...he's stuck with what seems a really bad chest infection and i (although having never been the healthiest lad around before) have had a pretty ruff coupla weeks - choking in the mornings, caughin up blood, sharp chest&throat pains. now as i say i been a pretty heavy toker for 10+ yrs, soapbar, the lot - im no stranger to these problems, but occasionalty and pretty minor in comparison to since i smoked this shit, so basically i guess its already obvious to those reading but just to reaffirm to everyone NOT TO TOUCH THIS STUFF COS ITS BAD, ive a feelin could be worse than the gritweed, whatever it is....!!?!! ;)

roll on the 9 powerplants's i got ripening off in me shed's all i can say...!!!!

anyway, ive found a new source & stopped gettin that shit now, and think im slowly startin to feel better, but id really like to know what is goin on with this new contamination, so will be keepin an eye out for anymore news. but hopefully everyone will take notice and swerve this stuff and we all hear no more of it.....

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also, just an idea....but maybe the forum controllers should keep this topic as a new one, seperate from the gritweed discussions, to clearly help alert all fellow uk420'ers to the new style contamination...??!?? ;)

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That's bad man, I have whiplash from that car crash, my neck was endly not hurting for a few days and since that J it's back pretty bad, my lungs also hurt, dizzy headache. Think i'll quit smoking for a while again. This is a good push in the back to quit and only smoke my own weed...

Would also like to know what it is or if it's the same as gritweed (adulterated with fine silica(glass)) does that taste like a battery?:

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