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Is This That Gritty Shite thats going around???

Big - L

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Yep. Well at least mine was. Horrible damp, green smell and doesn't grind at all. What a fucking surprise.

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Guest dr rockster
not seen any grit weed anywhere for about 2 months

its gone back to normal.. but i have noticed that it all smells a bit funny when burnt...

how about anyone else?

I've got a mate who deals and all he can get his hands on is this brix+ dipped shite that smokes shite.

It's either a couple of weeks too young or well finished but has had a good trich tumble for sure.

Smells a bit funny?

It is rank and it is truly awful to smoke.

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Guest dr rockster
Yep. Well at least mine was. Horrible damp, green smell and doesn't grind at all. What a fucking surprise.

That's the one Brum.

Thankyou prohibition. :smug:

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i'm getting some really quite tasty stuff atm, but at £20 a henry i can't aaford to smoke much. ;)

not powdered but not very crystally either, but is that perfect dryness where u can roll a bud between your fingers and it breaks up. nice happy giggly chattyy kinda stone too :D

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I read elsewhere about some Jamaican imported (??) that's wet and stinks of ammonia ....

I wish people would stop buying crap ganja - it only encourages them.

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I wish people would stop buying crap ganja - it only encourages them.

but most of the time crap ganja is all you can buy.

I really wish more people would start growing their own and stop lining the pockets of rip-off criminals .

Edited by Lizard
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  • 3 weeks later...

I know this has probably already been discussed, but I have been away for a while and I couldn't find anything on this site about it. It has been months since I have seen anything gritty. My favorite dealer who always has the best weed has been pretty good, but then the bags started looking smaller even though they weighed the same. I thought this was really odd because the weed was bone dry. It is not gritty but it looks unusually coated with crystals that fall every where, I have never seen weed do this in all my years of smokin, my grinder even looks different from all the stuff falling off. A couple bags into it and my girlfriend and I started getting sick. Now its been 24 hours since we have boycotted weed yet again and I have just received permission to grow again. :soap::) :)

Anyone else deal with this weed?

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theres some around htis way jokingly called cous cous bud coz its got teeny yellow bits all over (even worse in the bottom of the bag) it. Dont know what it is bt it smells slighlty different, you'll know once you have it. nice enuff bud tho, shame

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I know this has probably already been discussed, but I have been away for a while and I couldn't find anything on this site about it.
It's pinned at the top the the Green Room, 44 pages of it
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thats horrific :bad: , Please grow your own Folks...

And the Government and the Media Bang on about how the public are all on Super skunk and thousands of times stronger BS :)

Fucking joke...

As we say dump the dealers and grow a secrete garden :rofl:

Bongme :yahoo:

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