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Is This That Gritty Shite thats going around???

Big - L

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Hey all - I am a recent member but long term toker..

I thought I would add my tuppence to this thread seeing as this is the reason I am about to grow again...

I have had at least 3 types of 'adulterated' weed.

1. Sugarweed - sprayed with a sugar solution or dipped in something like brix+ - tastes a bit funny - like weed that has been over fertilised right up till cropping. Diagnose by chewing a bit - branch will do. It tastes unmistakeably sweet. Not deadly but bloody annoying. It's just bulking agent.

2. Gritweed - sprayed with small glass beads before harvest by growers and possibly afterwards by dealers. This has been traced to reflective glass beads from road markings. Under a microscope or magnifying glass they are clearly spherical balls, if you hold a baggy up to the light you will see the balls with a naked eye. Diagnose by chewing a bit, or dab your fingers in the baggy. You will get serious crunching. Do not mistake a bit of crunch with serious crunching (like sand in your food at a picnic). I have done the crunch test on other weed and have had a bit of crunch. You can't mistake the sound of little glass balls grinding into your teeth!!! This shit is dangerous. Molten/hot glass into my lungs? NO THANKS! Even smoking with a filter still subjects you to inhaling the solvent/glue used to stick this shit to the buds.

3. Wetweed - this has some kind of greasy wetting agent in it. It never dries, and seems to carry on absorbing moisture. Tastes rank. You can tell this stuff by touch and sight. God know what it is!

No more!! Please!

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  • 2 weeks later...

grit weed was here (up north)about the end of last year , after that god awful drought (altho i doubt uk420 ers felt that :) )

anyway a dealer of mine went to have a look at some green tonight and said it was some huge bags of grit weed , so looks like its about again , and in large quantitys :yinyang: .

obv he told these guys to shove it , but you just know its gonna end up on the streets from someone :yinyang:

Edited by Veto
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Thankfully haven't come across any of it in northeast scotland, was really looking out for it too since apparently a lot of the pot here comes from affected areas down south but not so sure thats the case or ever was with the grass. Theres obviously a few large grows going on, but the price does seem to have risen to £140/oz which is annoying.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I doubt that, PJ - if you had DMT lying around, you could sell it at a really high premium, for over here it would be considered an exotic hallucinogen indeed, and far more financially valuable than mere bud.

I know that they deffo sell PCP (Angel Dust or Phencyclidine, *not* (real) 'embalming fluid' (formalydehyde), which is a nickname for it), soaked buds in the US, though. I think they call 'em 'wets' or 'dippers' in some areas.


Call me paranoid but I did a little bit of research on PCP. Note the bitter taste, too. Someone mentioned PCP a while back being laced with weed so I thought i'd look around on google.

Yes, call it an urban myth but theres no harm in evaluating the evidence.

Could it be they are sifting most of the THC off the bud, spraying it with brix+ and then a small amount of PCP is sprayed onto the bud to try to represent a very strong bad high?

In its pure form, it is a white crystalline powder that readily dissolves in water or alcohol and has a distinctive bitter chemical taste. PCP contains a number of contaminants as a result of makeshift manufacturing, causing the color to range from tan to brown, and the consistency to range from powder to a gummy mass. For smoking, PCP is typically sprayed onto leafy material such as mint, parsley, oregano, or marijuana.

Taken from a post on majijuana.com

"PCP is often present in laced marijuana to make it seem like potent stuff. A small dose of PCP will feel like a strong marijuana high. PCP causes extreme paranoia, mood swings, delusions. Frankly, I think it is the worst drug you could ever try, given the sick stuff people are capable of under its effects. Not something you want your weed polluted with."

A moderate amount of PCP often causes users to feel detached, distant, and estranged from their surroundings. Numbness of the extremities, slurred speech, and loss of coordination may be accompanied by a sense of strength and invulnerability. A blank stare, rapid and involuntary eye movements, and an exaggerated gait are among the more observable effects. Auditory hallucinations, image distortion, severe mood disorders, and amnesia may also occur. In some users, PCP may cause acute anxiety and a feeling of impending doom; in others, paranoia and violent hostility, and in some, it may produce a psychoses indistinguishable from schizophrenia. Many believe PCP to be one of the most dangerous drugs of abuse.

Weed laced with PCP is not common in the US, but it does happen.

Does anyone know how to make PCP or how much it costs? Would it be cost effective for any c*** that might be doing this?

...Am I trippin' or is it possible?

Edited by OCC
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i have taken it apon myself to start a campain to stop the grit and grow ur own.

there r kidz out there that think grit is normal, please educate and tell the goverment to fuck its policys on cannabis and sign the petition to legalise the weed and also stop whoever (goverment/crimanals) ripping r youth kidz lungs out wid glass/sand and fiber glass. please take this serously and pm me. all the best and all bun up.

peace and love Bowcon stop the grit weed

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we do what your saying daily mate

Only One Way round it mate...

Grow your own dump the dealers

Bongme :ohmygod:

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Black tooth grin
i have taken it apon myself to start a campain to stop the grit and grow ur own.

Cant believe that grit :soap: is still about,you've come to the right place 420 will teach you a lot :wink: welcome :unsure:

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While Cannabis remains Illegal, we will always have this problem.

And if Politicians want to deny our freedom of choice, then fuck them and grow your own. :yep:

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not seen any grit weed anywhere for about 2 months

its gone back to normal.. but i have noticed that it all smells a bit funny when burnt...

how about anyone else?

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I bought some dealer stuff for the first time in ages last weekend. You quickly forget how good you have it when your self sufficent. Very small and smelt rank, very similar in aroma and taste to smoking leaves :smug: .

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