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Is This That Gritty Shite thats going around???

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Guest Tmontana

its the only thing available in dublin is gritweed, mind you home grown isnt really taking off here. we have only 3 hydro shops in the whole country that are complete crap and there is a massive demand for weed

if someone had the cash to setup a proper hydro store over here they wouyld make a killing

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yorkshire has had it share. face it, its every where. people are prepared to go to any length to increase there profits. just look at hash. anything to add weight and make it look better after removing as much active ingredient as possible. same with the erb now. if people buy it, which they do. then it will continue to happen and probably to a larger extent :(

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:( its nation wide ....

The sacrilegious Bastards....

My mate had some an when u pay £140 an O but u r really only gettin a half that has got t hurt???

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I have quite a few friends dotted around the country and all of them have mentioned this grit weed shit, ive had it myself . I first heard reports of this on this website last year i think, i dont think its 1 particular batch i think its just that other dealers have cottoned on to the scam, their philosophy being if people can sell it to me like that i can do it to other people.

1 Dealer does it and the rest follow like sheep.

They majority of dealers are'nt doing it for their love of cannabis or for something they believe in i.e; that its a persons right to smoke ganja if they want, so they make it available to other people for that reason.

They are only out to make money, they dont give a :( about the effects of mixing a bit of this with a bit of that, all they see is more money not the added risks that come from it.

Edited by jimbojambo
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Yup its been in Norfolk since Sept last year & in & out of Essex & London since about xmas.

Also got some of the sugar weed few weeks ago think it was treated with something called Brix which is used during the grow process to add weight.

For more info try www.ukcia.org

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down south this stuff has been goin round for yonks :( but at the moment everyone has really dry homegrown only gives a quick buzz but cant complain on the size :unsure:

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brix is the unit used to measure sweetness levels in the plant. i don't think its what has been added. the higher the brix the sweeter the taste

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I have quite a few friends dotted around the country and all of them have mentioned this grit weed shit, ive had it myself . I first heard reports of this on this website last year i think, i dont think its 1 particular batch i think its just that other dealers have cottoned on to the scam, their philosophy being if people can sell it to me like that i can do it to other people.

1 Dealer does it and the rest follow like sheep.

They majority of dealers are'nt doing it for their love of cannabis or for something they believe in i.e; that its a persons right to smoke ganja if they want, so they make it available to other people for that reason.

They are only out to make money, they dont give a :( about the effects of mixing a bit of this with a bit of that, all they see is more money not the added risks that come from it.


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Got some at xmass by mistake haven't seen any since thankfully. I guess its the soap bar dealers/makers moving on to green scum that they are.

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Guest budassbud

My only experience with grit weed was in Amsterdam, I crunched on something twice and I made joints indoors with care not in a sand pit, I've not experienced it before or since and I've smoked a lot more than I did in the dam b4 an after. I'm guessing thier go at grit weed it was, I had no bad side effects apart from being pissed off.

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barefoot master

The stuff is still around the east mids if you score of the wrong person. I'd sooner go without!

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brix is the unit used to measure sweetness levels in the plant. i don't think its what has been added. the higher the brix the sweeter the taste

well sugar levels really, but anyway, BRIX is also a shitey additive sprayed on lpants befre arvest or soaked into fresh cut herb before drying to increase weigt by 22% so they say

load o bollox used by tossers imo

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Yeah, this stuff has been everywhere. I haven't seen it for a few months but a couple of people are still pulling out stashes they won't smoke and stuff. This was contaminated at a really high level. As it's been all around the UK and everyone I've talked with, who buys off the dealer, has had it. I can't wait until I'm totally self sufficient. Have a few more months to go yet before I've got everything set up to constantly produce my green. Feels good to be getting away from this grit shit though and whatever else they'll come up with in future.

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I'm talking about the latest government health warning about the buds being sprayed with glass to weigh them down. They appear crystalised and of good quality when in matter of fact they are lethal.

Have any1 heard of this?

you should google.... gritweed/glass weed

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