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Is This That Gritty Shite thats going around???

Big - L

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Been looking into some related sites based on this contaminated style grit weed issue.

Please find a link to the UKCIA, where somebody has posted instructions on how to analyse grit weed.

I am not sure if something like this has been posted before. Nor have I tried and tested it.

Anyways, take it easy and have a safe smoke!!




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Its all over North West London

The first time I encountered it was on my birthday :guitar:

The buds look ok an lil bit dusty though okish when smelt pure.But when you smoke it has a putrid smell and a abosolutely vile taste.And i'm smoking my stuff pure

It also gave a lingering headache :headpain:

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saw some today

the matey was like 'look what I got'

pulled it out of his pocket and I immediately told him to put it back there

'that's grit weed mate'

'no it aint - taste it'

'I dont even need to take it out the bag mate - that's fucked with weed'

'Ye, its got summat on it - but it aint grit'

pmsl :smoke:lol

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saw some today

the matey was like 'look what I got'

pulled it out of his pocket and I immediately told him to put it back there

'that's grit weed mate'

'no it aint - taste it'

'I dont even need to take it out the bag mate - that's fucked with weed'

'Ye, its got summat on it - but it aint grit'

pmsl :nerd::ouch:

Same here mate, I had hoped people were thinking of not buying it but oh no

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hi. couldnt be arsed to read through all 38 pages, but did a topic search on glass beads and found nothing.i digress, my point.....


drug campaigners{drugscope} have warned that a batch of cannabis adulterated with tiny glass beads which they say could pose a risk to health has flooded the uk market. anecdotal reports suggest it is being sold in almost EVERY PART OF THE COUNTRY.

"it looks perfectly normal, in fact it looks good quality"said Derek williams of UK cannabis internet activists, which campaigns against cannabis prohinition(the good guys!)

the dealers motivation seems to be to bump up weight.they appear to be doing this by spraying plants with the reflective element in paint used on roads lines.

an analysis carried out by the french observatory of drugs and drug addiction found that the particles where small glass beadsmeasuring between 0.02mm and0.3mm across.

got most of that from weed world.

Edited by bigbadbudman
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but the question is, is it possible to separate the glass beads or whatever from the weed or have they just f*cked it?

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but the question is, is it possible to separate the glass beads or whatever from the weed or have they just f*cked it?

thats not the question

the question is how much longer will fools continue to buy it hence continuing its existence?

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but the question is, is it possible to separate the glass beads or whatever from the weed or have they just f*cked it?

No. Not a f*cking chance. They have fucked it up bigtime. Don't buy it.

Personally,I think it's the government who's spraying this shit.

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Guest Stickybud73

which is nearly exactly why i invested 500 in a grow kit. never need to buy weed again, no hanging around street dealers, no grit, no bad deals, no bush weed, no 'sorry no more skunk, only soap', no driving for an hour, no more financing gangster lives, no more waiting for the police to move on, no more no more no more!! :oldtoker:

just good quality, organic sensimillia, perfectly dried/cured. AT HOME!

drugscope recommend inserting grit weed up your ass, less chance for respiratory illness. (or stick it up you dealer at any rate).


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Hi everyone,

I have just been reading about all the grit weed thats around and became a bit curious of areas of the country thats is most affected by this.

Can you leave your reply here and then it will become beneficial to us all, as we will have some idea of where a majority of it is situated.


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Guest ironlungs

ive been getting it in manchester, birmingham, london, liverpool, amsterdam, greater manchester for the last year or so, on and off. phone calls to old mates around the country also confirmed the national spread of gritty shit. lol

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Well I now fall in to this group. I was offered other day some weed that under my scope looked like it had been covered in what I can only call powder sugar. It even tasted sweet when ya put a bit in your mouth. Strange stuff lol

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