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Is This That Gritty Shite thats going around???

Big - L

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me too :guitar:

And 2 others - 1 off Joolz and a Loupe...

Nothing quite like obsessing over your plants microscopically :yinyang:

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not seen this on the site yet, and this should be front page news imo

glass contaminated cannabis has been for sale round the country for quite some time now. its now settling down in parts but it can still be found.

i have had arguments with people over this because its too ridiculous to be believed, but trust me, its happened.

type it into google and you get page upon page of articles about it, and whilst you cant believe everything you see on the internet....

also a friend of a friend had a look at some under a microscope because it gave said friend a chest infection, and found it to be true.

other friends who i've argued with it about have said that they've asked people who know and they say its just brix, which is a less harmful contaminant, but i say thats 100% bullshit, as if any unscrupulous businessman would stick to just one method of increasing their profits.

known contaminants that you can detect by chewing on parts of the bud and not the leaf are glass microbeads (used in road markings)




if you chew a bud and it feels gritty, or if you have any sensitive teeth, rub a little of the powder you get on those and it will hurt you or you'll at least be able to feel it.

there are other contaminants to be found. if you think of something, type it into google it'll most likely come up.

theres absolutely no need for it whatsoever than to skank stupid kids who dont know any better. the dealer who gave me a baggy of this shit lost my custom forever. i'd rather smoke soap cos at least you expect that to be shit and harmful, instead of perverted, ruined skunk that looks like it should be good.

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since christmas ive spent over £450 on my smoke and can honestly say I havnt enjoyed one of them!. Ive had it all from the grit weed to weed covered in a blue haze which I presume was mold as its smell was like that of puke! which honestly I nearly did just from smelling it. also the latest I have tastes and smells like amonia once ground. I am truely gutted and feel sick when i think how much money ive wasted recently, all because of those greedy bastard dealers that cant be arsed to do things properly. PEOPLE take a stand and do what it takes to cut out these bad dealers. :nea:

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Heres a pic of some of that grit shit. This is just from breaking bud in half.


I have heard a few things they are using flour, sand and sillicone they use in glass blowing which they grind

down into dust then they spray the plant just before havesting. And thanks to the ars who sold it me i had to

clean out my grinder which i had collected the THC crystals in over the months :ouch: I have a good surplyer

now just untill i got my first grow done. ;):unsure:

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I've been known to spend 18 hours a day surfing (for a v long time!) and I few weeks ago I came up on this subject on some site:

They said the stuff was from the tar like thick paint they use to paint that white strip down the middle of our UK roads....

Think about it, because I thought, you know, that could be true.... they look like tiny reflective 'breads' which is the same stuff they mix to the 'glue'before they paint that strip down the road.

I can well believe big time dealers do this type of shit because many years ago i did know a geaser who was involved in turning 10 kilos of hash into 11k by sticking it thru a mincer then boiling it in DIET COKE before resetting in bars...

They will do anything to increase their profit even if it give 100s 1000s lung cancer...

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the local weed market around here midlands seems to have stopped selling this shite... anyone else had this fortune?

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i have seen plenty of dusted import, i even seen dusted english not long ago, judging by the pistils it was chopped well early too.

sooo glad i have a crop on the go. lol so glad i found this site lol



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"Marijuana Man" has an interesting (stoned) ramble on the subject :-

http://www.pot.tv/ (middle, top of page)

(I'm not sure he fully understands how grim the cannabis supply is in the UK - has he heard of :stoned: I wonder ?)

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Organic Jim

the local weed market around here midlands seems to have stopped selling this shite... anyone else had this fortune?

Way out west, I ain't seen it. mind ye, I'm not buying skunk. When I buy, my dude gets natural stuff. sometimes seeded african, sometimes sensi african. normally brown and flat, but natural. (and 12 on the 1/8) Also with hash. It's normally crumbly pollen, or hard dry stuff, or black from Pakistan apparently. But I have seen Gurda from Kashmir and some wild blonde pollen on occasion.

I can't authenticate the purity of the hash of course, but sticking to the shittier looking imports seems safer for now.

Good luck avoiding this criminal mess, Jim :spliff:

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Ive had it all from the grit weed to weed covered in a blue haze which I presume was mold as its smell was like that of puke! which honestly I nearly did just from smelling it.

Yeh ive ad that sick smellin bud, its proper nasty :smoke:

Didn't really taste that bad tho


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Smoked some weed round my brother's place the other day. Strong but obviously harvested early, no depth to it and little physical sensation. Unpleasant, paranoia-laden high. The bag was practically opaque from the 'crystal' content which at least partially turned out to be salt. Niiiice.

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the local weed market around here midlands seems to have stopped selling this shite... anyone else had this fortune?

im in the midlands, still plenty of sprayed shit going about. if it aint glass sprayed its suger sprayed, one man gets unsprayed stuff....£10 a gram, no discounts.

sucks balls.

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