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Is This That Gritty Shite thats going around???

Big - L

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I don't know why you think the brit govt is complicit with anything to do with silica in the pot.

i didn't say they were DIRECTLY responsible, just that in their lack of information to the public, it made them a part of the problem: thus complicit in my view

if you aren't part of the cure, you are part of the problem :wassnnme:

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Clark Devereaux

It seems to have got better in London, pretty decent stuff since about a week after the new year, I haven't seen any grit since then, I think people have realised now and wont buy it at whatever level, I hope anyway.

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I don't know why you think the brit govt is complicit with anything to do with silica in the pot.

Semantics...Perhaps not complicit, but the recent renewed vigour and enthusiasm of the police in shutting down grows (driven by government policy) is certainly (arguably) directly responsible for the sudden appearance of bulking agents in commercial weed. If no one got busted for growing it then it's so flippin easy to grow (relative to other high profit plants) it really would negate the need to add weight to gain profit. Pus I have never seen this happen to weed until just after operation keymer last Sept. Also indirectly the World gov't `War on ``Terror`` has made the ports a lot harder to move product through from say, Netherlands meaning a shortfall in the normal supply again meaning what they do get through must be bulked up to maintain their profits.

My op anyway, but ultimately it's illegal, don't do it, if you do, tough shit if it's bad for you / contaminated. That's the bottom line. Let's hope the law changes, but I think it highly unlikely.

Grow your own if you don't know someone close that does :band:... :wink:

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It was around before Operation Keymer, as was the drought - Operation Keymer was probably conveniently timed to take place once supply had dried up to take credit for the lack of weed available.

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It was around before Operation Keymer, as was the drought - Operation Keymer was probably conveniently timed to take place once supply had dried up to take credit for the lack of weed available.

mmm but i think the crack down and worsened supply did mean more folks adulterated shit, here and abroad.

and once the first grit weed showed, then every tom, dick and cunt jumped on thebandwagon, seeing that weed could be adulterated for profit like hash was, and at that point all sorts of shit started being thrown onto bud - not just Brix or sugar spray, but ground glass, silica, cement dust, iron filings etc

Edited by FD
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Seen loads of crap around here (manchester) that got little orangey brown lumps in it. They burn and smell like ground up seeds or peanut? Minging. Tastes grim. I aint smoking it for sure.

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My mates mum is a nurse/doctor... somewhere inbetween...

She got an official NHS letter warning about grit/glass weed...

It can cause nasty throat infections and she should warn people to stay away from bad shit...

Not quite in those words :stoned:

Made some cannachocolate tonight...

Bit floaty right now, not in a details mood :yinyang:


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She got an official NHS letter warning about grit/glass weed...

yep same here mate

mrs peppi went to the doctors last week the doctor asked do you smoke weed she said yes the doctor then handed her a info sheet about said weed

peppi :stoned:

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Ok, so my mate has just bought half ounce of weed so I went round to buy a quarter off him and realised it was this gritty shit that everyone is talking about so I didnt bother, but now he's stuck with half an ounce of this crap (which he paid £80 for) so I said I'd try and find out if it possible to clean it somehow.

Any ideas?

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Mr. Sesmesesles

Grind it up lightly and try to extract some oil with Butane or Isopropyl Alcohol?

You probably won't get much, tho :blub:

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If anyone has any good ways of cleaning this shit, my friend also has quite a few reasonable sized bags of 'tainted' weed that wont be smoked, wouldn't be suprised if theres half bar there in different crap from the last 6 months.

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If anyone has any good ways of cleaning this shit, my friend also has quite a few reasonable sized bags of 'tainted' weed that wont be smoked, wouldn't be suprised if theres half bar there in different crap from the last 6 months.

just count your losses mate and throw it away,dont sell it or smoke it

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