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Is This That Gritty Shite thats going around???

Big - L

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Mr. Sesmesesles
yeah well i need like 5 ks a week i cant grow that much!

I smell a dealer on the horizon lol

Dealer ? :wassnnme:
Maybe, some of them seem to think this site was set up for their ilk :ouch:
your selling 5K of grit a week...i feel fo ya customers :rofl:
It'd be even funnier if they all showed up one dark night and started demanding their money back :blub:
Has anyone noticed the drought in quality green, since the government re classified to class c?
Not personally, but then again - I've dumped the dealer :)

On that note: I thought that part of the point of reclassification, was to free up Police resources to go after the dealers and smugglers; surely an increase in busts was always on the cards. It seems that most of the recent busts have been carried out on "dealer grows", with a few unfortunate percy growers getting swept up, either through greed or carelessness.

...Wrexham and Bangor, or Llandudno and Rhyl?
I'm not sure I buy this "Welsh Connection" theory. Given that this stuff seems to be all over Europe (including Holland) I agree with those who reckon it's coming from the Netherlands.
I'll have to wait a while 'til I can sleep properly again but it's worth it :)
Don't worry, Clark - it will be. It will be. Glad you found us :unsure:
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A bit like the "dangerous" soap bar around here....

Apparently someone has contaminated some of the stuff with THC!

This has lead to a huge increase in teenagers being hospitalised, symptoms include...light headedness, racing heart, red eyes, lack of co-ordination & even vomiting.

Still what's a bit of glass to a stoner? Sorts the men from the boys.

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Its definitely in the South West too, out till next crop so went visiting a few people, all of them had this "gritty shit" - fortunately none of them offered me any so I didn't have to insult them and one even told me how he felt guilty for selling it, but where there's a demand..............

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Nice one ;) But this MAY spread all over the UK so get the word out now into the Cannabis community as this will cut your tummy and lungs up to fuck and god knows what else.. Money grabbing shits.

Bongme :yep:

It has already I was smoking this stuff for 12 months or so :ouch: , since all this came out I have stopped smoking the gritty weed.

If you take a stalk and chew it you can feel the gritty beads on your teeth.


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We were showing this kind of thing 6 years ago in here this is just a re-warning as the cannabis community does every now and again to keep newbies and others up to date on a daily bases if we can about shit ;) on the streets it also helps we hope to get the public to grow there own and Dump the dealers And welcome to UK420 :ouch:

Bongme :yep:

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My supplier told me a couple of weeks ago that there is also a lot being sprayed with Silicon to up it's weight!

Robbing bastards!!

I was going to use this.

You put it in the reservoir tank during the grow.

I didn't because I was told it fucks up the PH.

If you put it in during the grow that rests better with me more than after care products.

Would like to be corrected on this stuff as I might use next time.......


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Guest ironlungs

yeh this stuffs been about ages. gritty teeth syndrome. dont smoke it and smash the dealer who repeatedly sells it to ya. i did :wassnnme:

it has already spread the country. ive been around all the uni campuses scoring and everyones crying GRIT

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I was going to use this.

You put it in the reservoir tank during the grow.

I didn't because I was told it fucks up the PH.

If you put it in during the grow that rests better with me more than after care products.

Would like to be corrected on this stuff as I might use next time.......


I meant that silicone is being used to spray on the final buds to increase their weight. It is clear and dense which is why they use it.

I use it in my res tank as it helps the plants uptake their nutrient better. You get rid of all the nutes from the plants in the flush just before harvest so you shouldn't be smoking it or at least verry little of it. It does raise the PH but only in larger quantities. To help plants uptake nutes you only need a little. I use about 2ml per 45 litres and that doesn't affect the ph.

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Once again we see a very good reason for leeting people grow without the fear of the old bill kicking the door in. We all know and the gov now that when something is iligal the gangs will do whatever the can to make more money. They don't give a shit if we all die because they have fucked around with it. But we all know they never will so we have to grow in secret.

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it's FUCKING disgusting that this stuff is about.

Do the mass media know what a nationwide problem we are looking at here?...fair enough if you can grow your own but some cannot and this is the only stuff they can get, and many don't realise the possible health implications of smoking this shit!! I just feel like maybe talking to a paper about how dangerous it is, may make people stop buying the stuff....any thoughts?


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James Randerson, science correspondent

Friday January 12, 2007

The Guardian

Drug campaigners have warned that a batch of cannabis adulterated with tiny glass beads which they say could pose a risk to health has flooded the UK market. Anecdotal reports suggest it is being sold in almost every part of the country.

The charity Drugscope is issuing a warning. "We want to make people aware of it from a public health point of view. If you are smoking this stuff and taking it into your lungs it's not good news."

The fact that "grit weed", as it is being called, is so widespread suggests that contamination is happening at an early stage in the production process. "It seems to be being done on an industrial scale," said Harry Shapiro of Drugscope.

The dealers' motivation seems to be to bump up the weight of their product. They appear to be doing this by spraying plants with the reflective element from the paint used on road lines. The tiny reflective glass beads become imbedded in the leaves.

"It looks perfectly normal. In fact it looks good quality," said Derek Williams of UK Cannabis Internet Activists, which campaigns against cannabis prohibition.

Contributors to its internet forum have said the contaminated leaves can be identified by rubbing them between wetted fingers. The residue will feel gritty if chewed.

The first reports of grit weed circulated in late summer, but the groups have only recently received pictures of the beads taken with an electron microscope by an anonymous scientist. There have been rumours of users experiencing a tight chest for days after smoking grit weed, but a spokesperson for the British Thoracic Society said that the contamination was unlikely to be dangerous because the particles are too big to be inhaled into the lungs.

An analysis carried out by the French Observatory of Drugs and Drug Addiction found that the glass particles are between 0.02 and 0.3 millimetres across. But Richard Russell, a consultant at Imperial College London, said few particles above 0.015 millimetres would be able to pass into the lungs because they are too big.

"It is likely that they will deposit in the mouth or the throat," said Dr Russell. Here they would most likely pass harmlessly through the system. Using a filter would stop them entering the mouth.

Dr Russell said that smokers should be aware that cannabis smoke causes emphysema, lung inflammation and cancer. "You are likely to do more damage from the marijuana than these particles."

Mr Williams said that the widespread contamination highlighted the problems which stem from cannabis prohibition. "Cannabis is called a controlled drug, but there is no control over the supply side. It's a completely underground product," he said.



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Dr Russell said that smokers should be aware that cannabis smoke causes emphysema, lung inflammation and cancer. "You are likely to do more damage from the marijuana than these particles."

They just had to get that one in there... :badass:

Burnage B)

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