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Is This That Gritty Shite thats going around???

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Guest dr rockster

Thanks for that eye opening report Ninorc,

I visit a dealer friend of mine from time to time,to just look at what is being offered on the streets and my mate says the pot has been messed around with more often than not.

This aldultaration thing is getting endemic. :)

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Guest dr rockster

Has anyone noticed the drought in quality green, since the government re classified to class c?

Was this re classification some sort of double speak for crackdown on cannabis, now people will be off guard and confused over the reclassification.

Is this contaminated weed, part of the bigger plan to prove cannabis kills, by powers that be? lol

I dont think so, just a thought thought though, cuz somewhere high up in power, really does not want us to use cannabis, and they wont give the real reason why. :)

Na,it's just crims cashing in. But as regards the reason the authorities don't wan't us to smoke cannabis,it's the mental health thing that has been rammed down our necks by the media,fuelled by America.I don't swallow the 'they don't want us to smoke cos it makes us think' bollocks.There is just no political advantage to be had by any party advocating a real change in the cannabis laws atm.But hell,if the ever DO see an advantage by a U turn on policies and see it as ultimately a vote winner,they'll go for it but are just too scared of losing all the Daily Mail readers middle fucking England votes which unfortunately do make up a big part of the voting demographic. :smoke:

but you make a valid point,in that there has been a drought since reclassification,yet you'd expect the reverse to be true,ie,greater availability. :wink:

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yeah dr think u cud be right !!! also seems to be more police busts of factories being reported

since reclassification !!! 1 step forward 3 steps back hey !!!

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Ive just clocked this thread.

I am a very good mate of a Dutch coffee shop manger in Maastricht in Holland.

He has informed me that this 'stuff' being sprayed onto the green is fluorescent strip lights ground down to dust with a mortar & pestle.

Iv'e had some and must say it sounds about right. ;)

With more & more home growers getting busted in the Uk it has created a vacuum for these greedy bastards to make a killing.

A Henry(1/8th) of this ;) is wet and weighted with glass, so it looks more like a small teenth. :doh:

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Even if you bought some and smoked it say using filters.Is their any chance it could put you in or give you a bad feeling.I.e in a bad mood?

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Even if you bought some and smoked it say using filters.Is their any chance it could put you in or give you a bad feeling.I.e in a bad mood?

Yes a bad mood you would certainly get from smoking that :wink: . ....and probably some form of cancer from those flor's, i was always told never to smash them, as the dust is poisonous. :ouch:

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02 January 2007


Drugs users across East Anglia were last night warned to exercise extreme caution after research showed cannabis supplies are being contaminated with harmful glass particles.

Campaign bodies lobbying for the legalisation of cannabis claim small glass beads - believed to be an industrial spray used for glass frosting - are being added to herbal cannabis in a bid to increase its weight and making “deals” more expensive.

Norwich-based group Cannaprag says police raids during the summer of 2006 which saw large scale cannabis farms - including several in Norwich, Yarmouth and King's Lynn - closed down have created a shortage of the drug meaning dealers are contaminating supplies in a bid to meet demand.

But this could have serious health consequences for thousands of users with some already reporting mouth ulcers, sore throats and chesty persistent coughs.

Cannaprag spokesman Derek Williams said the cannabis using community has had suspicions about contamination for about six months but has only now obtained evidence by analysing samples of the drug. At first the substance was thought to be a relatively harmless material such as sands but the results are far more worrying.

Mr Williams added: “What has become clear through this incident is that the government has no method of warning illegal drug users of dangers such as this and seemingly has no desire to do so.

“Government policy towards illegal drugs should not act in such a way as to increase the danger of using them by adding unknown risks.

“Cannaprag is calling for public information campaign to raise awareness of this contamination as a matter of urgency. It will be affecting a huge number of people. A public health warning is urgently needed to inform users that they should not smoke this contaminated cannabis and dealers should not sell it.”

Mr Williams said that such contamination is a result of prohibition and legalising cannabis would allow the government to ensure the safety of supplies.

“The reality is that people are going to use cannabis and, if that is the case, the government should have some way of ensuring their safety. The only way of doing this is through legalisation,” he said.

Magnification of three samples shows small beads 50 - 120 micrometers diameter, made of non-soluble high melting point glass like substance.

If smoked without a filter - as is common - these glass beads are drawn into the lungs.

The author of the research has remained anonymous but Cannaprag and other legalisation campaign groups are calling on the government to conduct its own research.



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thanks for that bong me

i live close to this area and will be warning friends about this.

while smugly puffing away in secret on our home grow :yinyang: thank god for uk420



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i live close to this area and will be warning friends about this.

Nice one :smoke: But this MAY spread all over the UK so get the word out now into the Cannabis community as this will cut your tummy and lungs up to fuck and god knows what else.. Money grabbing shits.

More reason to legalise cannabis as now they are making Cannabis into a Dirty Drug from the Gangster Dealers but as you all know Cannabis will get the blame for the dirty games...

This will get worse over time and thats why we ask at UK42O For folks to dump the dealers and grow your own as soon as possible....

The Govt Needs to Legalise so Cannabis can be monitored and made safe for consumption and safe to handle from shops and out-lets, Britain needs Good Clean unspoiled cannabis on sale Not Dealers Poison and giving good clean cannabis a bad name!!!! :guitar:

Bongme :yinyang:

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I think this is summat we've known for a bit (with the analysis thread & all) - not lashing the article, nice one again for your vigilance Bongme.

More harm caused by the government, not content with killing heroin users and poisoning cocaine users with prohibition, now it's the cannabis users turn. Nice on, well done. Oh, and a big fat FUCK YOU.

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I`ve seen friends smoking this shit for at least the last six months :guitar:

"But it gets you stoned" I hear...Well I can now tell them it will fuck you up much more than that!

Burnage :yinyang:

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At least now it's trickling into the more mainstream media ....

Edited by compostverte
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At least now it's trickling into the more mainstream media ....

Sort of: Derek evidently has a few phone numbers of local journalists from his years and years of dogged campaigning in Norwich. I know he does a good job @ UKCIA and he's doing a good thing with this latest initiative, http://www.cannaprag.net/, but the cynic in me can't resist a snigger. Still, the window frosting explanation is intriguing...
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Sort of: Derek evidently has a few phone numbers of local journalists from his years and years of dogged campaigning in Norwich. I know he does a good job @ UKCIA and he's doing a good thing with this latest initiative, http://www.cannaprag.net/, but the cynic in me can't resist a snigger. Still, the window frosting explanation is intriguing...

its been about in north london for about 6 months now, ive heard of several people going to hospital because of it as well..


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