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Is This That Gritty Shite thats going around???

Big - L

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Any1 herd about people gettin ill from this shit?



it will most likely make you sick as shit. :unsure:;)

I think I heard someone got farmers lung, and another got chronic bronchitis so far dude. :yep:

Edited by dopedog
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it will most likely make you sick as shit. :wassnnme::smoke:

I think I heard someone got farmers lung, and another got chronic bronchitis so far dude. :smoke:

And where did ya hear this DD? At the local 'Fantasy Growers' Association' Meet?!?!?!

Or is it another piece of info from your fertile imagination?


Edited by Church
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Guest ironlungs

a thought occurr to me the other night when i was offered this vile gritty shit weed. i have been racking my brains for ages, and the same shit has been appearing all over the uk. and i was thinking maybe some scummy greedy motherfuckin dealers had laced some shit batch of weed with that rape-drug thing or some kind of other gritty chemical pill such as horse tranquiliser. man i wouldnt put it past people in this day and age....

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a thought occurr to me the other night when i was offered this vile gritty shit weed. i have been racking my brains for ages, and the same shit has been appearing all over the uk. and i was thinking maybe some scummy greedy motherfuckin dealers had laced some shit batch of weed with that rape-drug thing or some kind of other gritty chemical pill such as horse tranquiliser. man i wouldnt put it past people in this day and age....

yeah, and ketamine and coke, and valium and crack. It all goes in there. Greedy growers just love to add expensive addictive chemicals to get peeps hooked on the green. :wink: . Sleep safe, its not extra drugs in there, just cheap shitty weight additive.

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And where did ya hear this DD? At the local 'Fantasy Growers' Association' Meet?!?!?!

Or is it another piece of info from your fertile imagination?



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yeah, and ketamine and coke, and valium and crack. It all goes in there. Greedy growers just love to add expensive addictive chemicals to get peeps hooked on the green. :yahoo: . Sleep safe, its not extra drugs in there, just cheap shitty weight additive.


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Shit man, is that like, buy one (drug) get one (drug) free? Where are they doing that, coz I'm spending a furtune here getting my green, my coke and my benzos all from different soures! Sounds like a bargain not to be sniffed at if you ask me! Snap it up!


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And where did ya hear this DD? At the local 'Fantasy Growers' Association' Meet?!?!?!

Or is it another piece of info from your fertile imagination?



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Its hit Wales now too!!

Got an 1/8 of this shit :spliff: couple o days ago, seems like its completely saturated with powdery type grit???!! :yahoo:

Loads of it lurking at the bottom of the bag, horrible! Makes u wonder what kind of poison i'm taking into my lungs, when all I wanted to do was enjoy a tobacco free spliff!!!!!!!!! :headpain:

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Hey people, was well pleased to see that somebody agreed with my idea to pin this thread up :wink:

Like I said before, the more people aware of it, the less people will smoke it, the less people that smoke it, the less chance the greedy bastads have got to rinse tokers for thier hard earned paper!!!

Also, I was very happy when I rang my herb dealer last nite and he told me he had nothing because what he was given was glassy/gritty and so he sent it back!!! Fukin good on ya I thought!!! Lets just hope everyone follows example and does the same!!!

Respect to all, SK

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hey all, its hit the isle of man too, and people wer trying to sell it for 40 or 45 an 8th mainly cos we dont get alot of green round my area, me and my mate had a little bit like everyone else and we said it had grit in it and they wer argueing that it was chrystals, good thing we r logged on to uk 420, the sooner the grow gets goin the better.

peace out

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