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please please please if you dont know already then please read how to make and keep mums bonsai or not

I can recite the entire contents of OT's cannabase site in my sleep, I've read it so many times. I now have a nice organised setup to get them going in and a nice mum box to house any keepers, but I'm not even going to look at germing them until the rooms have been tested thoroughly and I know it's all running smoothly.

and i always use the seed plant as mum to

Until OT mentioned it a week or so ago I'd never considered it an option. It seems there's quite a few who do it so I'm going to give it a try - alongside the previous methods used just in case.

Good luck to everyone else growing Lot #5


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Seeds Arrived this am. Thanks Joolz :doh:

They are goin into the plastic takeaway container (in original packing) along with my other seeds and then into the fridge. This sound ok?


Edited by Leprechan Sweet Leaf
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For anyones reference answer to storage given here!

I'm only goin to germ 1 or 2 beans when time comes. The rest will stay in cold store here. Have you given any thought to a name for your beans Oldtimer1? Look forward to more of your posts mate.


Edited by Leprechan Sweet Leaf
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For anyones reference answer to storage given here!
Have you given any thought to a name for your beans Oldtimer1?


I think he already did bud!............. Lot #5!

I think the old fella is more of a gardener than a romantic and there ain't nuttan wrong with that as far as I'm concerned :spliff:

Now where did I put the C99? :nea:


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please please please if you dont know already then please read how to make and keep mums bonsai or not,the reason for this is because i see similar things happening like what happened with e.s.b ,which is people grow them out smoke them find one they like specifically,then dont have it anymore and then want more seed when there aint none lol and then it disapears :(

if you keep mums then you can have it for aslong as you keep the mum/s alive :wassnnme:lol sounds baisic and obvious but how many people do you know still growing from an original e.s.b mum ?? :spliff:

and i always use the seed plant as mum to :wink: just a little clip of the top when small shoul start pushing growth into a nice multi clone mum ;)

you will regret it otherwise ;):guitar:

I cant believe that people have had ESB and then not kept mothers --- that is just WRONG :rofl:
Fuck that :!:
I will NOT ever lose my good #5 mothers ....and you can quote me on that ;)

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seeds came this morning .. ta joolz .. :wassnnme:

mr mom is leaping up and down desparate to pop one ..just to see how it goes

i also promise though that if it is a female i will keep a clone in veg .. then if its one of the top smokes i can do it again.

we now have several friends that are growing now so we will be spreading ot1 around the area :spliff:



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  • 11 months later...
Guest Lazlo Woodbine

Quick bump for the orig. Lot#5 thread .... for those who missed it ... B)

...starts about page 7 ... :yahoo:


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  • 2 weeks later...
Quick bump for the orig. Lot#5 thread .... for those who missed it ... B)

...starts about page 7 ... :rofl:


Ah what a nice read , hopefully in the future i can give some of these OT1 seeds a blast some fantastic looking genetics there.

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  • 8 months later...

O.T i think its sorted then ! lol;)

have a word with your magic bean fairy for x mas :yep::santa:

work with the xmas elves on a new line lol

us at 420 would sure appreciate :yahoo:

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  • 1 year later...

..........................Most worthy of a bump Mr layne

Many years ago an Old Grower, a very very Old Time Grower, the first of all true growers that ever were, climbed a very high mountain in the Garden of Eden. When he arrived at its peak he was so tired he fell asleep.

In his sleep he beheld the Lord Shiva ride down from heaven on the back of Vic Reeves, and cause a huge and resinous plant to grow over the sleeping grower to shade him from the sun.

Then a thousand nubile virgins gently ravaged the old grower in his sleep, until finally he awoke with a start! Alas! There were no virgins abounding, 'twas all a dream! He stayed sitting for a while (for it was hard), and then unfurling his hand he beheld seven seeds.

So he came down the mountain and started to grow the most potent Cannabis anywhere ever grown. Then one day he stumbled upon a strange land known as UK420, and the people of that land (being very wise and very smashed off of their tits like) immediatrely siezed him, and installed him as their Sage in Residence. To this day he sits upon a Golden throne in a secret area of the Modroom, guarded by mighty warriors of Zion, and guiding the hands of all, all that will learn in the sacred art of growing bloody good puff.

.................. lol

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  • 1 month later...

I made two lots of esb the first in 97 and the second from reselected males in 98. I gave them away mainly to charity auctions but also friends. About 3000 in the first lot and 7000 in the second lot. It was/has and still is being grown all over the world, several seed makers have somehow obtained stock, whether pure or hacks I don’t know, they have made crosses with it including in Holland.

Depending on what its crossed with will depend on what the cross is like, they won’t be esb even if this is what they call them, they will carry some of the blood line though, so may have some of its traits, who knows, they may even be better.

Finally, no I’m not going to remake esb even though I still have the original gene lines, ie I have been there and done it. If I ever did make seeds again it would be to support this site and they would something new not reworked old ground.

If there was a chance OT1 would do a seed run I for 1 would pay over £100 for 10 beans of esb for sure. I remember smoking it in the past before i grew & what a delight it was n all . I appreciate its old ground & that it was said nearly 5 years ago but its a classic smoke/strain for me personally (and ties in with some great memories of my younger days) and one I would genuinely love to grow out if not just for nostalgia . I just wish I was growing when they 1st came round :puke:

I'll have to make do with oldtimes for now as thats the closest i have smoked anyway , cant wait to have a grow with oldtimes too as I've not done this one yet.

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I think the father plant for ESB has gone now dude.... lol

I can highly reccomend the Oldtimes though mate... :puke:

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