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Power Cut?


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In the event of a complete power cut; How long is just gonna be Too long, please? Ball park, obviously.


Dunno if a small (2' x 2' x 5'?) tent makes any odds? Extremely well insulated Grobe set up, anyway. NL Auto. Cut could come at Any stage, obviously. Just wondering if, with the light, especially, gone? Might we be talking half a day? A day? Or even just a couple of hours? (I appreciate that Auto's can be 'funny' about upsets ...)


Any, educated, guesses would be better than my own, complete, ignorance.


Thanks :)


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Do you mean how long until you get lifted with your plants into the back of a filthy luminous wagon?  .or until your plants give up on you? ...

I have power cuts far too often.. sometimes multiple in a day. sometimes they last a few minutes other times a few hours. 


I usually just twiddle my thumbs like a knob and get stoned with some black bin bags and plant pruning shears ready. a bicycle might help. 

If it's dark you can ride out into the night without a cape or mask of any kind. Take your mudguards, bottle holder and reflectors of (for extra velocity and haste). They will smell you travelling like the pied piper through the mucky London law abiding lands... 


HEED AXIOM'S WARNING... even if Northern lights don't smell too much..

no but really....  best to have XXL vacuum seal bags for any emergencies ready at all times.
It's not much extra insurance but certainly beats black bin bags. 


As for the plants' health.. few hours shouldn't bother normal photos much.. can't speak for autos myself.



Edited by Axiom
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1 hour ago, Axiom said:

I have power cuts far too often.. sometimes multiple in a day. sometimes they last a few minutes other times a few hours.


Best to have XXL vacuum seal bags for any emergencies ready at all times. It's not much extra insurance but certainly beats black bin bags.


I need to keep shit happy for up to six hours. That's our scheduled cuts.


Lost me, completely, on the bags. But, I'm distracted 😐


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Would a couple of decent rechargeable torches or camping lights do, to ensure that they were illuminated enough to feel that it was just a cloudy day? I'd expect so.

Alternatively, at the start of the power cut, you could turn off the lights manually and let them have darkness until they've had the normal night and then carry on with the light regime from that time?


Personally, I'd try to use rechargeable lights to avoid messing with my schedule.


I've read loads of people say it doesn't generally matter, if their light schedule is fucked with very occasionally for a matter of a few hours.


As I say though, personally, I'd try to use rechargeable lights during the blackout.

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57 minutes ago, MidgeSmith said:

I've read loads of people say it doesn't generally matter, if their light schedule is fucked with very occasionally for a matter of a few hours. As I say though, personally, I'd try to use rechargeable lights during the blackout.


Once again, for what ever reason, this fucking system has stopped alerting me, Midge! Dunno why. Sorry.


Anyway; Just on my last legs now, here. Winding right down, rather nicely. But, fuck, yeah! I'll have to run this concept past Major Tom, tomorrow. See what's out there 😎


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If you're worried about power cuts buy a UPS (uninterruptible power supply), even if it's just a small one to run the fan off and avoid any smells. 

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@Chal good question m8, i suppose they can withstand 24hrs no light , but for air supply ?? aaah that would be a issue

leave the door open ,, ??  all depends on where you grow is ???

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good if you have p.v. panels in a big thumper battery  .

 @MidgeSmith can u get me one off these rechargable llamps that go 12 hrs please lol my work one only goes 1/2 hr

when it was new ,

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1 minute ago, geogeo said:

 i suppose they can withstand 24hrs no light , but for air supply ??


😮 Fucking hell, Geo! If ye have a shred of substance, for that claim? I'll just sit the fuck back. Relax. And put the £600 Plus it'll save me towards my Cannabis Hardware set up!!! :notworthy:


Just need some word of substantiation, now 🙏


Meanwhile though, Air and Where? Could it be that I've blindly stumbled upon the luckiest break known to mortal man? In that; I have a fan, obviously. But, I was practically looking at sort of 'Passive' type venting, anyway.


The Where? Again, 'interestingly' Atypical. Tent's in a snug fitting, hellishly well insulated casing (Grobe). That sits in a small room that'll be kept at about 75F. (Multi fuel stoves aren't that exact a science)


About 02:00, I fuck off to bed. Stove starts to cool. By 10:00, especially when I open the doors, it can plummet to the 50's, in here. Till I crack, early afters, and shut the fucking doors and light that stove! That's, basically, what I have in mind as the tents Lights Out period. Somewhere in there.


(No. I haven't thought this out, like a special, military operation. Because, frankly? It gets hard to do that, when ye have a niggling fear ye've just spent over a year, and a heavenly sum; Only to be facing the brutal question of: Is this even fucking possible, here?!?' 😱 Fucking Horrible weight!)


Anyway ..... Hope, eh? :yep:


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Oh, yeah! Scheduled (Maintenance) cuts tend to be aimed at " 10:00 ~ 16:00 " Seldom take All that slot, thankfully! Four hours is probably more like it.


A full blown, Big One? Had one, last / this year? Big, Bad fucker! I think we'd just put That sort of shit down to a fucking Crop Failure! I mean, Over Nighter? We'd All be fucked! 😂


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1 minute ago, geogeo said:

@Chal i was meaning the light issue only , out in the wide world there is days, that the sun dosent shine 

its a monday

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2 minutes ago, geogeo said:

out in the wide world there is days, that the sun dosent shine 


Fucking Brilliant! :D

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32 minutes ago, geogeo said:

good if you have p.v. panels in a big thumper battery  .

 @MidgeSmith can u get me one off these rechargable llamps that go 12 hrs please lol my work one only goes 1/2 hr

when it was new ,

I'm not talking about grow lamps, I am talking about high lux flashlights and camping lights.

A car battery and a 10W light apparently lasts about 8 hours.


I know my super bright flashlight lasts about 10 hours on the medium setting. I reckon either of those would stop the plants thinking it is night for the 6 hours mentioned.  I didn't say 12 hours as far as I can see, that might be a bit of a stretch.


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