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The joys and hells of manicuring


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@Rufus Brown

ive literally just come across such tools online. Think it’s called “triminator”

Then someone’s invention but can’t name anything really due to possible site infringements. large.IMG_0151.jpeg.275ff91e92e1b5b789cbb0e070820db5.jpeglarge.IMG_0152.webp.ef90230d95b255940944602f1531620b.webp

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got some skunk no. 1  in veg currently. Not sexed yet but are not far off flowering now. Maybe 2 weeks max. Here’s hoping to a minimum trim required. 

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Mrs P asked for some trimming to do today, she plowed through about 9 oz of ghetto and enjoyed it, all i had to do was make a few cups of tea :skin_up:

Get a trimmer is my best advice, mine makes a fuckin mean quiche occasionally.



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13 hours ago, erbivore9 said:

All I need to do now is snip the buds off the stem and jar them up once ready, then I can process it a bud at a time when needed and because the leaves have protected the surface from agitation its like opening up a little sparkly present, which I would definitely prefer to grinding through endless leaves and ending up sore and sick of the sight of it.


This is the way.  


The only thing I do differently is I bag mine instead of putting it in jars, then I put it in the freezer for long term storage and sublimation.

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Personally...... Kit - spliffs, drink, comfy stool, 1 pair large comfy sharp kitchen scissors and one razor blade for scraping the scissors periodically when needed. Process - trim asap, leaves are proud/turgid and petioles snap easily. Scissors stay in my right hand, and this hand never touches the plant, use the scissors at a branch union as an extension if your fingers. No gloves as the only thing that toucheds the plant is the thumb and first 2 fingers of my left hand. You can tack off any resin build up these fingers easily using the razor blade to lift off any build up. The scissor hash is the trimmers reward and makes the endeavor well worth it.


I'd also personally take smaller bites of the apple than you have done in your image. Working a large art of the plant like that is something I find unwieldy and awkward. It might feel more productive, but its demoralising and more time consuming IMO.


For me this makes trimming far more enjoyable process. I've never been one that just fucking hates it like some folk and never though to turn to more aggressive methods or equip as  it seems counter productive to spend all that care and love growing only to obliterate in a trim machine of some sort. 


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17 hours ago, erbivore9 said:

I have given up on trimming, my neck just wont stand it so my solution is to buy big 5L jars and store it bush on (minus big fan leaves). All I need to do now is snip the buds off the stem and jar them up once ready, then I can process it a bud at a time when needed and because the leaves have protected the surface from agitation its like opening up a little sparkly present, which I would definitely prefer to grinding through endless leaves and ending up sore and sick of the sight of it.



:yep: I'm lazy and I'm only growing for me so it doesn't matter what it looks like, so I just chop the plant off at the stem when it's ready and dry it whole, with all the leaves on, then do what you do (with smaller jars lol I don't grow much), the dry leaves come off easily :) Much better than buggering about with scissors and getting your fingers all sticky lol

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31 minutes ago, BilgePump said:

I've just put the trimmer to work again, Modern slavery ftw innit .




This is always a good option if instructions are followed to the T lol If not, ructions will ensu with any slight upon the effort said slave put into the endeavour. If you're a perfectionist twat like me, trimming is less of an arseache lol


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@Cambium I've got a good un', shes a stickler for detail.

If she wasn't trimming she'd probably be doing embroidery or beadwork.


Ive actually had mates enquiring about borrowing her for her manicuring skills lol

They soon shut up when she quotes a zip a day wages though... I think thats fair personally lol



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22 minutes ago, BilgePump said:

They soon shut up when she quotes a zip a day wages though... I think thats fair personally lol

That's about what I was rewarded with for my patience when I used to trim for the guy I used to buy from lol


I was able to (wet)trim between 4 and 10 ounces in a day depending on how easy it was to manicure. 


I only dry trim nowadays and sometimes that's just before it goes into the grinder to be rolled into a joint ;)







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1 hour ago, Shumroom said:

I only dry trim nowadays

Same, well not me personally but y'know lol


On that note she's almost done so I'll be pissing around with dry sift later i suspect lol



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Done it for other people a few times and still waiting for payment from any of them so don't ask me lol


They say the Trimbags work but the material needs to be dry (too dry for many) if ya want it done in a few shakes 

As others have said tho, I think I'd rather take my time and prioritise quality over speed 

But I can do a 4ft sq 20oz or so grow in a day (with 90s rave and hardcore playing in the background)


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