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Brown Spots


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Just wondering if anyone can help to identify what might be the problem with these plants.


I have 14 plants on the go in my space all around 2-3 weeks old. I know I’ve over fed these slightly and caused some weird growth. But I also have 3 plants with these brown marks, whatever it is I’m hoping to stop it spreading to the others.









I’ve recently had thrips on some house plants, could that be it? I haven’t seen any live bugs or thrip poop on these though.


Any suggestions much appreciated!!

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@NormanNugget Thrips leave little white bite marks and trails, the little bastards are hard to spot but you will see them if you use a loupe or have good eyes.


It looks like necrosis cell damage so I'd guess its the rootzone, probably the feed imbalance has thrown them off and stopped nutrient uptake. Those leaves obviously won't get any better so you can get rid when they look buggered but as long as the new growth looks good after a pot up I wouldn't worry. Just keep in mind the damage is done and only look for 'new' problems if you know what I mean!


Welcome to that "difficult second album grow" where you start to question everything you learned already... don't sweat it though, maybe tone the light down a bit while they recover.

Edited by DeltaMelter
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Thanks man.


Plenty of new challenges with the second album I’m sure!


I’m way less worried than the first grow in general. After seeing how the experiment ‘mums’ recovered from all the poor care and torture I’m confident that the plants will bounce back from most things.


Just good to understand what’s going on.


They’ve been potted up so I’ll remove the damaged leaves and keep an eye out for any new developments.

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I have had similar in the past and it’s been over watering issues and/or too wet or dodgy soil during a pot up that causes some sort of rooting issues. Usually found letting them dry back a bit more and then watering and feeding a little more delicately for a wee while has sorted it so nice to have some more science based horticultural terms from @DeltaMelter to google the hell out of later. 

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High humidity/moisture on leaves during lights on can cause this too for the record.


I'd just whip those leaves with necrotic bits on em off and crack on :yep:



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