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Powdery mildew


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Hey guys. Some help needed if possible. 3rd week veg plants overall looking perfect although today noticed some powdery mildew spots on older growth not bad atall at the moment but trying to tackle asap to prevent worsening. never seen or dealt with it in all the years of growing (not sure what’s caused it to happen) anyway just wondering best method of attack!!  I’ve removed all the affected leaves and planning to tackle over weekend. Any advice much appreciated. Thanks 

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Im strictly outdoors and i tackle it by using a spray bottle of  Richard Jacksons  Bug & Mildew ...... literally stops it in its tracks 👍


Unsure on how it would play indoors but see no reason why it wont work.          


I have tried numerous methods & homebrew recipes over the years and wont swap from RJ's now ....very effective and seen zero adverse effects.  


I used it for years to great effect  ,  go direct to Richard Jacksons own site.     

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1 minute ago, OldFord said:

Im strictly outdoors and i tackle it by using a spray bottle of  Richard Jacksons  Bug & Mildew ...... literally stops it in its tracks 👍


Unsure on how it would play indoors but see no reason why it wont work.          


I have tried numerous methods & homebrew recipes over the years and wont swap from RJ's now ....very effective and seen zero adverse effects.  


I used it for years to great effect  ,  go direct to Richard Jacksons own site.     

Thanks for the advice mate. Yea I’m indoors. I’m in uk so not sure how delivery times will work with that. Will try hydro shop in morning and see if they have anything. Thinking to clean all tent with peroxide too. Hoping I can stop it on tracks like u say . There looking spot on at the moment don’t want to be battling with it throughout flower 😬😬

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