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Finishing off


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I'm 8.5 weeks into flower and looking to try and finish this grow off asap as need a new boiler fitted so will have to tgake it all down and tidy up. I flipped on 21st July and had some issues with my filter being covered as discussed here.




All sorted now and good airflow, passive intake, 850 -900 lux at canopy, in mud and using grower's ark as usual. They look pretty sad but haven't had the ideal start. Starting to brown up a bit but still a good 3+ weeks away.




I've just fed for the last time with 1ml boost it and according to the chart should be reducing bloom to 3ml on Fridaythen flushing. Thing is this chart is very optimistic and my plants never finish at 7 weeks. Even not including the stretch as I feed grow nutes until they stop growing then start at week one. as per the guide. Should I keep going with 4ml bloom, 1ml xtra for a while until the calyxes start swelling and they brown up more?




First grow with AC infinty gear all set up so conditions are spot on. Been 27C 55% humidity lights on and got heaters on a timer to keep them 26C 55% humidity lights off. Should I have a bigger gap in temps between lights on and lights off? They're citrus seeds from the site and smell lush. Should fatten up next few weeks.


Should I keep it as it is for a bit and reduce humidity to 50% and reduce lux levels nearer the chop? Want it finished asap to get the boiler sorted and not have to worry about taking everything down again for a good while. Any advice much appreciated.

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They look like they've still got a few weeks to go yet mate , if it was me i wouldn't be thinking about tailing things off for at least a fortnight maybe even longer.


Also give her a tidy up and get those necrotic leaves off yer buds, last thing you want is a load of rot last knockings bro.



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If your giving them 4ml bloom more wont help,max i went was 3ml bloom 1ml grow with bio bizz nutes.

How much grow do you put in and what nutes?

Do you check temp of water you give them? Since your day/night temps are point on id bet on feeding issue? That purple leaf on pic 4, looks either cold or overfeeding with bloom or some lockout,hence i ask  about water temp?

E2a how strong is lamp and how far is it?

Edited by Herbal Kint
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13 hours ago, screrg said:

I'm 8.5 weeks into flower

But you say you just fed last boost,

isn’t that end of week 6 on the feed chart you included?



It’s genetics that are the main factor for finishing time :thumsup:







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12 hours ago, BilgePump said:

They look like they've still got a few weeks to go yet mate , if it was me i wouldn't be thinking about tailing things off for at least a fortnight maybe even longer.


Also give her a tidy up and get those necrotic leaves off yer buds, last thing you want is a load of rot last knockings bro.



Aye, more than 2 weeks, 4 at least. Will tidy her up tonight. I've been away and she's not been looked after properly. Thing that I think hasn't helped at all was the thick cover that was over the filter all the way through until about 4 weeks ago. That caused no neg pressure and vbery little if any fresh airflow going through.


Question I really was wanting some ideas on was what to feed from here on in. The chart says to reduce bloom feed to 3ml and increase extra traces to 2ml but that's based on the planbt being a week away from being done. Think I'll continue with 4ml bloom and 1 ml extra traces and see how she goes.


11 hours ago, Herbal Kint said:

If your giving them 4ml bloom more wont help,max i went was 3ml bloom 1ml grow with bio bizz nutes.

How much grow do you put in and what nutes?

Do you check temp of water you give them? Since your day/night temps are point on id bet on feeding issue? That purple leaf on pic 4, looks either cold or overfeeding with bloom or some lockout,hence i ask  about water temp?

E2a how strong is lamp and how far is it?



I folllow the chart in the OP using grower's ark nutres and it's always been on point. Just this grow has been beset by a poor job of paying them as much attetnion as I should've and the issue with the cover on the filter being too thick and not allowing any airflow or neg pressure for weeks and weeks. These had the same feeding pattern and concentrations but were looked after better and had no equipment issues. About the same age as the one in the OP.







Lamp is a migro array 20" above canopy with lux 850-900.


When I feed I usually use warm water but the boiler gave up this summer so been doing it cold from the tap. You reckon using tepid water to feed will help?


11 hours ago, Shumroom said:


Edited by screrg
Accidently posted early
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11 hours ago, Shumroom said:

But you say you just fed last boost,

isn’t that end of week 6 on the feed chart you included?



It’s genetics that are the main factor for finishing time :thumsup:




I fed for 2.5 weeks with grow nutes through the stretch so didn't include that in the bloom feed numbers. 2.5 weeks grow nutes then start from week one on the chart in the OP so up to week 8.5 now. Question is that the chart above is based on finishing flowering in 8/9 weeks but it often takes longer than that so what to feed from here until they look about a week away? Can't see that reducing thebloom feed will help as trhey've got a canny way to go yet so planning on trying 4ml bloom and 1ml xtra for another couple of weeks and hopefully see them browning up and nearing the end.


I've had a stern word with meself and will be a much more devoted, doting father next time as this one would've been taken into social services by now 😔😅







11 hours ago, Shumroom said:




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