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Auto temps


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Hi all....

Just getting set up for my first grow. I'll be growing a single auto flower in a 2x2 tent. Iv got everything thing set up and running so I could make sure the environment will be just right ... I placed X2 hygro thermometers in the tent and have conflicted readings .... One is in out type brought from a grow shop and reading 69 out, 65.8 in with 50% RH and the other is one from my snake tank reading 75.6 with 45% RH both placed in the same position in the tent .  So my question is , which one of these would you go off if it was you? With it been my first one I might be slightly over thinking things but just want to get everything right for my debut. 

Thanks in advance 👌🏻

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I once hung FOUR of the things, side by side on an internal line. Yeah? Each one a different type / brand. Four slightly different readings!


There's a Range though, isn't there? I mean; If all weed Had To exist in a single degree F.? It couldn't live, could it? There's no Ink Bird, governing the sun in Afghanistan.


I'd go with a rough average. Best we can do with the shit we have available. Wonder how anyone would get on, if they hung an old, mercury glass in their tent, for comparison?


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1 hour ago, Chal said:

I once hung FOUR of the things, side by side on an internal line. Yeah? Each one a different type / brand. Four slightly different readings!


Same,was trying to get accurate RH reading and gave up after that lol

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As said you could take an average between them but auto's like it warm, we're talking around 28C so roughly 82.5F if that's what you prefer to work in.

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