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new house coco run - from week


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Hi growers, I haven't been around for a while as been moving house, decorating and all that jazz but Ive fnally got the little veg tent set up.

I have 3 Triton Bisscotto lime clones in week 3 of veg from the old gaff settling in to their new home.

They went into 3L pots last week and I'll pot up into final 7L (deep rose pots.) in the coming week. proved they have rooted out the 3L


Since swapping from soil to coco a few runs back, I have been suffering with a calcium and mg deficiency early on but that seems resolve itself as they grow bigger.

Ive managed growing without calmag, only  using epsom salt solution to correct my water cal :mg ratio to appox 3:1 but this run Ive decided to give calmag a try.

They are currently in the small 60x60 veg tent under 65w led.  I need to pull my finger out and get the 120x60 flower tent tent set up-growing in the loft as usual 

using shogun neuts with some essentials calmag, silicone and pk/14 - not used silicone, PK boosters before before so thought I would give them a try - nothing ventured, nothing gained.


Need to mention - these clones are all from a mutant variegated donor , hence they look a lot worse than they actually are (grown these for the last year, so know what to expect.


They grow out of it during veg but it does , did get me flapping when It first showed.



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Good luck with the clones. Sounds like you have things covered. No harm in using those nutes u mentioned. Never used Shogun before but heard good things about them.


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Cheers @MistYGr33n been using shogun for nearly a year and not had any complainants apart from the calcium def early doors .

I may need to buffer the already buffered coco or maybe throw in a handfull of dolomite lime ????? 


never used the essentials stuff but it was cheap (possibly for a reason.) so worth a punt - only grown with coco A+B with no extras so hopefully I'll see an improvement.

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Coco will buffer itself anyway being ph neutral. Even if you add acidic nutes it will buffer out over time. Just checked my bag, it’s canna natural. Does the same thing as canna professional though imo.

Cant hurt to add a few trace elements into the mix if you think the girls need it. I use trace elements early on because I don’t use full strength feed so I have to make the traces back up. Maybe that’s the case for you? I’m not clued up on shogun feed charts so can’t comment but as you say there a good brand. 


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Only just seen the picture now. It didn’t display before.

Folk are gonna come on and say they need feeding though. Seen a topic not too long ago with the same yellowing at the top of the plant. I’m no expert on deficiencies but I can see brown spots. What strength feed are they getting from the AB?



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7 hours ago, MistYGr33n said:

Only just seen the picture now. It didn’t display before.

Folk are gonna come on and say they need feeding though. Seen a topic not too long ago with the same yellowing at the top of the plant. I’m no expert on deficiencies but I can see brown spots. What strength feed are they getting from the AB?



They are only on 1.3 EC


!ml of A+B and 2ml Of seaweed + 1ml calmag + my tap water (0.3EC) = 1.3 total 

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I hope the move wasn't too stressful  :thumsup:


Did you rehydrate the coco with a weak nutrient solution? 


I still haven't tried my coco blocks yet, 

but I'm a fan of the Jiffy pro7 50l bags :)


Following along. 







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23 hours ago, Shumroom said:

I hope the move wasn't too stressful  :thumsup:


Did you rehydrate the coco with a weak nutrient solution? 


I still haven't tried my coco blocks yet, 

but I'm a fan of the Jiffy pro7 50l bags :)


Following along. 







Altight Mush, It was bad enough but we've downsized and now have get  rid of a load of stuff.


I re-hydrated with a weak EC 1.0 solution that had A,B and epsom (didn't have my calmg then.


I might be totally wrong but didn't you have bother at the start using coco - my memory is sketchy. but buffering springs to mind.???????


@MistYGr33ngot me thinking  - I also start on 1/2 strength at start - maybe shogun is on the weaker side and you need the full amount.


On the last run , the TBL got up to 2.0 EC as per instructions  and never batted an eyelid.



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my first experience with coco was using stuff that was sold as reptile bedding lol


So not exactly buffered lol


It was fine once I just bought a bag of coco :)







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balls just noticed the title - should have been "week 3" 


Anyway here are the stats for beginning of week 4 

light -18/6 - 65W full spect

temps - 28/21

increased feed from EC 1.3 to 1.5 ph=6..1

Feed mix = 1.5ml A+B, 2ml cakmag, 2ml seweed per Litre



Ive found  that I dont need to water to run off , not until finals are fully rooted at end of veg flip - Im watering till runoff once a week just to get rid of any built up neuts.

when I watered previously, I watered daily till runoff occurred as its supposed to have the ideal water/air ratio and to avoid salt build up but for me that gave very slow root growth.

Changed to watering only when coco went dry like wet to dry as you do in soil and it gave much better results. during veg.


Also need to sort out some insulation (duvet) for the tent as its getting a little cool overnight.


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1.5ml seems low. Shoguns online calc has week 3 and 4 at 2.6ml and 3.2ml for standard and heavy feeding.  


Agree about cycling the coco back and forth between wet and dry. I found growth came to a standstill when smaller plants were watered to run off and fully saturated.  

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 14/09/2024 at 23:59, RUFUS HOUND said:

got me thinking  - I also start on 1/2 strength at start - maybe shogun is on the weaker side and you need the full amount.

I've been using Shogun for a few runs now and you're right, full strength is required. I generally don't get any problems at 1.3 ec ll the way through. The pk boosters Shogun produce are strong and to be honest I haven't seen any noticable difference apart from in my pocket lol. Obviously I'm not saying that are useless I'm just saying I've not noticed a difference versus upping the a+b to 1.6 in weeks 5+6.

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