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Seed stretching...

Blunt Warrior

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I am trying to wrap up grow 1.5 and wanted to start a couple of seeds to go into the grow space.


I had the smart idea of starting them whilst I was away for a week; but the light failed...are these in any way salvageable or do I need to pop another 2?



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You could save them by repotting and burying the stretched stems under the soil, but it would mean using quite a deep pot and it's likely you'll damage them. As others have said if they're nothing too special/rare/expensive I'd probably just bin them, or at least start some more while I try and save these and maybe do them next run. 

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Well whatever the OP chooses to do to salvage the situation, at least it's a good lesson for all of us how long seedlings could potentially go when they pop under prolonged darkness... Sometimes I germ seeds in darkness, I use my tent and if there's nothing currently growing I don't turn the light on until they sprout, unless it's the HPS/MH providing heat.  THis means it could be the next day, or a full night then full day.

I've sometimes idly wondered what would happen if I left it a looong time or if I didn't notice one, how much energy/stamina the little raw seedling has before it runs out of puff... Seems like the little troopers can go quite a way before hitting daylight lol

Edited by Jimmeh
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Coil up stalk and re pot as above. 


Then start some other seeds just in case. 


Depends how much you think of the genetics. 


But the plant will do everything it can to stay alive so maybe give it a try with some back ups on hand

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"Just a babe, in a black abyss

No reason for a place like this

The walls are cold and souls cry out in pain,

An easy way for the blind to go

A clever path for the fools who know

The secret of the hangman

The smile on his lips


The light of the blind, you'll see

The venom tears my spine

The eyes of the Nile are opening you'll see"

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Just remembered that some boffins actually figured out how to grow plants without any light at all by supplementing the roots with photosynthetic metabolites. Crazy stuff. This is a long watch, one for the nerds..





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Thanks one and all…no special genetics, this is only grow number 2 and I am still very much effing it up as I go along 😂


Ill play about with these as a bit of an experiment but not pinning my life on them!

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As others have said put them in deep pots and if it was me I'd only water from the bottom, i.e. the tray they sit in, and don't look to dampen the whole substrate otherwise the stems may rot.

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